I guess me saying that Bedouins did not like the "Palestinian" Queen somehow eluded you.Please stop . . . Did you know the number of officers of Palestinian origin in the Jordanian army and security services ? . . Do you know the number of prime ministers and ministers of Palestinian origin ? did you know that our beloved queen is palestanian origion ? do you know what it means "constitutional monarchy" that some jordanians are calling for ? . . I think that although we are neighbors . . But you did not yet know much about Jordan
We are neighbors but by no means are our two nations best of friends. I do know there is quite a bit of hatred between the Bedouins and Palestinians for example King Abdullah 1 was assassinated by a Palestinian. There is Black September where between 3,400-20,000 Palestinians were killed and so on.
The period following the 1967 war saw an upsurge in the activity and numbers of Arab Palestinian paramilitary elements (fedayeen) within the state of Jordan. These distinct, armed militias were becoming a "state within a state", threatening Jordan's rule of law. King Hussein's armed forces targeted the fedayeen, and open fighting erupted in June 1970. The battle in which Palestinian fighters from various Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) groups were expelled from Jordan is commonly known as Black September.
I`m not saying there is a civil war brewing or anything, just the fact that Hashemite Kingdom felt threatened by the Palestinians more than once.