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Bomb blast and subsequent police firing to terrorize Muslims: Fact Finding report


Mar 24, 2006
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A fact finding committee was constituted by the organizations mentioned at the end of this report to collect facts about the bomb blast at Mecca Masjid on 18 May 2007 at Hyderabad and the subsequent police firing.

The committee visited the Mecca Masjid on 20 May 2007, enquired with the eye-witnesses to the occurrence in the Masjid and later with the injured at Owaisi Hospital and arrived at the following conclusions:

The committee strongly condemns the heinous act of bomb blast at Mecca Masjid killing five and injuring about 35 people.
The committee equally condemns the police firing on innocent people killing nine and injuring several others without any provocation.
The committee is of the opinion that the bomb blast at Mecca Masjid during the Friday prayers was aimed only at terrorizing Muslim people and to shatter their confidence.
The committee feels that the police firing was also aimed at terrorizing Muslim people and to crush even a small attempt of agitation from the Muslims.

The police firing was done at a place which is about 200 meters from the Masjid which show that the police were aiming at people who were proceeding towards Masjid or going away from the Masjid.

According to the version of the injured in the police firing, the firing was aimed at people who had no concern with the incident. One was fired at while he was proceeding towards his house by that side and another, 17-year-old boy was fired at while he was going into the Asra Hospital to donate his blood for one of his relatives. Yet another was fired at while he was trying to lift a fallen man due to bullet injuries. These are classic examples of how the police fired indiscriminately. According to the police version, which appeared in the press, they fired at the mob which was about to attack a petrol pump and a wine shop. In fact there were no signs of any attack. The petrol pump was closed on three sides with an opening the road on one side which is well-guarded. If the shutters of the wine shop were down, it will be easily protected. It is ridiculous for the police to claim that they had to kill nine people and injure about 25 people in order to save a petrol pump and a wine shop. It appears that the police value property more than human lives.

More condemnable than the above incident is the police opening fire into the Masjid putting the rifle on the iron rails of the Masjid from the road side. An eye witness to this ghastly behavior of police is none other than Mr. Mohammad Ghouse, a former corporator from that area. When the people were trying to rush out after the blast the police aimed its firing at such terror stricken people. The manner in which the police opened fire, one aiming inside the Masjid and the other firing indiscriminately from a place away from the Masjid show that the police aimed at terrorizing Muslims.

The police firing started after about an hour of the blast. People must have been by that time agitated and anxious to know about the condition of their relatives who had gone to offer prayers. The police did not warn them. Even if the mob had become uncontrolled, the police should have used rubber bullets. All the injuries are from bullets only. There are no traces of any injury of a rubber bullet which shows that the police simply fired at the mob. Till date there is no evidence of who gave the permission to open fire.

The government till date is not in a position to give the exact number of deaths due to bomb blast and police firing. According to information gathered by the committee, the deaths due to police firing are more than the deaths due to the bomb blast. This fact alone speaks volumes.

According to the version given by the police, the bomb blast is of the handiwork of two Islamic organizations which operate from outside India. In fact, the police has released a Muslim name who is said to be the mastermind of the blast. According to facts revealed by a medical officer of Asra Hospital who treated the injured, some nails, door hinges, and briefcase handle were removed from the bodies of the injured. This establishes that the bomb used in the blast was a crude one made with indigenous technology. The injuries received during the blast and the foreign objects recovered from the bodies of the injured do not establish any connection with either RDX or TNT. The naming of the two Islamic organizations as responsible for the blast without any acceptable clue reveal the mind of the investigating agency either to mislead the public or to divert their attention. By identifying the probable accused and the organizations without any preliminary evidence show the attempts of the police to close all other areas of suspicion. The investigating agency can come up with the names of the organizations which are responsible for the blast only after eliminating all other organizations which can be suspected in such crimes.

The committee feels that both the bomb blast and the subsequent police firing are aimed at terrorizing Muslims and trampling minimum agitation from that side.

