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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

Its very sad and unfortunate incident and a cowardly act......loss of words to describe it

In-Sha Allah...Hope that the people of Pakistan overcome and prevail over these perpetrator of terror soon.

Again innocent, unsuspecting lives ended and lives of their family members destroyed.
R.I.P. all the departed souls and prayers that their families find strength to overcome their loss.
Yes it brings to mind the recent horrible and cowardly attack on lahore ahmedi mosque. Killing their own muslim brothers while praying, what sort of paradise these fanatics are looking for?


"A Muslim is the one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe"

So please guys, stop calling them Muslims, see the reality yourself
☪☪☪☪;969059 said:
Pakistan will get out of the mess - Pakistan has been in far deeper mess and got out so to speak.The great mufti muneeb has blamed this attack on drone attacks and CIA and America.

I was sure this had to be the USA fault some way or the other, can you explain how attacking a Shrine fixs that.
LAHORE: Pakistanis lashed out Friday at the US, blaming its alliance with their government and its presence in Afghanistan for spurring two suicide bombers to kill 41 people at the country's most important shrine.

The reactions showed the challenge facing Washington and the Pakistani government when it comes to rallying public support against the extremism that has scarred the South Asian nation, even after an audacious attack.

On Friday, few Pakistanis interviewed saw militants at the root of the problem.

''America is killing Muslims in Afghanistan and in our tribal areas (with missile strikes), and militants are attacking Pakistan to express anger against the government for supporting America,'' said Zahid Umar, 25, who frequently visits the shrine.

Pakistanis are suffering because of American policies and aggression in the region, said Mohammed Asif, 34, who runs an auto workshop in Lahore. He and others said the attacks would end if the US would pull out of Afghanistan.

Washington ''is encouraging Indians and Jews to carry out attacks'' in Pakistan, said Arifa Moen, 32, a teacher in the central city of Multan.

Pakistani officials condemned the bombings, using language they have frequently used to try to convince the population that the fight against militancy is not one they can ignore.

''Those who still pretend that we are not a nation at war are complicit in these deaths,'' said Farahnaz Ispahani, a spokeswoman for Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

The US Embassy issued a statement Friday condemning the attack and saying it ''demonstrates the terrorists' blatant disregard for the lives of the Pakistani people and the future of this country.''

The targeted shrine is that of Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajveri, who lived hundreds of years ago and traveled throughout the region spreading a message of peace and love. He eventually settled in the Lahore area, and his shrine is the most revered and most popular of Sufi shrines in the nation.

Some recent attacks in Punjab have been blamed on the ''Punjabi Taliban.'' The group is a relatively new network of al-Qaida-linked militants who have split off from other local insurgent groups but also has ties to the Pakistani Taliban, which has its bases in the northwest tribal regions.

The suicide bombings have fueled anger against Pakistan's weak police forces, who appear helpless to stop the killings. In the hours after Thursday's bombings, demonstrators gathered outside the shrine to protest the security lapse, only to be dispersed after police fired into the air and threw rocks at them.

Senior Lahore government official Khusro Pervez said recent intelligence alerts about possible attacks lacked details.

''The intelligence agencies alerted us that terrorists could target prominent places, shrines and mosques in Lahore. They mentioned names of major places as a possible target, but no specific information was available to us,'' he said. – APDAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistanis blame US after shrine attack in Lahore

rip the dead..............
another 41 butchered , most probably the suciders were pakistani muslims as well .. Bigger question is will this draconian act make any diference to an average pakistani ??
another 41 butchered , most probably the suciders were pakistani muslims as well .. Bigger question is will this draconian act make any diference to an average pakistani ??

it can finish in a month ...if our political parties like JUI F and PML N etc decides that National Interest is more Important then petty Political interest.

and nation wakes up and take every supporter of terrorists as enemy of Pakistan weather it be any cousin, uncle or any 1
No AM, not a small matter at all. The subconscious impact these 'negative depictions' play have a huge impact not small. As these 'ímpressions' fed at an impressionable age last forever. Not to mention that these are fed by the govt , makes the matter even bigger, as its the same govt tasked with protecting these people 'negatively depicted'.
As I pointed out, the author himself negated the argument you are trying to make, in the first few lines of his article. You cannot merely cherry pick the parts you like to use as a stick to bash Pakistan with. The fact of the matter is that for the reasons mentioned the issues with the curriculum are minuscule in the scheme of things.
A matter of opinion may be, and surely not the place to get into a long discussion, but if you agree that the govt has to fight this civil war not only with guns but with ideas too, then they WILL have to fight it in classrooms too. Its war, not a small matter.
Fighting it in classrooms is part of the 'ideological war', but the evidence is far from convincing that the issues with the current curriculum are a problem in urgent need of rectification. The 'ideological war' is far more complex than changing a few lines in the history and social studies curriculum - if you expect some sort of tectonic ideological shift just from that then you are living in a fools paradise.

