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Bomber may have hit US vehicle with inside help


Mar 13, 2009
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Bomber may have hit US vehicle with help: Official

Thursday, 04 Feb, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Suspicion intensified Thursday that a suicide car bomber who killed three US soldiers training Pakistani troops along the Afghan border had inside information on their movements.

If confirmed that Wednesday's suicide attack was aimed at the Americans, it would indicate an increased sophistication in militant tactics, as well as potential infiltration of extremists in Pakistani security forces.

The attack on US forces occurred in Lower Dir, a northwest district believed to be a crossroads for al-Qaida and the Taliban. The blast also killed three schoolgirls and a Pakistani paramilitary soldier. Two more US soldiers were among dozens wounded.

Police official Naeem Khan said Thursday that authorities were investigating whether the suicide bomber knew the soldiers would be passing through Shahi Koto town and which vehicle to target in the five-car convoy, which also included Pakistani troops.

Such convoys usually include green military vehicles carrying armed troops who are clearly visible. The Pakistani forces could also have been the target as they have frequently been over the past several years.

"We launched a massive search in the area yesterday, and now about 35 suspects are in our custody, and we are questioning them in an effort to trace those who orchestrated the suicide attack," Khan said.

"God willing, we will capture those responsible for this carnage." Local resident Gohar Khan said he saw a small car attack the convoy.

''As soon as the convoy appeared it rushed to that place and exploded,'' he told The Associated Press.
The soldiers killed were part of a small group of American troops training members of Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps.

Training local forces is considered an important way to reduce the threat of militants using Pakistani soil as a staging ground for attacks on Western troops in Afghanistan, especially since Pakistan does not allow US combat troops on its territory.

The soldiers' deaths were the first known US military fatalities in nearly three years in Pakistan's Afghan border region. -AP

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Bomber may have hit US vehicle with help: Official
ISLAMABAD: Suspicion intensified Thursday that a suicide car bomber who killed three US soldiers training Pakistani troops along the Afghan border had inside information on their movements.

If confirmed that Wednesday's suicide attack was aimed at the Americans, it would indicate an increased sophistication in militant tactics, as well as potential infiltration of extremists in Pakistani security forces.

There is an insanly huge figure of attacks on Allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, following the above comment it should be considered that majority of the Allied forces are working for terrorists.

Also it means that America itself then should be held responsible for 9/11 attacks.
wow if such little attacks can be insider job then how can 9/11 and 26/11 not be.:hitwall:
The way the media has reported this is downright sleightful. First we were led to believe they were US Aid workers, then soldiers overseeing the opening of a new school, now reports are coming through that they were part of a 100-man team of US special forces training the FC.

First, why on earth do we need US forces on our soil commemorating the opening of a school? It doesn't make sense.

If i had to wager a guess I would say they are part of the intelligence gathering community working who got caught offguard by some watchful eyes.
The way the media has reported this is downright sleightful. First we were led to believe they were US Aid workers, then soldiers overseeing the opening of a new school, now reports are coming through that they were part of a 100-man team of US special forces training the FC.

First, why on earth do we need US forces on our soil commemorating the opening of a school? It doesn't make sense.

If i had to wager a guess I would say they are part of the intelligence gathering community working who got caught offguard by some watchful eyes.

Blame Islamabad for being the slave of Washington. Islamabad is a conglomerate run by a bunch of bribe aid worshippers. These aid worshippers are willing to go to any extent. That includes handing over their citizens in exchange for dollars. That also includes cooperating with US drone attacks in exchange for bribe aid dollars. Why should we be suddenly surprised that Islamabad has been lying about everything from day one? I consider Islamabad an even graver threat to the security of Pakistan and NWFP in particular than the US or anyone else. When you have a snake in your own house it's needless to point fingers at others.
Why should we be nastily surprised that Islamabad has been lying about everything from day one?

Yet you still vociferously conclude that Taliban is a US product? :rolleyes:

The Americans created the monster of Taliban in the first place. Stop denying the root cause.

