People have to understand, the Afghan Republic led by anti Pakistan state determined to ally with India against Pakistan with the presence of NATO and the U.S was a long term strategic threat if not all out nightmare for us
It had to fall or change, now it wouldn't change so our only option was it's fall
So last year when Afghanistan collapsed it meant billions of Indians investment down the drain and lost
It meant multiple Indian embassys and spy holes destroyed
It meant the end of NATO on our borders
It meant the end of the U.S on our borders
It meant the end of a afghan Republic who was linked to our enemies plotting against us
The TTp, BLA etc were supported by the Afghan state and NDS, their destruction meant the end of money being funneled to these groups
Now let's be clear THEIR WOULD BE FALLOUT, what's happening now is the fall out it will last a period of at least 5 years
But in the meantime we will gradually degrade and destroy our enemies, we will cause afghans infinite more pain then they cause us, the same with the TTP and BLA types
Our biggest headache is our own political jungle stupidity, PDM MANHOOSI and economic stupidity compounded by floods
We need a strong, patriotic party back in charge with a strong majority to make changes and pull the rug from these ETHNOCENTRIC JAHILAT parties and so called nationalist idiots
The greatest threat to the unfortunate people of these provinces is the Army.
All the problems and threats against the people are manufactured by the Army for the maintenance of Status Qou.
It’s been like this for the last couple of centuries & it ll remain this way until & unless we recognise the Army for what it really and absolutely is, a Mercenary Colonising entity.