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Blast in Westridge, Rawalpindi

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Just check the person who had uploaded it on Youtube. It seems it was his first post there on youtube.

It surely is shot by someone who was monitoring the activity.

I think it times the posh bangllows should be checked for renting by greedy people without varification

It seems the operation was well under way, and as TK pointed out, some one in the living quaters grabbed a camera and started filming.
Also note, you don't see any people running in the court yards, hence the explosion was the result of army action.
Miss, plz look at the footage again, it was sent to geo dost too as per geo tv.

These are flats where military officers families stay, i have seen them myself. Its from a 2nd floor, you can see clearly the other flat infront of it. The blast is not done by the attackers, its something being fired by the security forces after the search operation by SF got started. Its a video by someone after the initial attack was over. Its not a video by any terrorist.

Thanks for clearing.
I don't know about 'lots and lots' but there are probably a few scumbag military insiders/traitors providing info to the Jihadis for facilitating attacks on military complexes and neighborhoods.

A possbility that should be vigorously investigated - any traitorous pro-TTP military officers found must be court-martialled and SHOT starting from senior-most!

When was the last time you used your brains?

Shed off the dust from it and put it to use.

Fortunately, our military (for that matter any military) has an effective procedure of checks and clearances in place just to make sure no scumbag get past into the military hierarchy.

Now yes, exceptions are always there, but after the kind of problems that we have witnessed, these kind if people cant survive a day, now ofcourse i would not like to tell the details of the procedures that we put in place for scrutiny, but what i can tell you is that no one serving is/was involved in any terror acts, yes a few retired/kicked out idiots did form part of such incidents.

Now try to keep your head straight before it hits something and you lose the little ability to think that you are left with!
there are no turncoats.....

the attacks are being carried out by brain-washed young men --usually around 15-20 years of age. They are doing the dirty work of their handlers.

and wherever the handlers are, we WILL catch them sooner than later.

western media still refers to TTP as "Islamic terrorists"..........imagine.
TTP had claimed responsibility. Wali Ur Rehman has called up BBC and claimed his guys did the crime.

Another Officer has also claimed martyrdom after sustaining injuries in the blast, total number of officers has reached 7 and total figure to 37.
TTP had claimed responsibility. Wali Ur Rehman has called up BBC and claimed his guys did the crime.

Another Officer has also claimed martyrdom after sustaining injuries in the blast, total number of officers has reached 7 and total figure to 37.

Waliur Rehman is in Afghanistan.

Just yesterday when i visited pindi had talked to a person from Waziristan.
Innah Lillah wa Innah Elayhi Rajioon

God bless him, may Allah SWT bring comfort to his and all other families affected by this act of cowardice.

May the terrorists face a similar and befitting fate soon, Inshallah Inshallah.
I would fu*cking behead these ba*tards if I ever came across one. We should brutally kill them, tear them from limb from limb, you know tie an arm to one tank, the other arm to another tank and tear them into two.
As for the video posted on youtube/sent by Geo 'dost', well i cant say it for now if it was shot by a fellow terrorist, but yes the dude filming the scene didnt mind the blast at all and kept his cool, though this fact alone doesnt prove that the video was not shot by a looker-by.

As for the blast, yes there is a thud before the blast as if something was 'fired' and then did it blast on impact/time delay, but i am still trying confirming the kind of weapon used.
May Allah comfort those who have lost loved ones and grant peace to our fallen.
As for the video posted on youtube/sent by Geo 'dost', well i cant say it for now if it was shot by a fellow terrorist, but yes the dude filming the scene didnt mind the blast at all and kept his cool, though this fact alone doesnt prove that the video was not shot by a looker-by.

As for the blast, yes there is a thud before the blast as if something was 'fired' and then did it blast on impact/time delay, but i am still trying confirming the kind of weapon used.

he passed a few garbled comments after a grenade blast

it may well have been a terrorist, but then again could just be one intent and non reactionary civilian ...who knows
I dont think any Muslim can ever bomb a Masjid especially a Masjid full of people during Jumma Namaz.

This is the work of people who hate Islam and Muslims more than anything.

I'm sorry, I really can not believe a Muslim can ever be behind this.

yes, in about two to three days they'll release the names of the terrorists responsible for the incident and they'll all be muslims, probably belonging to the tribal areas of Pakistan. At which point many people like yourself will move on to saying, it's a conspiracy, gov't and army isn't telling the truth and CIA and Blackwater are involved, meanwhile muslim terrorists mostly belonging to our own country will be planing another suicide attack in another masjid. No offense to you but it's all just too typical of behavior.

May Allah bless the souls of martyred, death of any innocent leaves a profound effect but when there are kids involved, it just leaves this scar on my heart and reading their names..... it's horrible, I wonder what their parents must be going through tonight, knowing that their beloved isn't tucked in his bed tonight but carried off to a cemetery and buried. Nothing is more worse in this world than that parent who looses his/her child. I know because I've seen my mother, it's been 15 years since my seven year old sister's death, all of us have moved on but she still secretly holds on to her purse, her belongings and her pictures and looks at them in our absence. Time heals many wounds but this is such wound for a mother that even time doesn't help much. I pray that Allah grants them sabar in life to cope with this grief. In-Allah-Ha Ma-us-sabreen. Allah saber kernay walon ke satth hai.
As for the video posted on youtube/sent by Geo 'dost', well i cant say it for now if it was shot by a fellow terrorist, but yes the dude filming the scene didnt mind the blast at all and kept his cool, though this fact alone doesnt prove that the video was not shot by a looker-by.

As for the blast, yes there is a thud before the blast as if something was 'fired' and then did it blast on impact/time delay, but i am still trying confirming the kind of weapon used.

It seems either a RPG or a grenade launcher as the thumpp is pretty loud. but confirmation would be nice.
When was the last time you used your brains?

Fortunately, our military (for that matter any military) has an effective procedure of checks and clearances in place just to make sure no scumbag get past into the military hierarchy.

Now yes, exceptions are always there, but after the kind of problems that we have witnessed, these kind if people cant survive a day, now ofcourse i would not like to tell the details of the procedures that we put in place for scrutiny, but what i can tell you is that no one serving is/was involved in any terror acts, yes a few retired/kicked out idiots did form part of such incidents.

Clearly, there are exceptions and will continue to be for some time - just like the serving and retired Army officers recently arrested for interfacing between LeT and the suspected terrorist Headley currently in FBI custody.

Frankly, I'd advise you guys to not be so SMUG about your 'clearance procedures'! At the end of the day, you don't need a zillion traitors to create mischief.

NEW YORK: Some serving and ex-military officers are among five people arrested in Pakistan in connection with the LeT plot to carry out a major terror attack in India using American national David Coleman Headley, reports New York Times.

Pakistani authorities had arrested as many as five other people in connection with the Lashkar-e-Toiba plot in recent weeks including some former and current Pakistani military officials, said the New York Times.The paper quoted an official who has been briefed on the investigation as saying that those arrested remain in custody, but it was unclear what role they played in the expanding plot.

Headley, 49, and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, who were arrested last month by FBI are accused of plotting terror attacks on behest of LeT against India and a Danish newspaper.
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