The state government should take the responsibility for the whole incident. Even after the warnings by the central government about possible terrorist attacks in states including Andhra Pradesh, the police did not take any necessary precautions to guard sensitive places like places of worship. It seems there will be regular check at Mecca Masjid especially on Fridays by the concerned police. Surprisingly there was no regular check on that Friday. Sufficient force was also not deployed when about 10,000 people gathered at the time of prayers. It is unfortunate to know that the government is appreciating the police for controlling the situation instead of taking action against the police who are responsible either for the lapse regarding arrangements at the Masjid or for indiscriminate killing people without any provocation.

This is the first time in the history of Hyderabad city or the for the matter of India where a bomb blew up while thousands of people were offering prayers in a mosque. It is a very serious matter and of concern for all to know the persons responsible for it. No investigating agency can simply wash off its hands by naming some terrorist organization. When such incidents are likely to happen again, it is the duty of the investigating agency to clear all possible suspicions and arrive at a definite conclusion. Even after the lapse of four days no such traces are evident in the investigation. It is surprising to know that one more cellphone was recovered on 20 May 2007 from the pond of the Mosque. In such incidents there should be no let up from any side.

The committee makes the following demands:
The committee holds the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh morally responsible for the bomb blast and administratively responsible for the police firing. Hence the committee demands the resignation of the chief minister.
In addition to the indiscriminate firing by the police, there were innumerable lapses from the police side to protect the lives of innocent people. No responsible police officer is forthcoming to own up responsibility for the police firing. Hence the committee demands the immediate suspension of the Director General of Police and other high officers who had immediately rushed to the place of incident and were responsible for the firing. Prosecution should be launched against those policemen who opened fire at innocent people either killing them or causing injuries. The investigation should be immediately handed over to CBI.

The Organizations which participated in the fact-finding:
1 Bojja Tharakam
(AP state President, Republican Party Of India)
2 Lateef Mohd Khan G. Secretary Civil Liberties Monitoring committee
3 Varvara Rao VERASAM
4 D.Suresh Kumar Secretary. APCLC
5 Prabahakar PKM
6 Abhinova. KNPS
7 Radha APCMS
8 Mujahid Hashmi AMA
9 Leo Augastine
10 E.Gri yaduvo Praja party
Awesome yet another state sponsored act of silencing the Muslim who had begun to show their agitation towards the politics that is being played against them.

There was no mob! Bull made outrageous declarations that Hindus light candles after their hit by bombs while Muslims riot. Ridiculous. Muslims go to give their blood to the fallen victims and are fired by the Hindu Indian political stronghold.

They wanted to pin this on ISI! No RDX, heck not even TNT was used! It was a crude indigenous bomb. Less people died in the bombing than by the police firing!

So much so when the 10,000 strong panic stricken people were rushing out of the mosque after the bombing the police opened fire on THEM!
What can i call you stupid...Muslims place bombs within their mosques and police goes to defuse one that had not exploded.. They pelt on those police men then what do you think the police would do....
According to the fact finding mission, they didn't pelt stones on the police. The police fired from 200 ft away!

Man the muslims must be expert stone pelters! Throwing stones 200ft away to attacked armed policemen!

Also consider yourself banned the next time you feel the urge to call a member of the forum stupid or any other personal remark.
What can i call you stupid...Muslims place bombs within their mosques and police goes to defuse one that had not exploded.. They pelt on those police men then what do you think the police would do....

Yeh and u were helping em plant the bomb. YEh bullets for rock... right on... what a democractic nation u come from....
The committee strongly condemns the heinous act of bomb blast at Mecca Masjid killing five and injuring about 35 people.

Wrong. 12 were killed.

The committee equally condemns the police firing on innocent people killing nine and injuring several others without any provocation.

Wrong Again. 3 were killed.

