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Blast in Cannt area: Multan

the practice is very 'casual'. this has to stop.

100% right and as a nation we have this casual attitude……..our countrymen are dying in everyday basis and still……….just comments and comments……..we are still in discussion phase, what to do and how to do……

It’s time now to declare emergency, govt. must have to use public support practically…...committees should be made to look after the neighborhood…….use volunteers for non-combat activities so that uniform man be available in quantity……..ban all the embassies’ activities of all countries (US especially, including NGOs) no communication will be allowed to any embassy via any source……..and tell US if its our war than we have to fight this according to our strategy………seal the borders, zero activity at Durand line must be assured………seal all weapon franchises…….

A lot of efforts can be made, but the problem is who can and who will, our govt......??????
I am now tired of these routine bomb blasts all over the country which is killing innocent people on daily basis :(

and politicians are just busy in saving their ministry seats


Why politicians??? You think Zardari or Gilani are fitting these bombs?
Its funny to imagine this :)
Dear nation is bankrupted morally. This is the reaction of corrupt people who can not get what they want. They are killing Pakistan.
Lets not blame anyone without adequate proof(s)
I request all the members to refrain from accusing anyone and turning this thread into an Indo-Pak war.
This is not the thread nor the time.
Warning to All Members : Posts should be restricted to the topic in hand, blame game can be done on other threads of such nature.

Every thread should not be made into a blame game war, this should be only related to the blast in Multan Cantt.
You know where we lack?

We as a nation, including myself very conveniently point fingers at others and ask for resignations but we won't do anything ourselves except for sitting in our houses and blaming others.

Just take the blackwater article posted on this thread earlier as an example. The houses being given on rent are owned by Pakistanis, the ex-security officials being recruited are Pakistanis, the companies giving advertisements in the News papers are owned by Pakistanis and the news papers are also owned by Pakistanis

For heavens sake, we all know that the politicians are a bunch of incompetent and corrupt fools so why should we expect anything from them or from the ones who will replace them, they are tried and tested more then a couple of times.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.
To dare: that is the whole secret of revolutions and in retrospect, all revolutions seem inevitable. Beforehand, all revolutions seem impossible.

A very valid point, sir. But wont you agree, things have moved beyond that point of self introspection for your citizen's?

At the risk of being flamed, has any state organization taken a stock of the wave of this attacks being faced by your country? ... Has anyone assimilated the lessons learnt? .... Has any state function dared to ask uneasy question's to get at the root of this plague?.. or more importantly, will the citizen of Pakistan, allow such a thing to be done? .... Will the citizens really accept, that sick as it may sound, this attacks are to be expected from a enemy against whom you have started a war, that this will be the collateral damage for fighting a war against a stateless enemy.

Maybe you have, maybe you have not done so yet. But with the condition as it stands now, i really see state of pakistan only taking the enemy on battlefield. Question i dont see an answer to is: Will this kill the ideology? ...... The fundamental thoughts, if not killed, someday will regroup and only re-emerge stronger (and there is no dearth of supporters, internal and external, who will benefit their own cause by doing so).

Sorry for digressing. But wanted to know how does state of pakistan plan to move ahead beyond the war on battle front?
The aim of all these attacks is to demoralize the country spread confusion and discord. By the looks of it, it seems to be working.

The whole aim of these attacks is to start a chorus of lets get the Army back in Power. Where does the army go. Does it defend the borders, does it fight the insurgency or does it run the country.

Sadly politicians of all hues, in power in opposition are letting the country down. Strangely we are not hearing, the champions of democracy the lawyers protesting. Key political figures prefer to stay away from the limelight.

This IMO is the main problem. Insurgencies can be tackled, but internal divisions and a section of the country supporting these bast..ds is not helping the situation at all.
RIP for those who lost their life. I feel very strong action is needed, I also feel citizens can be great in this time. Why not people do a quick inspection of neighborhood to find if there are any suspecious elements or are there group of people sympathizing with them.
blasts in 3 cities,this proud Muslim nation has given over 100 shaheeds and wounded even today!Remember this. Only the greatest nations rising to the dignified glory are put through gravest of tests of fire,blood and sword! By Allah,we stand united,firm and strong.We are the Ummat of Sayyadna Muhemmed Ras...ul Allah (s...aw).We are the children of Khalid,Tariq and Salahuddin!We are Pakistanis!!!! Labbaik!!
kamcos;575562]Why politicians??? You think Zardari or Gilani are fitting these bombs?Its funny to imagine this :)

Since they profit from it i say yes they are involve in it have you seen any afghans being deported have you seen any afghans camps being closed any thing where it shows government cares.
all well known terrorist are put in jails and released with deals made with terrorist sorry dude i say all pakistani politicians are involved and profiting from these crimes.

Dear nation is bankrupted morally. This is the reaction of corrupt people who can not get what they want. They are killing Pakistan
I Agree 100%
Terrorism is ultimately a law and order problem.

We need our law enforcement to be strong enough to detect threats preemptively and be responsive to any public leads.

It is not the army's job to patrol the streets of Lahore or Multan. They will do their job in Waziristan, but the local police needs to be better trained, equipped and paid to be able to handle this threat.
The militant cadres have been humilated ever since the Pak Armed forces put them under the boot in waziristan , they never thought they will face such humilating defeat , waziristan was supposed to be untouchable as far as they were concenred but Pak Armed forces proved everyone wrong.

The vast quantaties of arms, ammuniation and explosives that the army has captured tells a tale of how when the army came hunting for the terrorists , the goons ran away leaving behind everything.

The enemies of Pakistan had first hoped for getting the Pak Armed forces entangled with the dogs that they are feeding in the Pak-Afghan border area.

Having seen that the resolve of the people of Pakistan and its Armed forces is not an easy nut to crack they have started telling their dogs to target market places , mosques and kiling women and children to spread fear.

Hosla bulund rakho Pak Jawano , Dushman mashriq mein bhi ha aur maghrib mein bhi! Iss dushman a sar katna haq ha HAQ!
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