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Blackwater's Pakistan mission (and related news)

Can some army person make me clear about that if Pakistan army and agencies are aware of Xe presence in Pakistan and security threats and their activities in Pakistan and if they are aware what are they waiting for?

They are aware, but the Pak Goverment condones them being their and coordinating drones strikes within AfgPak territory.
dudes we got man who spent 12 yrs in jail on corruption charges.Who doesnt know how to talk whose not even educated matric pass 10th grade pass lol.And lol hes our president the guy who couldnt investigate his own wife assasination wat can tht bird brain actually do he not even capable of being a PA of some SHOlol.And he came due to NRO wat do u expectwat an incompetent fool.Yeah sure we dont have BLACK WATERS we got some americans with some prohibited bore guns who can do anything like breaking some boys car window slaping a police warden and threatening a custom officier thts all and they can hire some security agency import weapons without proper documentation and without our minister of disneyland inistry telling ISI,MI OR IB and no checking of US officials.Lying abt the import of weapons then telling yes WE DID IMPORT THE WEAPONS but we dont know frm were these were imported frm so then again lying tht these weapons wre gifted by some guy Nawab something whose unknow t from FR bannu WHO IS NOT KNOWN EVEN IN BANNU then ISI busting tht INTER RISK OWNER AND HIS DIRTY ****** INSECT FRIENDS NOW IN CUSTODY HE TELLS US THT US IPORTED THEM WEAPONS.. AND US TELLING us to DO MOREEEEEEEEE.Hell man wat are we slaves like negros were in AMERICA MAN LET ME TELL YOU THT WE WERE NEVER SLAVES BY NONE EVEN BRITISH COULD NOT MAKE US THERE SLAVES LIKE UNITED STATES HAD BEEN OF THE BRITISH WHEN IT GOT INDEPENDENCE SO GO BACK TO AFRICA IRAQ WERE U WERE TALKING ABT WMDs I HOPE U FOUND THEM IN THIS CENTURY AFTER YOU MASSACRED AND DESTROYED IRAQ WITH UR HIRED ASSASINS AND ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oIIo
Give it a rest lads... Stop ranting on about Xe/Blackwater or the damn munchkins. Who gives a toss, we have far bigger things to be worrying about... This is just another example of sensatonialist pakistani Media distracting our public attention.

Lets look at the bigger picture. For Example: The evolving tactics and techniques used by TTP and their chums in recent attack in Islamabad on WHO office.
Good job Haider:yahoo:,how about some posts on new world order.i'll be waiting.
Lets look at the bigger picture. For Example: The evolving tactics and techniques used by TTP and their chums in recent attack in Islamabad on WHO office.

Seems like an attempt to give reason to the unpopular govt. for halting re-elections on free constituancies.

Regarding Balck water.... we need to understand that it was operating with different name but online job application can be made over the official black water webpage.

Mystery of Inter-Risk weapons
deepens as embassy admits imports
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD:†The role of the†Interior Ministry†in the issuance of prohibited bore licenses to American security company DynCorpís local partner Inter-Risk appears to be dubious as the†US embassy on Saturday admitted to have imported the prohibited bore weapons but other evidence shows something different.

Evidence†available with The News contradicts the US embassy’s viewpoint and shows that a resident of Daryoba Agency FR Bannu had gifted 50 weapons that were reportedly given to Inter-Risk.
Documents also show that after US Ambassador Anne Patterson’s letter to Interior Minister Rehman Malik for the issuance of prohibited bore licenses to Inter-Risk, the US embassy continued to influence the Interior Ministry that issued the required licenses to the US-blessed Pakistani security agency without consulting intelligence agencies and the Foreign Office.

Following Patterson’s letter, US embassy officials met State Minister for Interior Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi and later formally wrote to him, setting clear deadlines for the issuance of licenses in three phases. The documentary evidence shows that the state minister acted accordingly as per the wishes of the US embassy.
Gerald M Feierstein, Charge dí Affaires ad interim US embassy in Islamabad, wrote to Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi on May 7: “I would like to thank you for meeting with my representative Michael Eicher on May 7 to discuss certain security matters that affect the US Embassy. As Mr Eicher conveyed, the United States and Pakistan share a deep commitment to improving the lives and future of the Pakistani people. However, security concerns have greatly diminished out ability to administer and expand the programmes we would like to support in partnership with the government of Pakistan.

