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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Hummm, this is indeed intriguing.
In another totally unrelated news, Chinese is considering sending troops to Afghanistan under the framework of SCO with the bless of UN to fight against Uighur terrorists operating as taliban.
In another news, Russians are considering laws to allow Russian troops to be deployed beyond Russian territory.
Yet in another news, Japanese democratic party is likely to control the Japanese parliament for the first time in 53 years.
So many intriguing news... I could seriously use some think tank opinion.
Wow that is very suspicious I doubt it's just a a normal family moving into the neighborhood.

If your seriously telling the truth, please take precaution now this is a very dangerous and serious situation. They rented 6 big houses but they only live in one, it seems like they are conducting some sort of intelligence gathering.

Also that fact that they put barbwire and cameras on the wall means they are certainly engaging in some covert activity.

If you see strange black vehicles with tinted windows visiting these houses regularly, strange behavior, over hear radio communications, these are all red flags.

Alert the Police or better yet as I said in the last thread.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/32160-blackwater-arming-us-drones-cia-nyt.html

I know two of the people who rent their houses to americans they were our former neighbors. Americans are paying them over 100000 RS on each house. Its actually Pakistani fault who are giving them the houses. Almost two year back an American was killed there people said he was a UN worker but I seriously drought .After that American death they rented 5 more houses. American live in the middle house and rest are empty fitted with cameras.
I've spread this news and sent the Printing information in a page that will be given out in Malir Cantt area's and many places in Karachi in Jummah Namaz people were given these print outs about Black water but for now if we see any i agree with A1Kaid that if we seen any of their activity in Pakistan should be clear to engage and kill.

Are you sure that we can clear to engage them. What I know they always pose as UN workers. If you engage them then their are consequences.
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Marines not coming under cover of embassy expansion

ISLAMABAD: Federal Interior Minster Rehman Malik has said the arrival of US marines is not part of the expansion of US embassy in Islamabad.

Talking to a private TV channel, the interior minister said that the US embassy has the same strength, however, some US officials do come in the country for going to Afghanistan as US is fighting there but they are just officials.

He said that the US embassy applied for expansion aimed to construct extra houses and playgrounds and Capital Development Authority (CDA) after examining their request gave land according to rules and regulations and they paid for it.

On reports of establishment of office of US agency BlackWater in Peshawar and its planning to conduct operations, the minister said that US goods go to Kabul via Pakistan and the government charges on these goods under an agreement and the US authorities can hire agencies to protect their goods, it is the part of that agreement.
Are you sure that we can clear to engage them. What I know they always pose as UN workers. If you engage them then their are consequences.

what consequences ? first they will be interogation like Pakistan Police style than all their equipments will be checked if they are from UN will be left alone after that if suspected anything suspecious than GOD really help them.
Black Water Compromised.
BTW whats their sole purpose in Pakistan . There a lot of Rumors in the Media , Black water this Black water that, the thing which confuses me is
"Even if they are doing their work who has given them the green light to operate inside Pakistan and indulge in anti-state activities "
" Right now we are watching the one end of the story , There has to be some-kind of mutual understanding and the compromises would have been made by both Parties "
Or there could be a possibility that the Establishment might wants to go hard on this agency considering its Dark Crime Reputations thus paving way to expel them or stop there activities inside Pakistan .

the info is limited
whoever hit PC peshawar knew that Xe workers were there, having lunch. Our intelligence agencies will be monitoring them quite closely. It was bad judgement to allow some rogue and undisciplined firm like this enter our country. They are not welcome here.
Are you sure that we can clear to engage them. What I know they always pose as UN workers. If you engage them then their are consequences.

I am pretty sure, the day they did something stupid, whole of Peshawar will come after them, heck why not whole NWFP, as the Pushtoons love to check out their weapons, specially at targets, that also american targets :)

UN or any other intl aid organization does not allows anyone to use their name or cover for such activities. They mostly cover up in the USAID program or as some intl NGO.
NYTIMEs is piece of crap.Why would Blackwater operate CIA Planes?

Americans love Outsourcing, so why not spy work to be outsourced.

In this way CIA won't have to depute staff at different places, they will just monitor as supervisor while the dirty work will be carried out by someone else, resulting in saving manpower which can be utilized somewhere else.
US refuses to discuss Blackwater mission in Pakistan

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Expert says Washington does not need private security personnel for domination

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: While in Pakistan there are growing reports of the presence of Blackwater personnel, at home in America the US security agency’s founder and former owner is alleged to have used the company as “merchants of death” as he views himself as a “Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe”.

Defence analysts and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf Information Secretary Dr Shireen M Mazari in her article in The News, published on Wednesday, claimed that after Peshawar now Islamabad has Blackwater (now hiding under the new label, Xe Worldwide) and the rather obvious CIA front-company Creative Associates International Inc (CAII). She cited the last week sealing off of the road in Super Market in front of a school as the endorsement of her information.

