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Body guards of PMs and Presidents from around the world

Lol why you got a itch in your paints didn't i say i wasnt talking to you now stop writting to me acting like a hero mind you own damn business.

Sorry, thought i was talking to a grown up. My mistake.
Sorry, thought i was talking to a grown up. My mistake.

Yes but i knew i was talking to a child like your self ... first of all mind your own damn business first rule of good manners which perhaps you dont have second stop putting you nose in others where it doesn';t belong as i was not talking to you from the get go start . Third don't try to act like a hero and like you havent said nothing wrong just shut it and stop writting to me and move on and dont write to me again.:angry:
its good one topic. My point is that can any body tells us how VIP Protection team works.
pakistani president's bodygards.
Termed as




I don't think those are pakistani guards on the horse. If so they look too identical to the President of India's ceremonial guards
@ marwari
indeed they are pakistani presidential gaurds. They are called as honour gaurds in pakistan.
Here is the link.
"Pakistan cavalry honor guard
welcomes President George W.
Bush to Aiwan-e-Sadr in
Islamabad, Pakistan."
Here is defenc.pk link-
I have tremendous respect for Israeli Sayeret Matkal.

BTW those pictures of Pakistani guards are not actual guards, they are called Honor Guards and purely ceremonial. They actual security is provided by 111 Brigade, so secretive about how it works there are very few pictures of them in action.

Here is one:
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