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Blast Kills 5 Soldiers in Indian Kashmir


Mar 24, 2006
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SRINAGAR, India -- Suspected Islamic militants lobbed a hand grenade into a paramilitary camp in the Indian portion of Kashmir on Friday, killing two soldiers and critically wounding another three, police said.

The blast occurred in the Central Reserve Police Force camp in Nihama, a village 45 miles south of Srinagar, the capital of India's Jammu-Kashmir state, said local police chief S. P. Pani.

The critically wounded soldiers were sent to a Srinagar hospital for specialized treatment, Pani said.

No one claimed responsibility for the attack on the paramilitary camp.

Also Friday, suspected militants targeted Indian troops in a bomb attack in Srinagar, wounding 15 soldiers, police said.

The militants triggered an improvised explosive device as an army vehicle passed by in a high security zone in Srinagar, said Sajjad Ahmed, a police officer.

The 15 wounded soldiers were hospitalized in Srinagar, one in critical condition, Ahmed told The Associated Press.

In a statement faxed to the local Kashmir News Service, Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen spokesman Ahsan Illahi said his group claims responsibility for the attack.

Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen is one of a dozen rebel groups fighting for Kashmir's independence from India or its merger with Pakistan since 1989. More than 68,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the conflict.

India and Pakistan have fought two wars over control of Kashmir since they won independence from Britain in 1947.

The longtime rivals have been holding talks since 2004 to settle the Kashmir dispute, but without success so far.
SRINAGAR, India -- Suspected Islamic militants lobbed a hand grenade into a paramilitary camp in the Indian portion of Kashmir on Friday, killing two soldiers and critically wounding another three, police said.

Were they identified that they are Islamic militants, they can be Hindu Terrorists or Sikh Terrorists, Or Maoist Terrorists, there are more then 100 seperatist organisations in India and kill soliders as a routine.

The story by washington post seems to be written by some one who is baised.
Let's keep this Kashmir specific and not India specific.
Were they identified that they are Islamic militants, they can be Hindu Terrorists or Sikh Terrorists, Or Maoist Terrorists, there are more then 100 seperatist organisations in India and kill soliders as a routine.

The story by washington post seems to be written by some one who is baised.
I found that odd too, you should write to them.
Well we all know media bais and intrest groups working against Muslims, even one writes them it will not make any difference. You can see from above news items that almost everyday dozens are killed in India by different militants groups and everyone knows the killers but never seen saying "Hindu Terrorists" killed this many, but if it comes to Kashmir even if 2 die the news is distorted to blame Muslims.

There are so many terrorist/seperatis/militan organisations in India, anyone can carry out a terrorist act at any time and you will realy never know that who is related to a terrorist group in such a country it is unjust to blame certain group while killers are not identified.
The article is written by a Muslim...

They updated it to 3 soldiers killed. One thing that distinguishes Kashmiri groups from other Islamic militants is that they aim for soldiers. Of course on countless occasions civilians have died too but it can be seen now that the groups are making a serious effort to kill Indian soldiers only.
The question I have asked and got deleted is that when the attacking group is not identified and no one have accepted the responsibility what is the source to lead it to Islamic militans !

There are more then a 100 armed militant groups in India and almost half of the country is being ruled by MAOISTS, each group is killing others and forces, how can we blame a certain religion in such situation of civil war, that is wahy I posted these news items which were not irrelevent that when terrorists kill dozens every day in this mess how can we determine who is killing who, any one can be a terrorist associated with these organistions.
It's logical to assume that a Kashmiri separatist would've killed Indian soldiers.

Hisb-ul-Mujahideen btw has been known to have Hindus high up in their ranks. Ranks of commanders.
Washington Times has updated to say 5 Indian soldiers were killed and 22 are injured.
It's logical to assume that a Kashmiri separatist would've killed Indian soldiers.

Hisb-ul-Mujahideen btw has been known to have Hindus high up in their ranks. Ranks of commanders.

Kashmir was never a part of India and even India was never a state before British rule, we were slaved togather and it bring us close, once British left Sub-Continent, Kashmir was an indipendent state and was forciably occupied by India, now Kashamiri's are fighting for their indipendence it and freedom fighters include Hindu and Muslim both, it is totally wrong to give Kashmir stuggle of a religion rather it is Kashmiri's who are fighting apart from their religious belief's.
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