US embassy spokesman Richard W Snelsire, however, when asked about the presence of Blackwater personnel in Pakistan, said, “We don’t discuss security, issues related to the security that include the contractors, who are assigned the security tasks.” Snelsire or Rick, as he is commonly known, said that making public such details would endanger lives. He said that 95% of the security personnel doing security work with the US embassy and its officials are from the Pakistani security companies. Regarding Marines, he said that presently the US embassy has only eight Marines and when the expansion project of the embassy would complete in years to come, this strength would go up to 15-20 maximum.

Rick though did not want to discuss anything about the American security contractors assigned security task here, there are many here who talk of the presence of Blackwater personnel here. A senior lady anchorperson was heard sharing her information about Blackwaters with a senior PML-N leader during Nawaz Sharif’s recent interaction with a group of newspaper and electronic media journalists.

She insisted that the Blackwater operators are in Peshawar, Quetta and Islamabad. She also said that in the recent Pearl Continental terrorist attack in Peshawar, amongst other two Blackwater men were also killed. Blackwater is a US security company that has track record in Iraq where they killed innocents.

Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit was not in Pakistan to confirm if the foreign security contractor hired by the US embassy is Blackwater.

Meanwhile at home in US, the Blackwater is facing a district court in Alexandria, which will decide whether one of the darkest chapters of the Bush era, the relationship between the administration and the private security company Blackwater, should be re-examined?

According to SPIEGEL ONLINE, a German publication, some of Blackwater’s former employees want to shine light on the company’s shadowy activities. In just one incident, according to the report, 17 people including women and children were killed on Sept 16, 2007 at Nisoor Square in Baghdad by mercenaries working for Blackwater.

Erik Prince, Blackwater’s founder and former owner, is referred in the suit, filed by one Susan Burke as a “modern-day merchant of death,” and she alleged that the 40-year-old created a “culture of lawlessness and unaccountability” at Blackwater, where the “excessive and unnecessary use of deadly force” was commonplace. In her motion, Burke also accuses Blackwater of war crimes.

The US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in Alexandria, Virginia, will now decide whether to take on Burke’s civil suit. Burke now plans to call 40 witnesses to testify against Prince. If the court agrees to hear her suit on Friday, eyewitnesses to the various killings will be summoned from Baghdad.

Meanwhile, a Pakistani expert on Pak-US relations deplored that the Pakistanis used to indulge in politics of blame games. On condition of not being named, he said in the presence of its army in Iraq, the US did not need security personnel of its private companies to fight civilians or dominate the host country. He said when the US missions or buildings came under attack in Iraq, several innocent women and children of US citizens are also killed. Similarly, he said it is possible that in retaliatory attack by the security personnel civilians including women and children are killed. He said such casualties do occur in the situation of war and they are always unintentional. He said such killings should not be portrayed as campaign to kill innocent Muslims.

I have to wonder why the US government would insist upon hiring Xe in places like Pakistan, given that these things are bound to eventually emerge, and Xe's history and the stories around its CEO are extremely inflammatory.

If Xe is not contracted for any services in Pakistan, then it would be prudent and helpful to officially declare that Xe is not present of contracted for any services in Pakistan.

Xe is not the only security contractor in the US or the West ...

The other aspect of this is of course the GoP's role - The media and ordinary Pakistanis need to pressure the GoP to kick out most non-Pakistani security contractors, especially companies like Xe.
Now US ambassador to Pakistan Anne W Patterson is clarifying that US Embassy will not be used for spying!

Pakistanis don't trust the US and US diplomats and their President need to understand that :hitwall:

We don't want a large US embassy in Pakistan! How hard is to understand the general sentiment of an entire nation????


Large US embassy not for spying: Patterson

This is bunch of crap as the whole embassy will be used for activities against the nuclear program of Pakistan and this embassy will serve as a small base in future.

Shame on Pakistan's 'elected' Parliament who waste time in discussing non issues.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Large US embassy not for spying: Patterson
US envoy denies huge deployment of marines
Friday, August 28, 2009

No more than 20 marines after new embassy premises built, says Anne Patterson
By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir

ISLAMABAD: The US envoy in Pakistan Ms Anne Wood Patterson has conceded that the impression about her country in Pakistan is ‘very bad’ and it is because of the poor public relations and the undue US bashing by Washington’s critics here.

She said, “We all are responsible for this bad image and are making efforts to remove this perception.” There is a need to promote people-to-people contact to improve the trust between the two countries.

She revealed that about one thousand US Marines are providing internal security to 150 US embassies and consulates across the globe but certain people are insisting that hundreds of marines are being deployed in Islamabad in the wake of the expansion of the embassy complex.

She was talking to a group of senior journalists in the embassy compound on Thursday to explain her country’s position vis-a-vis the expansion of the embassy building and the posting of marines in Pakistan. Patterson who is about to complete her third year here despite its being a non-family station said that the expansion project of the US embassy in Islamabad is needed due to an increase in the financial assistance being given by America to Pakistan and it requires expansion in the embassy infrastructure. But the number of US marines will be less than 20 even after the completion of the expansion project six to seven years down the line. She emphatically denied the reports of a frightening increase in the number of US marines in Pakistan’s capital.

