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Blast in Lahore's RA Bazaar

A tragic loss, may Allah grant paradise to the martyrs and hellfire to the terrorists and their supporters.

Lahore is the heart of Pakistan and all efforts are geared to break the spirit of the nation...inshallah, this shall not come to pass.
As they hurt us we should use our anger to eradicate the TTP physically and ideologically from our beloved motherland.

I request the members to kindly stop the nonsense about blamegame.
The blame lies with the terrorists and that is most obvious.
If there is a foreign power behind these terrorist attacks then that has not been substantiated via direct evidence even in the past incidents, however this happened today and to say that this was the work of foreign powers is too soon and without any iota of evidence.
Logically speaking our number one enemy these days is TTP and all its allies...if there has to be a default accused then they should come to our mind first.

Whereas certainly Pakistan has to be cautious and not blindly trust anyone, it is almost idiotic to ignore the writing on the wall that these terrorists have an agenda of murdering innocent Pakistanis in order for the state to hold back its attack on their terrorist strongholds which they have created over more than a decade.
On one hand we have men of the TTP who have been found to be involved in the terrorism and their leadership which boasts of sending many suicide bombers if the state takes them on...yet we are thinking about an american invasion on Pakistan instead...
Please get real and know that the enemy we are fighting is the one sitting in our country...whoever is helping them is digging its own grave but the fact of the matter is that TTP and associates are the perpetrators of the act and the primary and clear enemy.
With passage of time as we control them and eliminate them, i am sure we will discover more information about them and any and all supporters will come to light, however with the kind of decentrilized command and control of these groups and the cell structure it is very difficult and time consuming process.

A point to ponder, i have noticed that recent attacks in Lahore were mostly in vicinity of a madrassah or a mosque, i think it is time that Punjab Govermnet takes note of this since this can be something being used by the terrorists to do recoinessance and keep close to their target while maintaining a low profile.
Oh come on, first of all u dont have proof that We are involved... So how can u be so sure??? Taliban is your enemy?? Dont say that we are funding them, you might be having incredible,super dooper proofs, which only pakistan can handle and is so secret that, it wouldnt present it in front of the world....

Come on.... What ever happend to us, We are successful in proving , atleast to the world, if not pakistan....
Seems you have missed 90 minutes,
Even today our Ambassador to India met your home minister, and to his detriment raised the very issue.
Well it now seems chickens are coming home to roost, and your world is not exactly holding it's breath on Ajmal Kasab.
As i said, there are no drama queens on this side of the border hence you wouldn't see a replica in kind.

it is always easy to only criticise things but lets make it productive.

Question 1. what steps should pak govt take to eliminate terrorism from pak?

Question 2. what should the role of pak military?

Question 3. what as a nation we should do to get rid of this disease.

Ha Ha. Seems zaid hamid in all the way in pakistan. Taliban get support 4m india. . And fighting against US AND PAKISTAN. .the most weired logic.
Seems you have missed 90 minutes,
Even today our Ambassador to India met your home minister, and to his detriment raised the very issue.
Well it now seems chickens are coming home to roost, and your world is not exactly holding it's breath on Ajmal Kasab.
As i said, there are no drama queens on this side of the border hence you wouldn't see a replica in kind.

So you wanna believe it without proof... Go Ahead no problems in India...

What next? Attack India. :woot:
Seems you have missed 90 minutes,
Even today our Ambassador to India met your home minister, and to his detriment raised the very issue.
Well it now seems chickens are coming home to roost, and your world is not exactly holding it's breath on Ajmal Kasab.
As i said, there are no drama queens on this side of the border hence you wouldn't see a replica in kind.

We dont have drama queens on this side of the border aswell, Lets face whats happening, we both are victims of terrorism, its all started by pakistan, as Mr Zardari said, that you created Taliban to destabilize India... You shouldnt be surprised if they are acting against you today...

