Well, now that its got everyone attention and everyone here thinks I am relishing the attacks in India, I am NOT. Innocent people died there today, hwoever, Indians need to understand that people answer with an eye for an eye in other parts of the world.
Take for example Afghanistan, the Allies think that hey are going to bribe the Taliban and froce peace with a massive troop presence. All their plans have failed and most of Afghanistan is still under Taliban influence....why....that is the way they do things.
India on the other hand, many Indians are in a state of denial to the atrocities committed by their Armed Forces in other States in India especially Kashmir. If someones family is killed they are going to retuen the favour, if freedom fighters, terrorists, whatever you wish to call them see that Indian Armed Froces are killing their civilians, they are clearly going to kill yours..........these are fcats of War, get used to it. India dug a grave now it needs to lie in it ....so to speak.
Now Indians know what it is like when bombs also have been going off in Pakistan and many many Indians form this forum have been putting the blame and responsibilty back with Pakistanis, hence now when I put the same argument back and put the blame with the Indians....it suddenly became paingul with members talking about how Pakistan will have to pay 100 fold in bomb attacks on her. Well, now we have reached an understanding.......so please lets grow up