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Boeing gives compensation for their 737 max8 casualties


Feb 21, 2017
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Paulus Iskandar
Kabar Baik, Boeing Akan Cairkan Dana Santunan Korban Kecelakaan 737 MAX 8

Posted on September 24, 2019 by Roni Sontani
AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Boeing menyatakan akan segera mencairkan dana santunan korban kecelakaan pesawat 737 MAX 8. Dana 50 juta dolar AS akan dikucurkan pabrik pesawat terbesar Amerika Serikat ini untuk santunan kepada para ahli waris atas musibah jatuhnya dua 737 MAX 8 milik Lion Air dan Ethiopian Airlines.

Seperti diketahui, sebanyak 346 orang meninggal dunia akibat dua kecelakaan 737 MAX 8 pada Oktober 2018 dan Maret 2019 itu.

Boeing menyebut, setiap korban akan mendapatkan santunan 144.500 dolar AS (sekira Rp2 miliar). Dana santunan akan diberikan terakhir pada 31 Desember 2019.

Meski demikian, masih ada keluarga korban yang menolak dana tersebut karena menganggap Boeing belum memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan.

“$144,000 doesn’t come close to compensating any of our families or any of the families,” kata Nomaan Husain, pengacara di Texas yang mewakili 15 keluarga.

This is not something that is going to satisfy the families. The families really want answers,” lanjutnya sebagaimana diwartakan BBC (24/9/2019).

Juli lalu, Boeing telah berjanji akan meberikan dana bantuan senilai 100 juta dolar AS untuk keluarga yang dan komunitas yang terdampak kecelakaan 737 MAX 8.


Boeing menjelaskan, setengah dari dana itu akan digunakan untuk penyaluran langsung kepada keluarga. Sementara setengah lainnya akan digunakan sebagai dana bantuan pendidikan dan pembangunan wilayah yang terdampak kecelakaan.

Sementara itu Wall Street Journal (WSJ) pada Senin (23/9) memberitakan, kecelakaan pesawat Boeing 737 MAX 8 di Indonesia pada Oktober 2018 disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor. Di antara yang dominan adalah kesalahan desain dan kesalahan regulator Amerika Serikat yang mengesahkan pesawat ini.

WSJ memberitakan hal itu berdasar hasil investigasi para investigator kecelakaan pesawat Indonesia.

Menanggapi pemberitaan ini, juru bicara Boeing tidak mau mengomentari. Ia hanya mengatakan bahwa Boeing terus menawarkan dukungan kepada pihak investigator untuk menyelesaikan laporan investigasi mereka.

Senada dengan Boeing, Ketua Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) Soerjanto Tjahjono tidak mau memberikan komentarnya saat dikonfirmasi Reuters. Ia mengatakan, hasil investigasi final baru akan disampaikan kepada publik pada awal November 2019. (Al Jazeera, 24/9)

Roni Sontani

Roni Sontani
Details in english by reuters

SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 / 1:50 AM / A DAY AGO
Boeing to pay 737 MAX crash victims' families $144,500 each
David Shepardson
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Boeing Co (BA.N) will pay the families of 346 people killed in two fatal 737 MAX crashes $144,500 each from a $50 million financial assistance fund announced in July, the fund’s administrators said on Monday.

FILE PHOTO: Women mourn next to coffins during the burial ceremony of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 crash victims at the Holy Trinity Cathedral Orthodox church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 17, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri
The fund, overseen by Washington lawyers Ken Feinberg and Camille S. Biros, will begin accepting claims from family members immediately. Family members will not be required to waive or release the right to litigate as a condition of participation. The 737 MAX has been grounded since March after fatal crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia.

Claims must be postmarked no later than Dec. 31, the fund said.

Feinberg said Monday in an email to Reuters that “finding all of these heirs and making sure the funds will be safe and secure will be a real challenge since the families can be found in 35 foreign countries.”

In a statement, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg said the company continued to extend its “deepest sympathies” to the families and loved ones of victims of the twin crashes.

“The opening of this fund is an important step in our efforts to help affected families,” he said.

Boeing also announced in July it planned to spend an additional $50 million to support education and economic empowerment in impacted communities.

Nearly 100 lawsuits have been filed against Boeing by at least a dozen law firms representing families of the Ethiopian Airlines crash victims, who came from 35 different countries, including nine U.S. citizens and 19 Canadians.

Families of about 60 victims have yet to file lawsuits but plaintiffs’ lawyers said they anticipate more to come. Most of the lawsuits do not make a specific dollar claim, though one law firm has said its clients are seeking more than $1 billion.

The lawsuits assert that Boeing defectively designed the automated flight control system. The system is believed to have repeatedly forced the nose lower in both accidents.

Boeing has said it aims to win approval to resume flights early in the fourth quarter.

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration head Steve Dickson told Reuters last week it was not clear when Boeing will be able to conduct a certification test flight. But he said the agency should approve the plane’s return about a month after the test flight occurs unless something unforeseen turns up.

(The story officially corrects date to submit assistance requests to Dec. 31 from Nov. 30 after fund incorrectly stated date)

Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Marguerita Choy and Tom Brown

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Finally, they admit they are wrong and their product is faulty.

FAA shall be hanged too. How can they miss such fatal flaw before issue certificate? Bribery involve?
Finally, they admit they are wrong and their product is faulty.

FAA shall be hanged too. How can they miss such fatal flaw before issue certificate? Bribery involve?
Some said their competition with airbus made them rust 737 certification and put premature product on the market, they put life in danger for shake of their company profit
Some said their competition with airbus made them rust 737 certification and put premature product on the market, they put life in danger for shake of their company profit
The rest of the world shouldn't trust FAA certification. CAA is more trustworthy than them.
The rest of the world shouldn't trust FAA certification. CAA is more trustworthy than them.
You guys take the action quick by the first to ban the plane to fly, good joob bro, the rest then encourage to follow the step, no one ever dear before to take the step
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