But We all are against terrorism, let the Dead rest in Peace...

i have the honour to serve under his prestigious command. that realy a nice commander

it is always easy to only criticise things but lets make it productive.
Question 1. what steps should pak govt take to eliminate terrorism from pak?
Proper education to the people who can be easily brainwashed.
Identification of the real culprits.
Jobs to the jobless.
Army actions should be followed by huge amounts of aid to the victims and those living in the area.

Question 2. what should the role of pak military?
More Intelligence gathering
I dont think people will agree on this but take help from the assets of other countries including India in identifying Taliban as Indians also see them as threat
Some operation like operation Chanakya but i think that kind of operation will be already in place.

Question 3. what as a nation we should do to get rid of this disease.

People should unite more and try to be away from conspiracy theories.
Try and understand the main issue.
Support and try to be cohesive with the security installations.

it is always easy to only criticise things but lets make it productive.

Question 1. what steps should pak govt take to eliminate terrorism from pak?

Question 2. what should the role of pak military?

Question 3. what as a nation we should do to get rid of this disease.

First and foremost, value your Pakistaniat. Even if India is behind these attacks, they are sitting pretty in their home country and paying some SOB from our country to just go and bomb fellow Pakistani countrymen.

Most of the times its a Mullah, and some sick SOB has engraved into his brain that Pakistan is against Islam and hence it is okay to kill Pakistanis. This whole Muslim first, Pakistani second, or vice versa is just crap. One is a nationality and one is a belief. It is apples and oranges. The value of either is not measurable.

Once you value your Pakistaniat, you will KNOW that being a Pakistani you do not stand for anything wrong. Once this is ingrained they will not sell their country out, personified mother, to any enemy of Pakistan.
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So you wanna believe it without proof... Go Ahead no problems in India...

What next? Attack India. :woot:

Even while there was a fire fight taking place inside the Taj Hotel, your media started dancing to their armpit music, a class of 12 year olds urged on by their influential teacher started doing rounds shouting anti-Pakistan slogans. so called Ajmal Kasab is your banter, well for proof, yous will never see us descend to such pathetic level.
BTW, after all the hard evidence, what stopped India from attacking Pakistan.;)
Even while there was a fire fight taking place inside the Taj Hotel, your media started dancing to their armpit music, a class of 12 year olds urged on by their influential teacher started doing rounds shouting anti-Pakistan slogans. so called Ajmal Kasab is your banter, well for proof, yous will never see us descend to such pathetic level.
BTW, after all the hard evidence, what stopped India from attacking Pakistan.;)

Why to attack a nation which is itself on a self destruct mode. Why to waste our resources when you doing it on your own.
and any attack would have made Taliban in islamabad from the other end if you remember and definitely we dont want taliban in our neighbour. we have example of pakistan what happens when you have taliban in the neighbour.

it is always easy to only criticise things but lets make it productive.

Question 1. what steps should pak govt take to eliminate terrorism from pak?

Question 2. what should the role of pak military?

Question 3. what as a nation we should do to get rid of this disease.

1: Currently, Pakistan is in a state of war with this menace, whatever the initiative, the job is being done.

2: Pakistan Army has made more sacrifices than the entire ISAF community in say Afghanistan, it has shown what it's made of and how it should be done.

3: The defenders are executing their mission remarkably, the Nation has to be the eyes and ears for them as it's obvious the scumbags are getting support from embedded elements within our society. It's not rocket science to conclude that the culprits are not exactly filling up their vehicles with explosives and donning their suicide jackets in the FATA areas and driving all the way down town Lahore. They deem to have safe houses in and around the cities.
Just one advise. You guys turn every thread into B S . So if someone posted a stupid comment cant you guys ignore it. Will ignoring a troll will give you a lower status. But all you need is excuse to start a mud throwing contest. Shame on you guys....40 people died. And all we are doing is your country is in selfdestruct and your supported them in first place.......
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