The ambassador clarified that marines are not authorised to be responsible for security or combat duty outside the embassy and their sole responsibility was to protect the internal security of the embassy. They are not supposed to leave the mission building and hence cannot move out of the premises of the embassy. They do not mingle with the embassy officials as they arrange their food and other needs separately on their own. Patterson said Pakistan will receive about $4 billion in the next 18 months that also includes $1.5 billion under the Kerry-Lugar Bill, $1 billion in military and other economic assistance. For that reason the US embassy needs more staff to handle the increased assistance.

The ambassador said presently the embassy has 250 permanent American staff. Over 1,000 are Pakistani staff working in different sections while 200 are temporary staff. She said after the expansion of the building, the embassy will enhance its strength from 300 to 500 according to the needs and requirements and 60 per cent of them will be Pakistanis.

The US ambassador made it clear that the expansion work of the embassy was being initiated with the consent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Capital Development Authority (CDA). She said the present embassy is situated on 38 acres of land and it has purchased 18 acres more land from the CDA. She said the embassy is in contact with the CDA through the ministry of foreign affairs and added that CDA officials can inspect the construction at any stage if they have any question. The expanded embassy will be constructed according to an authorised plan and design. The whole structure of the present embassy would be demolished, she added.

Clarifying the allocation of $112 million for the construction of marine houses inside the embassy, the ambassador said that it will not be for more than 20 marines and the actual cost for these marine houses will be just $5-9 million and most of the funds would be utilised for the facilities for the marines.

Regarding construction, the ambassador said, the entire labour would be from Pakistan and even a Turkish contractor given the task for construction at one of the sections hired Pakistani staff where only one Turk works.

Commenting on the propaganda from Pakistani politicians and religious parties regarding the number of marines, the ambassador said, the embassy would interact with them to explain the actual facts.She also denied any secret deal with former President Pervez Musharraf for the purpose of expansion of the embassy building.

Replying to a question, the ambassador confirmed that as there are over 250 US permanent staff in Islamabad therefore, the embassy has hired about 200 houses here for its staff. The houses would be vacated as soon the expanded embassy building is completed, she said.

The ambassador said the US embassy is also looking for property for the construction of its new consulate in Peshawar and added that there will be expansion in the US consulate in Karachi also. She said in the expansion project, the embassy is making arrangements to build its own houses for its permanent staff so that they could live with their families.

About the stories of hiring the officials of Blackwater, she denied any such deal and said there is no agreement between the embassy and Blackwater for security in Islamabad. She said Blackwater was not working with thw State Department.

The ambassador said the US has been providing air support to the Ministry of Interior. She did not elaborate on this. To a question about allegations of spying on Pakistan through the expansion of the embassy, the ambassador denied such reports. She said, “We do not need a big embassy if we want to spy on Pakistan.” She said, “We do not need to spy on Pakistan.” The ambassador said the charges of spying on Pakistan are ridiculous.

Answering a question about helping Pakistan in the energy sector, the ambassador said the US is interested in providing financial assistance for hydel projects to resolve the energy crisis. She said there are five American engineers presently in Pakistan for looking into the possibility of helping Pakistan in the hydel sector.

Replying to a question, the ambassador said following the military action against the militants in Swat and other areas, the security situation has improved. She eulogised the operation carried out by Pakistani troops in Malakand and Swat. She said US is also satisfied with the security of the nuclear system and arsenals of Pakistan.

According to the figures provided by the embassy $736.5 million would fund a major upgrade of facilities in Islamabad to meet the security and building infrastructure needs. This includes: $111 million for the construction in Islamabad of a new annexe to accommodate approximately 330 personnel; $405 million for the renovation or replacement of the existing chancery to accommodate approximately 645 personnel; $108 million for permanent New Embassy Compound (NEC) housing (156 units); $112.5 million for construction of US Marine Corps security guard quarters, and general office facilities. In addition, $29.6 million would support site acquisition for future construction of new consulate facilities in Lahore, and $40.1 million would support diplomatic facilities in Peshawar.

It’s important to note that the amount of $112.5 million is for marine security guard quarters and general office facilities. Of the $112.5 million $5 million would be for the marine security guard quarters the rest would be for other offices and facilities. The Office Management and Budget (OMB) document is very general. Here is the breakdown: MSGQ $5M, Housing Infrastructure $53.5M, GSO Area Improvements $18M, TDY quarters/community support facilities $36M. The new compound will also have a hotel in the middle of it that would be used for the stay of the guests of the embassy, she added.

US envoy denies huge deployment of marines
it is because of the poor public relations and the undue US bashing by Washington’s critics here.

Western media and US bloggers are doing Bashing on Pakistan in every forum and blogs and it creates negativity for US too. :coffee:
Patterson said Pakistan will receive about $4 billion in the next 18 months that also includes $1.5 billion under the Kerry-Lugar Bill, $1 billion in military and other economic assistance. For that reason the US embassy needs more staff to handle the increased assistance.

WTF! They need 1750 personnel in total for that 4 billon $??

Are those personnel going to get those 4 billion or is it for Pak's assistance?? :what:

Still, it stinks :confused:
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