The attitudes and views picked up from parents, peers, Maulvi sahib giving Quran lessons in the evening at the mosque, what you see on the media - society in general essentially - likely makes a far bigger impact on a child than a few lines in the history/SS text that he may or may not pay attention to.

I can still distinctly remember my Quran sessions with the Maulvi at our local mosque in the evenings after school - not so much the Quran and Islam part, but the 'social lectures' he gave, about what was right and wrong etc. I still remember exchanges with my cousins and others on the issue of sects (which I have mentioned in the past). But I can recall little from history and SS class.

Again, you cannot just ignore the author's own observations on the extent of the role of 'textbooks' and the degree to which these supposed distortions exist:

"Textbooks are one out of many influences on a person’s world view. How significant the influence may be depends on many variables ¾ teachers, peer group pressure, family and friends, childhood experiences, exposure to discourses other than textbooks ¾ and cannot be easily determined. "
☪☪☪☪;969914 said:
Pakistanis will never learn their lesson i guess - Stupid idiots blaming it on America and Jews.Man these people are ******* retarded it makes me unpatriotic.

its a complex situation
yes foreign hand is there but there were internal reasons which enemy states are exploiting.

ask Pakistani elite were they stupid when they joined US and Saudi Jehad against sovets or the attrection of Dollars was more intense
Punjab won’t allow military operation in province: Sanaullah
LAHORE: The Punjab government will strongly oppose any ‘Rahe-e-Nijat style’ military operation against extremists in the province, Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said on Thursday. Read more

Till the time terrorists attack Raiwind :angel:

but will they let the terrorists grow bigger and bigger like the TTP?

Even bigger ! They want to capture the power in Pakistan similarly as they did in Afghanistan in the past through Taliban , my friend. Afghanistan did not have the nukes which effectively allowed overthrowing of Taliban. They do not want that to happen this time. They will have all of the Pakistan's warheads at their disposal. This is CODE RED.

How can you apply a FATA style military operation in an area where the militants are not openly attempting to control territory and impose themselves?

The Military is used in FATA and Swat because of the nature of the threat - the Taliban came out to openly cease control. In Punjab, so far, you might have some open 'camps', but even those can be easily addressed with a police/QRF siege. Are there Mountains, forests and remote areas in Punjab that are infested with militants who rule the roost and require constant military patrols and attacks?

The rest of the militants are blending in with some madrassa's, mosques etc. What is needed here is better intelligence and Law enforcement, not a military operation. And the same pretty much applies in places like Peshawar.
No one is to be blamed for such sad incident.. I think if something bad happens to us it's because of our own mistakes...
Like Allah says in quran that if something bad happens to you it's because of your own wrong doings.....

So I think if we are able to change ourselves individually then inshaAllh we'll be able to change the situation.... but if we'll continue our wrong doings then wait for more to come.....

Our society is based on lies. We lie daily with everyone with our parents with our friends with our customers, We beat others for small mistakes we have no habit of forgiving..... what else you expect for such a society??
Punjab needs convert armed operation - We need staged encounters.
☪☪☪☪;969944 said:
Punjab needs convert armed operation - We need staged encounters.

Such things will do nothing instead will create more and more law and order situation.....

We'll have to strengthen our intelligence, only then we can counter them.
This whole Muslim unity, brotherhood and dependence on each other has only hurt Pakistan and benefitted others. We go fight for those who would never fight for us in a thousand years. infact they have a very big hand in sponsoring and financing the groups that are killing our people inhumanely on a daily basis.

We need to realise that religion is a personal matter, it should not to be used for political gains. When your own faith is weak, how can you influence others. We have to wake up and realise that our own 'brothers' are those who are hell bent on destroying us.

Foreign hand does not matter if your own are ready to play in the hands of outsiders. There is no point in finger pointing, it is time to act and act decisevely. The Mullahs have to be harshly dealt with and this menace which was against Pakistan when it was created should completely removed from our lives.

Like Musharraf said in 2003

“We will have to work on our own to stave off the danger. Nobody will come to our rescue, not even the Islamic world. We will have to depend on our muscle.”
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