Your mind is in a state of chaos my friend.
Yet you still vociferously conclude that Taliban is a US product? :rolleyes:

Your mind is in a state of chaos my friend.

The solution to the problems created by slave Islamabad and master US in NWFP can be solved by gaining independence. You're allied with slave Islamabad. I don't expect anything positive coming out of your hole. I support an independent state Pakhtunkhwa. We demand our right for self rule! Slaves in Islamabad will never deliver peace and prosperity. Slaves in Islamabad will only deliver more corpses and misery.
The solution to the problems created by slave Islamabad and master US in NWFP can be solved by gaining independence. You're allied with slave Islamabad. I don't expect anything positive coming out of your hole. I support an independent state Pakhtunkhwa. We demand our right for self rule! Slaves in Islamabad will never deliver peace and prosperity.

Your dreams of Pakhtunkhwa is causing almost the same amount of terrorism as the Taliban.
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Your dreams of Pakhtunkhwa is causing more terrorism than anything.

BS. We need independence from tyranny unleashed from Islamabad on the orders of higher authority Washington. Had Islamabad not sided with US evil designs to create Mujahideen and unleash terror in NWFP things would have been very different today. For far too long has NWFP been made the scapegoat in the illegitimate WoT. It's time to unleash from the shackles of tyranny imposed by slave Islamabad and master US. The slave master relationship between Washington and Islamabad isn't ending any time soon. Might as well seek for independence which will at least bring about some order and peace.
BS. We need independence from tyranny unleashed from Islamabad on the orders of higher authority Washington. Had Islamabad not sided with US evil designs to create Mujahideen and unleash terror in NWFP things would have been very different today. For far too long has NWFP been made the scapegoat in the illegitimate WoT. It's time to unleash from the shackles of tyranny imposed by slave Islamabad and master US. The slave master relationship between Washington and Islamabad isn't ending any time soon. Might as well seek for independence.

I don't agree that it was evil of the U.S. to aid Mujahideen. No one created these people, from far and wide the world was ready to battle Soviet expansion and Afghanistan along with surrounding nations had a lot of manpower willing to fight this war. U.S. was a facilitator. Islamabad went rogue and created the Talib for selfish gains that never came. Your grievances are not illegitimate but your solution would be a disaster to the whole region. This area was allowed to govern itself quite independently for the entirety of its history of Pakistan, not only did you have federal representation, NWFP had its own Islamic courts and tribal councils and everything from top to bottom was fine and dandy. First grateful to Islamabad and now that the party is over, full fledged sovereignty to shelter your Talibs and TTP. I'm sorry but it doesn't make any sense.
Well i was waiting when such news comes up. Anyway.

Do remember the initial reports which said that the US personnel were going in an armored vehicle. Pakistan or FC don't use armored vehicles, so if they were moving in an armored vehicle, it would have been very easily distinguishable, and militants would have known someone important is moving.

Just as when the Americans move in Peshawar, they can easily be spotted due to their armored SUVs, being unique.

Plus, when the school was being rebuilt, who would be going to inaugurate is easily available info to the locals as they have to prepare it in advance.

The americans may not have been advertised to be coming, but with the knowledge that someone important will be coming, the militants may have prepared for an attack already and by chance they got the americans as their vehicle may have been different then the others.

Whatever the case it would be, hope the govt takes cares next time and if there is any inside help, the mole or moles are identified and made to pay.
I don't agree that it was evil of the U.S. to aid Mujahideen. No one created these people, from far and wide the world was ready to battle Soviet expansion and Afghanistan along with surrounding nations had a lot of manpower willing to fight this war. U.S. was a facilitator. Islamabad went rogue and created the Talib for selfish gains that never came. Your grievances are not illegitimate but your solution would be a disaster to the whole region. This area was allowed to govern itself quite independently for the entirety of its history of Pakistan, not only did you have federal representation, NWFP had its own Islamic courts and tribal councils and everything from top to bottom was fine and dandy. First grateful to Islamabad and now that the party is over, full fledged sovereignty to shelter your Talibs and TTP. I'm sorry but it doesn't make any sense.

