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Blast in Peshawar Cantt - Super Mrkt

QUETTA: Two people were injured after a blast occurred at a check post near Global Centre in Quetta on Monday.
Initial reports from the site state that the Army has cordoned off the area. There is no information on the intensity of the blast.
The blast site is also reported to be near the entrance of Quetta Cantt.
The injured have been shifted to the hospital.

Blast near Quetta Cantt injures 2 – The Express Tribune
The place of the blast is hardly 500 meters away from my home. i was doing walk in my colony, suddenly a loud bang and came back to my home and saw smoke and fire from my home's terrace.

So, i came to know before the TV guys did.

I am happy to hear that you were not present at the blast area and were away.

May god bless all the people there with safety.

Though you are aware of it, please be careful in future. I hope that God shows his judgement on these sinners sooner than later.
RIP to the dead... Days of 92-98 (when I left home) in J&K are still afresh in my mind and when such $hit happens, it just happends incessantly and it just blows one's mind as to how can a human do this to so many fellow humabs... The perpetrators of such acts have no religion, no nationality and no soul and thus I don't believe that we should fight over if this guy did it or that guy... We (India & Pakistan) should simply have no tolerance to extremism of any kind and only then can this monster be slayed... Irrespective of what happened in the past, the time is now to act deal this scourge with the strongest hand...

There is no difference between dawood and good Taliban. Both are under protection of Pakistani Army.

I am sorry bro, but what purpose does it serve to come up with such sentences in the middle of such an devastating event...? Whosoever is sheltering whoever, it is the civilan (who has done nothing wrong) who is suffering and the case in point is how to scuttle these guys by PA in Pakistan... None of us is an expert to say that a Dawood could have done and PA would still let him live there... He, arguably is the easier matter to tackle for them... But, more importantly ... What you said is simply irrelevant... and at the irritation of some members, I think you should understand that when one's own house is on fire, he doesn't want to debate over $hit... Would you have wanted to discuss Samjhauta incident the day 26/11 happened? - at least I did not as I was so hurt or would you have believed that it could have been done by an underworld guy (by whoevere is the boss of D company in India)?

Let's atleast maintain this dignity when someone is in Pain... TaimiKhan (a fellow Netizen) stayed a few hundred yards from that and I would prefer to ask how is his family and near and dear ones at this moment... Nothing against you, just that i have personally seen too much of bloodshed to militacy and I don't think that this is the approperiate thread or moment to discuss what you want to...

What the hell is the problem with you Indians ?? has the Pakistan obsession made you Indians that much insane that there is no logical thinking left in whatever brains you people have ??

If you guys are so sure, what is stopping you and your govt from going to UN and get a resolution passed into sanctioning Pakistan or going to war with it with the blessing of UN. Why can't you present the proof of PA supporting Taliban or Dawood in ISI protection to the world ?? Atleast fabricate lies infront of UN just like how US did to attack Iraq.

You guys come on these forums and utter out your Bull Shiet but when we ask you to present proof, then you guys start uttering other Dog Shiet.

If Headly says ISI guys did Mumbai and you guys take it as the truth, then i say RAW chief gave the order for Mumbai attacks, now you will say proof, then what proof did headly give other then his statement, same statement which i just made about the RAW doing Mumbai attacks.

Pathetic and idiotic is the attitude from you Indians when it comes to blaming but when we ask for proof, then you guys shut up and say if our govt says then its true, if headly says its true, if US says its true.

Pathetic hypocrites.

If any other Indian came up with similar horse shiet, i am gonna through them out for good.

Hope everybody in your family and near and dear ones is fine... No one should lose a life at the hands of these morons... Sorry for the loss of so many civilians for the incompetence of some and for the barbaric intentions of some... May god bless their sould and give the strength to their families to come to terms with such an attrocity... God will never forgive the killer of innocents...

I don't know what more will it take for a full blown emergency to be applied in Pakistan and that followed by clear instructions to Military to get the country rid of these pests... 500K strong military can uproot them in a matter of couple of years... In my humble opinion (while it may be completely irrelevant or unasked), it is now or never for Pakistanis and the country should fight for a right to security and a stable life....

Just one request though, I think different kind of people exist (good, bad and the in betweens) on both sides and let us not generalize everyone with the same stroke of color... inconsequential of how heavily boiling the Pathan blood is...
RIP to the dead... Days of 92-98 (when I left home) in J&K are still afresh in my mind and when such $hit happens, it just happends incessantly and it just blows one's mind as to how can a human do this to so many fellow humabs... The perpetrators of such acts have no religion, no nationality and no soul and thus I don't believe that we should fight over if this guy did it or that guy..

