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Blasphemy Charged for Recieving Text Message

U truthseeker, And Christians never accept the fact presented to them even with proof...Even special laws are made to sideline Muslims in every possible way in most of the Western Nations..Get a life we reject it there are no facts....The blasphemy that is going on in Sialkot where round after round every 2 months Missionaries are coming and converting people to Christians while govt is well aware of it why did govt not crack down on such missionaries and such people who convert?? Because they are free to follow whatever religion they want to follow they are caught if they go to extreme creating hatred and acts that are way to extreme. Point is fact is credibility is down to 20% or lower pcp.
I guess truthseeker got carried away with such news..he is always looking for such news in his all free spare time after depression in US without jobs....

I don't want to create mess but i have so many links & Videos of Christians who tortured Muslims literally physically as well as mentally with 100% proofs. But hey why should i post it i'm majority who cares about minority on this forum with few exceptions...Get proof get a life!!

Thats what happens to Minorities in Pakistan!!!!!!! Just read his last sentences.......he said " I am Majority, who cares about Minority" Who Cares about Minority????? Mr.luftwaffe .........why were u protesting for the blasphemeous cartoons made in Denmark? They are majority let them do what they want and u r minorites.....AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO PROTEST!!!!!!! UNDERSTOOD......If u dont care about minorites in ur own country then DO NOT expect to be taken care in Foreign countries cuz u guys are minorites in Denmark!!!!!
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Well, its all well and good to criticise Islam about its blasphemy laws. Lets analyse other religious laws as well shall we, that would only be fair.

Although Islam gives 4 options as punishment for blasphemy including death or banishment.

Christianity -

And whoever blasphemes the name of the lord shall surely be put to death (Leviticus 24:10 - 16) and verse 23

There are plenty more which I can go though. We can also touch up on Hinduism for blasphemy with regards to the Vedas and other scriptures.

However the intolerance in Christianity, lets analyse that first:

1.) Exodus 22:18 - You shall not permit a sorceress to live

2.) Exodus 22:19 - Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death

3.) Exodus 22:20 - he who sacrifices to any god, except to the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed

4.) Exodus 31: 14-15 - You shall keep the sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death.

5.) Deuteronomy 13: 6-11 - These verses talk about converting to another religion should be put to death.

With regards to point 4, there is a story of a man picking up wood for a fire on a sabbath day an he was put to death by Moses.

If this is not enough, then please say so and I will give a comprehensive study with regards to major religions and their blasphemy laws as this is one field I enjoy most.
Gazzi, you do realise that none of the so called Christian or Hindu states actually have blasphemy laws. I haven't heard of any person in this modern era outside some Muslim countries actually being prosecuted for acts of blasphemy. These religions have had their dark periods. ex:Inquisitions. However there are also had reformation processes where such laws have been done away with.
Gazzi, you do realise that none of the so called Christian or Hindu states actually have blasphemy laws. I haven't heard of any person in this modern era outside some Muslim countries actually being prosecuted for acts of blasphemy. These religions have had their dark periods. ex:Inquisitions. However there are also had reformation processes where such laws have been done away with.

If you people don't follow your faith, which is believed to be the words of Gods in their own respected faiths then that is your problem not ours. We do intend to follows ours.

And as above, if these scriptures are Gods words then no one has the authority to "reform" any part of it. hence, where the corruption lies.

Most the religions have their own law in their scriptures and this is what matters, what you follow or don't is your choice, not your Lord's who have ordered something else.
If you people don't follow your faith, which is believed to be the words of Gods in their own respected faiths then that is your problem not ours. We do intend to follows ours.

Most the religions have their own law in their scriptures and this is what matters, what you follow or don't is your choice, not your Lord's who have ordered something else.

Ah, Mr. Gazzi, a fundamentalist, I see. Firstly, the passages you quoted above are from the Jewish Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The Christian part of the Bible is the New Testament, and you will find that Jesus has modified all of the points you have made. So for Christians, God is love, not vengeance. Secondly, the point is that secular laws should not be patterned in lockstep with any religious teachings unless the people affected so choose. If the people want blaspheme laws, so be it. But, if so, they must accept the turmoil that will cause in their society if multiple religions are practiced by equal citizens.
Ah, Mr. Gazzi, a fundamentalist, I see. Firstly, the passages you quoted above are from the Jewish Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The Christian part of the Bible is the New Testament, and you will find that Jesus has modified all of the points you have made. So for Christians, God is love, not vengeance. Secondly, the point is that secular laws should not be patterned in lockstep with any religious teachings unless the people affected so choose. If the people want blaspheme laws, so be it. But, if so, they must accept the turmoil that will cause in their society if multiple religions are practiced by equal citizens.

by the way truthseeker, the Pope himself is a fundamentalist and to be a follower of any religion, you have to be a fundametalist otherwise you are just wasting your time.

Now, about your silly comment about the "old testament". refer to below:

"Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"

Now, either your God and text is lying or confused or you are simply ignorant to the bible. Read it first please.

Please also see the following

"Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 'The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.' (Matthew 23:1-3)"

Jesus, having authority to change anything is also debatable and hand in hand in that also is any claim of divinity to give him the authority to alter anything. But this would be a whole new debate which I am more then happy to entertain.

But the abive verses are very clear and therefore according to your religious text, not your words, as they mean nothing, the bible is far worse then any other religion when it comes to blasphemy or religious tolerance.:smitten:
Gazzi, From your posts, I don't understand if you oppose all kinds of religious intolerance or if you are ok with such sorts of religious intolerance and support blasphemy laws.

Can you please clarify your position.
And as above, if these scriptures are Gods words then no one has the authority to "reform" any part of it. hence, where the corruption lies.

Most the religions have their own law in their scriptures and this is what matters, what you follow or don't is your choice, not your Lord's who have ordered something else.

Don't you sometimes wonder why your God gave you a brain and a free will?
I support religious tolerance and believe no one has the right to insult another religion. However, I am all up for a healthy debate on religion issues. I am simply pointing out that islam is not the only religion with Blasphemy laws and far from being intolerant compared to other religions, as shown in my quotes from the Bible for now.
Gazzi everyone has a right to live the way he chooses. What puzzles me is how you mange to live in the UK wid ur ideas.
Gazzi everyone has a right to live the way he chooses. What puzzles me is how you mange to live in the UK wid ur ideas.

Well, I tend to wake up in the morning like many others and go to work, practice my religion, pray five times a day and love my family and community. Not that hard actually....how about you Sir
What amuses me more is that many people in this forum who by the way are followers of their own religions i.e. Christianity and Hinsuism mainly, find it normal to question Islam and its principles and to what I have answered, yet not say anything about the fact that it is their religions also which teach the same thing and have a discussion of my quotes from the Bible, will be adding some from Hindu scriptures soon. Then lets compare altogether. Wow, what hypocricy.

I think I should start a new thread of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism and discuss individual topics on all three religions one by one.
I support religious tolerance and believe no one has the right to insult another religion. However, I am all up for a healthy debate on religion issues. I am simply pointing out that islam is not the only religion with Blasphemy laws and far from being intolerant compared to other religions, as shown in my quotes from the Bible for now.

Gazzi, I don't see the point of raking up defunct laws in other religious books then. From your own admission, these are signs of religious intolerance and that nobody practices these anymore.

The discussion is about blasphemy laws which are in place in this age and are being used by people to prosecute others. The question is, do they make sense?

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