He won't reply you anymore, he does this everywhere. Whenever he's countered by facts and has nothing to argue he just flees the discussion but comes up with the same posts and comments in another thread that he's been already countered before.
And then, he asks why people goes on to him like this.
Could be wrong though but he does seem to have some anti-Muslim sentiments.
Whoah hold on to your horses bub.. My life does not revolve around a online forum and responding to anonymous posters in it 24/7.. I shall respond whenever it deem fit for me, Not adhering to your hyperbole on the Rohingya issue doesnt make someone a Islamophobe , I dont see it in a religious angle but as a ethno political one But then it's a propaganda tool used by interested parties to further it's cause including extremists like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other fundamentalist forces in Bangladesh and the wider South and South East Asian region
Word of advice : Try and argue the subject matter without targeting the poster or his/her credibility, Which will inturn make your arguments more credible
Don't take it otherwise but it's something only done by cheap trolls to insert a link to an obscure book without mentioning any specific page numbers to win an argument.
As for the history of Rohingya, Muslims in Arakan could either be Kaman or Rohingya or both, however, the word 'Rooinga' (corrupt form of the term Rohingya) is specifically mentioned by Francis Buchanan in his 1799 article titled "A Comparative Vocabulary of Some of the Languages Spoken in the Burma Empire" arguing the Rohingyas were long settled in Arakan. Note that the British Rule in Burma only started in 1824.
Now if you want to belittle sources provided to counter your argument that can be done by me as well, If you prefer to go down that road.. What makes you think your narrative and sources are more credible than the alternative ones that does not agree with yours ?
According to that personal research paper you have posted it is said that the Rohingya language have been found to be in existing in North Western parts of Arakan pre colonial times, Which is plausible given Rohingya are from the Chittagong areas's bordering this region but that doesnt prove that the masses now claiming to be rohingya inhabited that area pre colonial times
Infact it's as recent as the 1920's that mass migrations of British Indian subjects from Bengal region were transplanted over night to Burmese territories more specifically to Rakhine.. Records show that 428,300 Bengalis arrived in 1927 alone.. Just imagine the numbers before and after.. Vast majority of these people now claim to be Rohingya.. So It’s time to end the Rohingya insurgency for good, stop the recurring humanitarian crises, and close off western Burma permanently as a potential gateway. Whatever the fate of the few hundred thousand Rohingya still remaining in Burma, the international community should stop setting its hair on fire and focus on doing what it does best: help resettle the Rohingya refugees to countries where they can have a real future.
Atrocity from Rohingya side? What bullshit you are smoking? Does few hundred ARSA extremist represent million plus Rohingya people? It is like saying, ISIS represent the whole Muslim world. ARSA is a burmese tool to get an excuse to kill and drive away the Rohingyas.ARSA is not an legitimate, recognized body unlike Burmese state and military. If you think, world opinion will judge the conduct of ARSA with Burmese authority equally then you are living in a la-la land.
Only people in lala land are those simpletons that swallow all this hood line and sinker, Either because it suits their agenda or simply too stupid and lazy to research a little bit and learn how both sides work in civil conflicts
Rohinya's are no helpless angles, 30,000 Rakhine Buddhists, Hindu's and others were killed by them during independence of Burma in 1948, The first mass genocide in Rakhine ironically now they scream to the world about.. Latest are the reports from coming out about mass murders of Hindus and Buddhists by the hands of ARSA
They begged Pakistan to amalgamate sovereign territory of Burma, Never wanted to integrate, Demanded autonomy when Pakistan showed them the middle finger, Never wanted to integrate with the wider society of Burma, Wanted Sharia law in the area's.. this is the reason they themselves created the term Rohingya.. Why would a sovereign nation want to grant citizenship to people that wants separation ?
@Godman You need to read this mate.. This crisis didnt start a decade ago, It started in 1948 when a minority in the country but a majority in the neighboring country demanded separation from a newly independent sovereign nation, Started by violence against the native people of the region.. But now after retaliation from the sovereign state cries foul.. Can you see the parallels ?
@Homo Sapiens The biggest issue here is the hypocrisy of people like you, While crying blue murder for alleged atrocities by the Burmese and calling them in derogatory terms on reports and propaganda by INGO's and Western media etc and treating those reports of alleged crimes as the word of god, And now when the tables are turned and the same INGO's and Media are coming up with crimes by the Rohingya you cry foul, Claim it's made up and the ARSA is working with the Myanmar govts, When not long ago some of you (Maybe not you personally) were lining up in these very pages claiming to support these "Freedom fighters".. Such gutter mentality
If you claim these reports are invalid and cannot be corroborated cause there's no access to "independent" media ? Well it can be said the same for the Rohingya propaganda as well.. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander
Finally As your own PM has stated Bangladesh is directly responsible for this current crisis
Just like the Brits are responsible for the roots of this conflict.. But one thing is for sure the world is waking up for more clarity as the initial dust settles down, As i predicted and keeps reiterating.. when that happens both the Rohingya and Bangladesh will have no takers in this