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Boko Haram terrorists kidnap 8 more girls, hours after leader issues threat

All countries should join in to hunt these bastard and skin them in front of each other alive, this is the most humane punishment I can think of about these kind of animals
Enough is enough! It is time for the world community to tell the vicious criminals that they cannot hide behind the guise of religion and justify their atrocities through manipulation of Islam. These criminals should know that no religion allows kidnapping of teenage girls . The threats to sell them as sex slaves only depicts their evil nature. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the U.S. will do everything it can to help Nigeria find nearly 300 teenage girls missing since they were kidnapped from school three weeks ago by an Islamist extremist group that has threatened to sell them. President Obama said, "In the short term our goal is obviously is to help the international community, and the Nigerian government, as a team to do everything we can to recover these young ladies." In some of his first public comments on what he said was a "terrible situation" in the West African nation. The President further said, "But we're also going to have to deal with the broader problem of organizations like this that ... can cause such havoc in people's day-to-day lives."

Terrorists should understand that atrocities against innocent people will not go unnoticed. Social media and the Internet have brought the international communities together. A clear notice is being sent out to the terrorists that where ever you commit atrocities, the world communities of sane people will take notice and stand with the victims and fight for their rights. We say, “# Bring Back Our Girls”

Abdul Quddus
DET – United States Central command
Whenever I see the "majority of the Muslim do not support these terrorists", I really tried my best to trust that. However, I really have such a hard time to believe that at all.

BTW, as for anger, I do not have anger to waste on that.

What I have only is to deal with those islam terrorists with iron fist.

You see, China does not give a fxxk what your religion is. In China, whatever your gods or religions, all need to be below the law of the country. For those islam terrorists and extremists, the only thing waiting for them is hell. If they want to get fxxked, welcome to China. :rofl:

calm down little boy!

majority of the Muslims here and around the world actually DO NOT support these terrorists.

the cult of wahabism which is hiding behind Islam is behind all these terrorist acts whether it be in Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, etc

In Pakistan the Sunni Ulema have fully endorsed the military operation against the ttp scum and only the wahabi mullahs want "peace" talks with these animals- Thirty religious parties endorse fatwa against terrorism - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Furthermore, I don't see you go around barking at bhudists and hindus for what they are doing to Muslims in Sri Lanka, Burma, Kashmir and soon to be Thailand. Or is the killings of innocent Muslims justified in your view?

Lastly, if you have such a problem with Muslims protest against your own government for having close ties with Pakistan?

you anger should be directed towards wahabis not Muslims in general and Islam

Really? I hope that is not a joke. I know the division of sunni and shiite, but 73??? really?

some 73 types sir

he is doing jihad accent jihad as it was originally some hundreds years ago :angel:

If even your own leaders within your religion won't do anything about it, how could you attack outsiders who have suspicions about your religion?

The problem is the so-called Muslim Ummah has fallen asleep for a long time, unfortunately as far as we look outside instead of looking inside the problem isn't gonna get solved. Moreover Muslim countries have suffered a long intervention, colonization and meddling from outside esp from western countries which has combined with a self-made and self-imposed oblivion which resulted in current situation.
These guys that you call them terrorist are fruits of ignorance and what they follow is nothing but a distorted Islam, there are people in every sect or religion whom take everything to extreme and plz don't judge a school of thoughts base on what people do but by what it's got to share with humanity.

Give me a single quote that your current grand ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, that has criticized any of those terrorists and indicated that is not the correct muslim way???

my leaders have a lot of things to do , they are not a keyboard hero like u my dear .

anyway , yes for a zillion times they have been harshly condemned by different figures both in iran and around the muslim world .

for time being , i just googled the phrase "boko haram condemnation" and a billion news popped out about different condemnation od iran and other muslim countries . :



To be honest, it seems that obl, talibans enjoy such a popular support in pakistan and afghanistan, fighting against those islam terrorists seems impossible at least for now.

Well don't know about others but Pakistan is surely fighting against Taliban. And the reason for this fight is still the same. We won't these lunatics to use name of our religion for their own political benefits.
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Give me a single quote that your current grand ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, that has criticized any of those terrorists and indicated that is not the correct muslim way???

We've been fighting with them at least for 25 years , since Taliban was created by C.I.A in Afghanistan and we've continued this job till now . what do you think is happening in Syria?Iraq? Lebanon? we are fighting with them .... but what we witness is these bastard are being supported by America and its allies .... and to put an end to this tragedy you don't need to kill all of them but you need to fight with ignorance ....
About Ayatollah KHamenei you can whatever you want from his website : khamenei.ir/
Whenever I see the "majority of the Muslim do not support these terrorists", I really tried my best to trust that. However, I really have such a hard time to believe that at all.

