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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

who is responsible for this attack? Any information on this?

I don't think anyone's taken any responsibility for this hideous act so far. From what we already know, the attackers were aged 17 and 22 and their heads have been recovered from ground-zero.
Time to change School education syllabus ASAP.
Pakistan can remain Islamic and teach Secularism to new generation at the same time, no big deal or contradiction.
Your are a majority of same religion nation, Secularism taught in Pakistan will be more effective than India. A unstable nation can not even sustain its Identity i.e. Islamic in case of Pakistan, people should understand (those who are spreading hate for so called non believers.
I am afraid they are using kashmiri model of terrorism in Pakistan.
Time to change School education syllabus ASAP.
Pakistan can remain Islamic and teach Secularism to new generation at the same time, no big deal or contradiction.
Your are a majority of same religion nation, Secularism taught in Pakistan will be more effective than India. A unstable nation can not even sustain its Identity i.e. Islamic in case of Pakistan, people should understand (those who are spreading hate for so called non believers.
I am afraid they are using kashmiri model of terrorism in Pakistan.

And what do you know about our school syllabus? Have you studied in Pakistan?

The major subjects in Pakistan are compromised of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Social-Studies, History, Biology, Urdu, English and Islamiyat (Islamic Education). One subject on Islam isn't the problem here. The problem is that you're confusing conventional education with religious education. You're putting up a question without knowing what you're asking.

I am afraid they are using kashmiri model of terrorism in Pakistan.

I'd be afraid too if I didn't know what I was talking about. Do your research and come back later.
May Allah give strength to the family members of the deceased. This is not a thread to start argument on Pakistan school syllabus but I just want to direct you to the link below for a well researched article on the subject of Pakistani school syllabus. Thanks

Link1: - Dr.Tariq Rahman Official web Page

Read article 17. Images of Others in Pakistani Textbooks

And what do you know about our school syllabus? Have you studied in Pakistan?

The major subjects in Pakistan are compromised of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Social-Studies, History, Biology, Urdu, English and Islamiyat (Islamic Education). One subject on Islam isn't the problem here. The problem is that you're confusing conventional education with religious education. You're putting up a question without knowing what you're asking.

I'd be afraid too if I didn't know what I was talking about. Do your research and come back later.
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Ya'Allah rehem. In bad-bakht zaalmon ko neki ki hadayat farma.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Lillah!

Wahabism MUST be stopped!

These Wahabi-Taliban followers are following the ideology of Satan... They are the enemies of Islam and the Muslims!

No it's just a matter of being brainwashed at the hands of extremist clerics who spew out hatred and instil these youngsters with a penchant for some sort of violent offence.
I'm not quite positive if I understand this. If there was education, won't the people be smarter and not be brainwashed?
Codolences to the victims, I had heard stories in folk lore about the place so obviously its a shock ....

And these are the same people who mock the gov for carrying out operations to clear out lal mosque , yet its complelety fine for them to blow up prayer making people

Tragic ...

I said it before either send in 100,000 troops into Afghanistan and clear out all elements of terror with us 80,000 troops and make afghanistan a province or just fence the whole border
I don't know that you can just make Afghanistan a province of Pakistan. I mean, many Afghanis will oppose that, as will many nations.
When does it stop? HOW can it stop? Does anyone have the guts to tell these terrorists that it's better to be a Martian than the kind of religious nut they are, and teach their own children the same thing?
I think Pakistanis need to learn the hard truth ie
You reap what you sow.We used Arab money and built terror organizations which we thought would be a asset against India (instead of investing more on education and improving our economy which would have been greatest asset against India in reality )but it is biting their own masters now - You cant trust snakes.There is no one to blame except us.
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When does it stop? HOW can it stop? Does anyone have the guts to tell these terrorists that it's better to be a Martian than the kind of religious nut they are, and teach their own children the same thing?

Well What I want to see is the greatest armed covert operation in the province of punjab ever, so righteous and unforgiving that people remember it for centuries. I want to see all the hate mongering mullahs and all their political chieftains hanging in the streets by the lamp posts for the crows to feast upon, while the entire nation celebrates the comprehensive culmination of this plague from our country. Even if thats only a dream...They will be acquired by judiciary.They should be kidnapped or killed and then hanged on lamp post or get them and cut their private parts and ship it to their organization hq.
Here's what pti supporters at siasat.pk has to say about this

Forum Admin
Surely no muslim can do this heinous crime. Definately some other motive behind this.
Dont know what to say anymore. Who is on the right and who is wrong? If you think about suiciders, what makes them do that at first place? If they have some griefs, why dont they take on rulers? Nobody gonna say anything. But why only common people are been targeted? Target should be those who are ruling the country and making decisions. If you talk about the government, they do not have a single justification to be in the government. How long will people of Pakistan wait? When will they take situation in their own hand? I am waiting for that moment.
1000000000% ahmadees did it..only a non muslim enemy of islam will such a horrible act.ahmadis are responsible..this sick cult was created by the british ******** against islam..
and yet people want to vote PTI to federal level.

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