“I order for the Embassy to mitigate the risk associated with some of these security concerns, the US Embassy has engaged with Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd to provide armed guards to protect our US diplomatic personnel assigned to Islamabad and Peshawar. Therefore, I would like to request the issuance of 134 prohibited bore (pb) licenses on behalf to Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd to accomplish this security goal.

“50 pb licenses are needed as quickly as possible and an additional 50 pb licenses will be needed in June 2009. The remaining 34 licenses will be needed in July 2009.

“I would like to thank you for your personal attention to this matter offer the renewed assurances of my highest considerations.”

Within a week time following this letter, the personal secretary (PS) to the state minister for interior writes a ìTop Priorityî directive on ministerís behalf, ordering the section officer (PB) Ministry of Interior: “The minister of state for interior has been pleased to approve fifty (50) PB arms license in favour of M/S Inter-Risk (Private) Limited.
“2. Arm Section may issue the licenses under intimation to this office by 20-5-2009.”

While the state minister issued strict direction for the issuance of 50 pb licenses to Inter-Risk by May 20, 2009, the deputy commissioner Islamabad received an official communication from office of the district coordination officer/political agent FR Bannu the same day.

The letter’s subject was “Confirmation/Verification of Weapon Gift” and it read as: “The enclosed certificates (consisting 50 no) for gift of weapon, gifted by Malik Khanzada Khan Wazir Daryoba Agency FR Banny dully verified by the undersigned for further necessary action.”

Official sources said that these apparently gifted weapons were provided to Inter-Risk, however, actually the said weapons belonged to the Americans. Why the DCO Bannu did this and on whose order could not be ascertained as despite repeated efforts and telephone calls, the officer did not talk to this correspondent. His staff said that the DCO was sitting in the office but the officer did not even bother to return the call.

Deputy Commissioner Islamabad Amir Ahmad Ali, when contacted, said that he took over as DC Islamabad in June so he did not know as to what was the secret behind the DCO Bannu’s letter. The then DC Islamabad Asadullah Faiz, when contacted, said that he did not remember the case and its details.

US embassy spokesman Richard Snelisry, when approached by this correspondent, admitted for the first time that it had imported prohibited bore weapons for Inter-Risk against the licenses given by the Interior Ministry. He said that it was part of the contract signed between the embassy and Inter-risk. When his attention was drawn to the DCO Bannu letter, he said that he did not know anything about it but insisted that everything on behalf of the US embassy was transparent and within the limits of Pakistan’s laws. He said that it was possible that the Inter-Risk had obtained the gifted weapons for something that had nothing to do with the US embassy. He said that the US embassy was not responsible for everything that the Inter-Risk has done or is doing.

The embassy spokesman, who is commonly known as Rick, said that he had no knowledge of any letter written by any embassy official to the Interior Ministryís state minister and giving deadlines for the issuance of licenses to Inter-Risk following the letter of Anne Patterson.

State Minister Qureshi, when approached, confirmed that he did receive a letter from Gerald M Feierstein but denied that it was part of US embassy’s influence on him to proceed accordingly. Qureshi said that he issued the licenses without referring the matter to the Foreign Office or the security agencies, as it was a routine affair. He said Inter-Risk was a registered security agency and the US embassy wanted prohibited bore licenses to beef up security of its personnel and interests.

The state minister, however, said that he was never informed about the fact that Inter-Risk was a local partner of the American security company DynCorp. He said that he also did not know about the “fishy” affairs connected with Inter-Risk. However, the fact remains that the relationship between DynCorp and Inter-Risk was clearly mentioned by the US ambassador in her letter addressed to Interior Minister Rehman Malik and dated March 30, 2009.

In her two-page letter, Patterson shared her security concerns with Rehman Malik, particularly about the US Consulate in Peshawar. She had referred to the common objectives and shared visions between the two countries for the Frontier province and the tribal areas of Pakistan. She wrote: “Recognizing that the responsibility of your Ministry and provincial law enforcement is not limited to the Consulate but remains confronting the miscreant elements directly and everywhere, the US government has entered into a commercial contract with Dyncorp International and their Pakistani subcontractors Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd, and Speed Flo Filter Industries to provide specialised security support for our consulate in Peshawar.