Islamabad used NWFP soil to train, arm and feed terror with the help of CIA. That's enough indication for me as far as US evil intent is concerned. Islamabad is complicit because they facilitated US warmongers with a platform to create Jihadist loonies on our soil. Don't take false credit for Islamic courts and tribal councils as this is our own matter. Something we achieved on our own. Had it been for Islamabad, NWFP too would have suffered an even worse fate. Your beloved Islamabad created the Taliban and TTP thugs and unleashed them on our soil. You're the main culprit and sponsor of Taliban along with your master US. We're not going to bow before tyranny. It makes perfect sense to claim fully-fledged independence. We've been the victims all along in this struggle. Today, we're being blamed for evil committed by others. Who's facing indiscriminate suicide attacks? Who's facing indiscriminate missile attacks? You? Whose families are dying? Islamabad has sided with the Americans in order to kill their own people.
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I support an independent state Pakhtunkhwa. We demand our right for self rule! Slaves in Islamabad will never deliver peace and prosperity. Slaves in Islamabad will only deliver more corpses and misery.

So that you can caress the bottoms of girls in name of whipping them.

I see you have no compassion for the 100 children who got life long traumas to face for the sake of killing 3 US Soldiers whose only fault was to help your FC.

Good to know that you don't believe in Pakistan anymore.

So that you can caress the bottoms of girls in name of whipping them.

I see you have no compassion for the 100 children who got life long traumas to face for the sake of killing 3 US Soldiers whose only fault was to help your FC.

Good to know that you don't believe in Pakistan anymore.


Look who's here... Talking about the devil.

Had your beloved Americans not created the menace of Taliban my people wouldn't be suffering this fate in the first place! It's exactly the evil and crooked governments like yours that support dictators which oppress their own people. You lend them moral and financial support for your petty interests. You don't care about democracy or the fate of these lashed girls! You only use that as a pretext to further your own malicious cause. So stop showing crocodile tears you colonialist. When you don't require the services of your petty dictators you ditch them and invade their countries. You unleash terror upon the innocent people in those foreign lands. You bomb them, rape them and humiliate them. So before handing me any lectures about morality just think about that colonialist. You and your government are the main sponsor of Taliban!

We don't need your freaking help! Get the hell out of our land you sick invader!

I do care about girls being whipped. I care and that's the sole reason why I'm taking part in this discussion. I care that my people are today being oppressed due to the past failures of slave Islamabad and master US. I hate the Taliban, but I hate you even more. You're the reason why the Taliban are here.

True, I don't believe in Pakistan which is run by corrupt sold out morons that take their orders from outsiders such as Washington. Would you believe in your British government if it took orders from Washington? Would you support the British government if it joined hands with Washington to kill innocent British people by drone attacks?! It's very easy for you to be judgemental and throw one liners when you're not the one that's suffering. It's easy for you to just talk sitting warm and comfy in Britain. You're a hypocrite that only knows how to talk.

PS. You're an Indian in disguise so please be man enough to expose yourself. Weak and pathetic Indian hiding behind British flags.
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The solution to the problems created by slave Islamabad and master US in NWFP can be solved by gaining independence. You're allied with slave Islamabad. I don't expect anything positive coming out of your hole. I support an independent state Pakhtunkhwa. We demand our right for self rule! Slaves in Islamabad will never deliver peace and prosperity. Slaves in Islamabad will only deliver more corpses and misery.

Pakistan is the dream of millions of people, how easily you are also willing to abandon it and then you blame those sitting in Islamabad as slaves.
You are willing to abandon your country to these slaves so what should this be called?

My friend, Pakistan will rise above this all in 2 decades if the majority is even remotely serious in working towards its betterment.
Do not give in to such negative emotions and do your best to make Pakistan strong.
We are 20 Million strong nation, do you care to imagine what potential lies with so many people who have many diverse talents?

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