BTW, as for anger, I do not have anger to waste on that.

What I have only is to deal with those islam terrorists with iron fist.

You see, China does not give a fxxk what your religion is. In China, whatever your gods or religions, all need to be below the law of the country. For those islam terrorists and extremists, the only thing waiting for them is hell. If they want to get fxxked, welcome to China. :rofl:

Really? I hope that is not a joke. I know the division of sunni and shiite, but 73??? really?

If even your own leaders within your religion won't do anything about it, how could you attack outsiders who have suspicions about your religion?

Give me a single quote that your current grand ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, that has criticized any of those terrorists and indicated that is not the correct muslim way???

To be honest, it seems that obl, talibans enjoy such a popular support in pakistan and afghanistan, fighting against those islam terrorists seems impossible at least for now.

You're just a raging lunatic with an intellectual capacity of a six year old. It is quite obvious that everyone here has clearly answered your questions and yet you act like the low life little asshole you are.

So continue to believe whatever you want, but the picture you are painting isn't as black and white as you make it seem

and by the way, do you know who is supporting the terrorist in Syria, Libya , KSA, etc?

Furthermore, since you're spewing all this venom towards Muslims. Why don't you protest against your own government for having good relations with every single Muslim nation on this planet?
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We've been fighting with them at least for 25 years , since Taliban was created by C.I.A in Afghanistan and we've continued this job till now . what do you think is happening in Syria?Iraq? Lebanon? we are fighting with them .... but what we witness is these bastard are being supported by America and its allies .... and to put an end to this tragedy you don't need to kill all of them but you need to fight with ignorance ....
About Ayatollah KHamenei you can whatever you want from his website : khamenei.ir/

Taliban were not created by the CIA my friend, it is a far more complex story. It was the Wahabis that backed the Taliban only 3 countries recognised them in power those were the Saudis, the Pakistanis and UAE.
To be honest, it seems that obl, talibans enjoy such a popular support in pakistan and afghanistan, fighting against those islam terrorists seems impossible at least for now.

Well this is your opinion. May be you watch too much fox news in USA. Anyways Islamic clerics have condemned Boko Haram explicitly and clearly.

(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's grand mufti, the top religious authority in the birthplace of Islam, has condemned Nigeria's Boko Haram as a group "set up to smear the image of Islam" and condemned its kidnapping of over 200 schoolgirls.

Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh said the radical movement, which says it wants to establish a "pure" Islamic state in Nigeria, was "misguided" and should be "shown their wrong path and be made to reject it."

His remarks came as religious leaders in the Muslim world, who often do not comment on militant violence, joined in denouncing Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau for saying Allah had told him to sell off the kidnapped girls as forced brides.

"This is a group that has been set up to smear the image of Islam and must be offered advice, shown their wrong path and be made to reject it," he told the Arabic-language newspaper al-Hayat in an interview published on Friday.

"These groups are not on the right path because Islam is against kidnapping, killing and aggression," he said. "Marrying kidnapped girls is not permitted."

Boko Haram militants kidnapped some 250 girls on April 14 from a secondary school in Chibok village, near the Cameroon border, while they took exams. Fifty have since escaped.

Shekau's video was released on Monday, sparking a wave of revulsion in Nigeria and abroad and prompting offers of help from countries such as the United States, Britain and France to search for them.

Boko Haram has led a five-year-old insurgency with the stated aim of reviving a medieval Islamic caliphate in modern Nigeria, whose 170 million people are split roughly evenly between Christians and Muslims.

Its violent attacks have become by far the biggest security threat to Africa's top oil producer and it has spread out to menace the neighboring countries of Cameroon, Niger and Chad.

On Thursday, Islamic scholars and human rights officials of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the world's largest Muslim body representing 57 countries, denounced the kidnapping as "a gross misinterpretation of Islam".

This week, Al-Azhar, the prestigious Cairo-based seat of Sunni learning, also said that the kidnapping "has nothing to do with the tolerant and noble teachings of Islam."

Saudi Arabia's top cleric says Nigeria's Boko Haram smears Islam| Reuters
Taliban were not created by the CIA my friend, it is a far more complex story. It was the Wahabis that backed the Taliban only 3 countries recognised them in power those were the Saudis, the Pakistanis and UAE.

And all those countries are in the American league.
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