“I feel this contractual arrangement will allow your security forces to focus on their priorities and at the same time allow us the ability to continue consulate operations with an appropriate level of security support. Our security plan will incorporate both the commercial security personnel and the NWFP police contingent already dedicated to supporting the consulate.

“To accomplish the goals of our commercial contract, I am requesting your approval for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Dyncorp International, Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd, and Speed Flo Filter Industries to provide security services for the US government. More urgently, we request your intervention to facilitate granting Inter-Risk (Pvt) the requisite prohibited bore arms licenses to operate in the territorial limits of Pakistan and as soon as possible.”
1000 US MARINES in ISLAMABAD with humvees .,,,,,,,,,
EXPENSION OF US EMBASSY in islamabad,,,,,,,,,
humiliating behaviour of Xe guards with islamabad police ,,,,,
is that all not true ???

our govt is not sleeping ,they are all doing intentionally because they are representatives of USA
Expressing concern over expansion of American embassy in the federal capital, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Luo Zhaohui has asked the US to expand the embassy keeping in view the security rules and regulation of Pakistan.
“China has concerns over expansion of US embassy in Islamabad and the United States should expand its embassy by materialising rules and regulations of Pakistan,” he said while addressing a news conference on Friday.
Responding to a question, he said China is against using the term ****** for Pakistan, as it is a sovereign state which should not be compared with Afghanistan where the US and allied forces are battling against insurgency.
Answering to another question, the ambassador expressed satisfaction over security being given to the Chinese citizens in Pakistan saying, “We have no plan to deploy Chinese Army in our consulate.”
Commenting on relations between Pakistan and China, Luo Zhaohui referred to the collaboration with Pakistan in various fields and said his country would continue to assist its all weather friend to overcome the sugar and energy crises.
When asked about President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to China after every 3 months, he said the visit of Pakistani President was aimed to boost working relationship between the two countries.
When President Asif Ali Zardari would travel to China at an official visit, full protocol would be provided to him, he said, adding Pakistan and China have people to contact.
China concerned over US embassy expansion plan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Give it a rest lads... Stop ranting on about Xe/Blackwater or the damn munchkins. Who gives a toss, we have far bigger things to be worrying about... This is just another example of sensatonialist pakistani Media distracting our publica attention.

Lets look at the bigger picture. For Example: The evolving tactics and techniques used by TTP and their chums in recent attack in Islamabad on WHO office.

and why do you think TTP attacks pakistan. they say, "Pakistanis(army,politicians and there suporters ) are american dogs.." THIS IS THE BIG PICTURE.
Any complicity in creating state within state by any govt. official or in private capacity is treason of high level.
Every police man and officer involved in facilitating these must be hanged in public.
All those giving there houses on rent must also be hanged and those who reissue visa to a declared anti Pakistan elements must be trialed.
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blackwater in Lahore
(Exclusive Photo)



Thank you ahmed for answering all da questions i had in my mind abt blackwater.good job
Inter-Risk owner disappears

The owner of notorious Inter-Risk Security Company, Syed Jafar Ali Zaidis whereabouts are not known anymore. He was on physical remand with the Kohsar police for the last two days but now he has disappeared. New Video Series by Don Miller
Sources privy to the developments claimed that Zaidi had been admitted in the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) for treatment early this morning (Friday). Dr. Waseem Khawaja, the spokesman of the PIMS was contacted several times but he gave vague answers saying that he was not clear about Zaidis admission in the hospital and was still checking his presence there.

This scribe himself visited PIMS but could not find out the whereabouts of Zaidi in the hospital. A close friend of Zaidi was also contacted but he replied that even he could not succeed in tracing him. Police sources claimed that Zaidi was not present behind the bars of Kohsar Police Station but was out. However they did not make it clear the exact location of Zaidi.

Rana Akram, Station House Officer (SHO) of Kohsar Police Station was contacted time and again but was not available for the comments. Zaidi was given under the custody of police on two-day physical remand on 30th of last month by the court of Judicial Magistrate, Fahim Shah. The US diplomats spoke in his defence in their talks with the press. Could they have had a hand in Zaidis disappearance from the police station?
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