The firing was aimed at people who had no concern with the incident. One was fired at while he was proceeding towards his house by that side and another, 17-year-old boy was fired at while he was going into the Asra Hospital to donate his blood for one of his relatives. Yet another was fired at while he was trying to lift a fallen man due to bullet injuries. These are classic examples of how the police fired indiscriminately.

Funny, how indiscriminate firing only killed 'rather very helpfull people'...!!!

In fact there were no signs of any attack. The petrol pump was closed on three sides with an opening the road on one side which is well-guarded. If the shutters of the wine shop were down, it will be easily protected. It is ridiculous for the police to claim that they had to kill nine people and injure about 25 people in order to save a petrol pump and a wine shop. It appears that the police value property more than human lives....Even if the mob had become uncontrolled, the police should have used rubber bullets...

So the 'commitee' do admit police had to shoot because the property was to be protected from the rioters.

17-year-old boy was fired at while he was going into the Asra Hospital to donate his blood].....one aiming inside the Masjid and the other firing indiscriminately from a place away from the Masjid show that the police aimed at terrorizing Muslims.

Well how did the boy's relative reach the hospital so soon? The 'fact finding report' itself states they were still lifting the injured.

The injuries received during the blast and the foreign objects recovered from the bodies of the injured do not establish any connection with either RDX or TNT..

From which forensic lab did they test it??
According to the fact finding mission, they didn't pelt stones on the police. The police fired from 200 ft away!

Man the muslims must be expert stone pelters! Throwing stones 200ft away to attacked armed policemen!

Also consider yourself banned the next time you feel the urge to call a member of the forum stupid or any other personal remark.

Bloody hell, you insulted an enitre nation on the basis of some unheard report, filed by some unheard guys, published in a unheard website. And you threaten with a ban when just a member is insulted.
Bloody hell, you insulted an enitre nation on the basis of some unheard report, filed by some unheard guys, published in a unheard website. And you threaten with a ban when just a member is insulted.
Yes, our Members are more important to the forum! Nations are legitimate debating topics.

You should know this, we've tightened the noose around a lot of people for insulting you. Not because you are special but because you have a right to not be insulted and have your say. It works both ways.
Wrong. 12 were killed.

Wrong Again. 3 were killed.

Funny, how indiscriminate firing only killed 'rather very helpfull people'...!!!
When there WAS no mob. There were people running about in panic, and others helping out their relatives!

So the 'commitee' do admit police had to shoot because the property was to be protected from the rioters.
I don't see an admission, I see a phrase "EVEN IF" used there.

Well how did the boy's relative reach the hospital so soon? The 'fact finding report' itself states they were still lifting the injured.
It doesn't say he was admitted in the hospital but that's where you go to give blood!

From which forensic lab did they test it??
Asra Hospital, the injuries leave little doubt for forensic analysis to reveal something else. Nails wouldn't have been used with more sophisticated bombs.
When there WAS no mob. There were people running about in panic, and others helping out their relatives!.

If the police aim was to terrorise and murder, they shud have fired at the crowd, right. And not only that personally saw the firing. there was a crowd.

It doesn't say he was admitted in the hospital but that's where you go to give blood!!.
It says going to hospital and relative, check again.
If the police aim was to terrorise and murder, they shud have fired at the crowd, right. And not only that personally saw the firing. there was a crowd.
The article says the police DID fire at the crowd... The panicked crowd trying to save themselves!

These people must've gotten into the way while the police was spraying the scene with bullets.

It says going to hospital and relative, check again.
Yeah... so? If I'm hit, and you wanted to donate some blood for me, you'd goto the hospital right? Whether I've reached there or not!
Such a reliable unbiased fair source, Gentlemen.
I'm surprised Bull even wanted to debate that report. :D
yeah thats true, we shall do that henceforth also. What the **** will you do?

Well carry on as ur are please as its not my matter. But do learn to accept other ppls opinion. After all its not Indina where for portest i will be shot dead. If India talkds abt democracy than learn accept the critizism that comes with democracy. Also India needs to respect ppls choice of religion and also there should be no discrimination based on religion or other elements.

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