Me and you are saying same thing. Only difference is, use of words and language. :tup:
do the taliban also deny public beheadings?
do they also deny desecrating tombs and graves?
do they also deny bombing schools and throwing acid on school girls and murdering teachers?

why their denial is so important?
since when they started to care for the civilians? Whether or not its Taliban who are involved in this latest act is a matter of investigation but just accepting their claim on face value is immature and ludicrous

this is an organisation that has spilled the blood of the innocent without any remorse and indiscriminate about its victims that included men, women and children.

Taliban very much know how to play with the psyche of this nation, just one statement from them is enough for the people to have a favourable sentiment about Taliban. this is a nation which can be stung as many times by these snakes as they like. Just like the politicians. Nawaz league which has now joined forces with jamat Islami which never spares a moment to justify the atrocities of Taliban has time and again checked the Conscience of the nation by calling taliban their borthers and asking them to spare Punjab.

No wonder some posters here are willing to take the word of taliban and will build up all the scenarios of other forces “because” taliban deniied. Taliban have been habitually claiming responsibility for incidents which were later on found out to be the handiwork of other hostile entities, they just check the pulse of the nation if there is any chance of an outcry they will deny Data Darbar attack but wont bother denying the attacks in Karachi, Multan and Sawat where they have killed countless pilgrims of Sufi shrines.

The blame lies with the public here. Now notice what happened when the Indian Special forces finally corners the terrorists of Mumbai and killed them off one by one like rats and there was one scene where the body of a terrorist was tossed out of the window of the hotel, much to the delight, clapping and cheers of the grateful crowd. (and I was watching it on TV and I said well done India, that’s the way to deal with terrorists).

Now compare this with Pakasitani public, that is offering prayers of terrorist Osama, praising and following Burka Mullah of Red Mosque and being selective about their condemnation of terrorist acts.

As long as this nation will continue to ponder if its our war or not, continue to blame others rather than home grown “in its face” fanatics” that openly operate and collect money through willing or coerced public. These incidents will continue to happen.

I am all for blaming Mossad, RAW, CIA and Somali pirates but not because Taliban have denied the atrocity. Look at the previous terrorist acts of sectarian fanatics and its umbrella Taliban organisation before ruling them out for this atrocity.
to this date i havent heard a forensic rport on bombing incidents of pakistan. can somebody take sampls to a chemistry lab and analyse what chemicals were used in bomb making.
thst will give clues about the source. i beleive that with good knowledge such analysis can be done in college labs.
Thats impossbile...they are still operating via indian consulates in afghanistan and all sorts of colourful agencies who are anti-Pakistan are operating there.

most of the countries around the world operate their intelligence agencies through their consulates in the target countries...
there is RAW in the Indian consulates in Islamabad just as there is ISI in the Pakistani consulates in Delhi...
people from the ministry of external affairs would often recite tales of being tailed by the police of the host country when they go out in their cars for daily business...
Taliban denies responsibility for deadly twin bombings in Peshawar, Pakistan

The Taliban on Sunday denied responsibility for two explosions that rocked the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing at least 34 people and wounding about 100, according to Voice of America. A spokesman for the group, Ehsanullah Ehsan, called reporters in the North Waziristan tribal region to deny involvement.


Who was involved then???:what:

Okay.. so who all believe the Taliban?
all those who are still thinking if its Pakistan war or not and openly offering prayers to terrorist Osama

It is disgusting how someone can offer prayers to Osama and police doing nothing.

Such people should be sent to jail, without waiting for any warrants being issued. Where Pakistan is going? For god's sake, this is 21st century!!
In the face of the army's unwillingness to launch the operation in FATA the US is going to want to force us by using attacks styled in the ways of the Taliban, I am not saying that the taliban are good people but the US is going to have to raise the temperature which it is doing very well........
Its very easy and convenient to blame everything on the taliban but one has to understand that not everything is their doing. There are many other faction involved in Pakistan that want to destabilize Pakistan to an extent where the world would feel to intervene and secure the nuclear assets of Pakistan. Taliban have nothing to gain if Pakistan losses its nuclear deterrent, we all know who will gain out of this whole fiasco.

"Taliban has nothing to gain if Pakistan looses P3C orions"..wasn't that the common consensus amongst many after Mehran attack)..but still Taliban claimed the responsibility.

How do you figure that one out?
"Taliban has nothing to gain if Pakistan looses P3C orions"..wasn't that the common consensus amongst many after Mehran attack)..but still Taliban claimed the responsibility.

How do you figure that one out?

people are very selective what to belive and what not to belive, even with taliban
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