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what do these rioters have against Wendy's ?


to be fair, black people are pretty much discriminated against the world over, it's not a good thing

and to be even fairer, they bring a lot of it upon themselves, at least here in India with the drug mule and peddling business.. they're tough as hell too, don't crack under even some pretty harsh 'interrogation' by some really tough cops.
nonsense, in the US being black is considered a crime punishible by death, when was the last time in China a Black person was killed because of his skin colour?
nonsense, in the US being black is considered a crime punishible by death, when was the last time in China a Black person was killed because of his skin colour?
That's ridiculous, their new air chief is the first black air chief. Their last president was a black man, there are a lot of black folk who support Trump.. I could go on..

They may have a lingering racism problem but have a look at the crime stats broken down demographically.. inconvenient truths.

How much of the Chinese population is non Han ? China are basically an ethno state along with being authoritarians. The US is a multi cultural society and a secular liberal democracy.
Insurances are not covering claims for business destroyed due to civil unrest and many business from these cities are quoting the cities to move to the suburbs. Minneapolis will become the next Detroit, hollowed out.

btw watch Dave Chappelle’s new special to understand that Blacks in America feel they must demand change now.

Yes i saw dave show yesterday. I never seen he is so pissed.

This race issues might become main topic on November election.
Wendy's set fire after man killed by police in Atlanta

This is the unfortunate result and a side-effect of the George Floyd incident. Not that some of this kind of behavior didn't happen already by both, blacks and whites, but now I bet more people like this idiot will be empowered to think that they can run from an arrest and fight a pair of cops after drinking and driving and passing out in their car, and then punch the cops, take one of their tasers and run off and then point it and actually discharge it at one of the cops and not suffer any consequences lol. This kind of behavior will get worst now because guys like this idiot will think that he will be found to be the victim and the cops will get fired or charged or whatever. In other words, this defiant behavior will be empowered as a result of George Floyd and the ensuing result will be protests and riots and arrest and charges filed on those cops. I think it's an unfortunate side effect that was already bad to begin with, including transgressions from the police force as well. The cops are not innocent victims here, either. But the situation will be exacerbated, unfortunately.

You're drunk and passed out in your car after clearly driving it in that condition, you blow over the legal limit and so you're getting arrested, period! That will happen whether you're white, black, oriental, brown, middle-eastern or Russian. It doesn't matter since you are not allowed to drive over the legal limit of .08 in the majority of states around the country. You fight that and you dig yourself a much deeper hole. Best thing to do is fight it in court. Otherwise, if you don't end up getting shot, you'll have way more additional charges besides the DUI filed on you including resisting arrest, assault and battery of a peace officer and some of these charges can be serious felonies instead of misdemeanors.

I think the mayor was put in a tough spot and she had to do what she did in order to keep the peace in the city. But these cops will be found not guilty and the shooting will be justified and they'll probably be placed in a different police station in a different county or state. I doubt they can find them guilty in this case when this guy turned around and pointed the taser he stole from one of them and it even looked like he fired it.

Yes, the George Floyd killing was certainly a murder in some degree and should've never happened. This case, here? This guy is a complete moron behaving like a hardened criminal and totally at fault and I doubt the cops will be blamed for their actions. I just hope this empowerment doesn't get out of control since it's really skewed and misguided.
why you are living in whiteman country then?
i aint got no problmes here homie aint got a thing goin around im tight knowwhatimsayin
but i aint gonna have some cracka *** talk the talk cant have whitey goin around talkin up the trash talk like white trash das rite down in the hood we aint havin none of it

UK economy going to contract further by the looks of these riots. No brainer to easily draw the parallel between US and UK. Caucasians becoming minority in both countries is an irreversible trend. More riots and hostilities to be expected in the future.
Someone didn't get their fried chicken today it seems.
i aint got no problmes here homie aint got a thing goin around im tight knowwhatimsayin
but i aint gonna have some cracka *** talk the talk cant have whitey goin around talkin up the trash talk like white trash das rite down in the hood we aint havin none of it
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A Case for Actual Police Reform
De-funding the police or abolishing the police has been all of the buzz in the news and in circles in recent times. The point of this article is not to speculate in a false dichotomy of ideas as if our only options are private police, no police, or diet boot-licking. There is another alternative that was the intended form of law enforcement during the drafting of the constitution and existed imperfectly perfect as possible for hundreds of years now yet has slowly slipped to the sidelines as mayors and governs began to LARP like Presidents. That position and democratic system exists in a lesser form of its former self is your local county Sheriff.

There are two major distinctions that Sheriffs hold that separate them from all other forms of law enforcement. First and foremost, the Sheriff is elected directly by people living within a county and all of his deputies (people with authority extended to on his behalf) are directly beholden to the Sheriff. This is in stark contrast to a typical police department or state and federal agencies where the commissioner or the director is selected by politicians as well as everyone below being simply hired and in many cases moves up in rank by way of compliance with political agendas. A Sheriff on the other hand is entirely hired by us and is an example of social contract theory in practice, where the government rules purely with the consent of the governed.

Much unlike police departments where there has to be a large riot in order to get a trial and disturbing incompetency in cases like Daniel Shaver which resulted in the Cop getting a PTSD pension and public officials shift the blame despite being directly responsible for those departments. Nut jobs may slip through the cracks here and there but Sheriffs have a reputation to maintain with the public which is in direct contradiction with being soft on police brutality. In short, we hire Sheriffs with our vote who holds individual deputies responsible because he delegates his authority to them and all of the above are accountable to no one but us.

The second major difference is that the Sheriff is much like a military E-4 but on a much larger scale. Generally speaking, E-4s are the direct link between the boots on the ground and the upper chain of command, the mission and the action. How that relates to us is that the Sheriff has the authority to simply not enforce laws that we don’t want without any repercussions from political figures which is exemplified in the emergence of 2nd amendment sanctuary counties popping up throughout the country in defiance of state and federal bureaucracies most notably in Virginia, Colorado, and New Mexico. Even more recently there were Sheriffs that refused to enforce the lockdown in local municipalities. Mind you, the lockdown only succeeded in putting 40 million people out of work and raising stock prices of massive corporations. The whole point of the enlightenment and classical liberal ideals in the Constitution was to protect the individual from the federal government and delegating authority to the lowest level possible in a direct democratic manner.

There a multitude of factors that contributed to the Sheriffs being pushed aside into the jails and other functions that are generally not connected to the community. The easy solution would simply be to throw existing police departments under the authority of the sheriff and not the mayor. The mayor in larger cities will always have agendas beyond us in contrast to the Sheriff who is directly responsible to us and the Bill of Rights. From a socialist perspective there could be countless gripes with Americas past and present but there is no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water when there are topics that many people you wish to govern would already agree with and aren’t contradictory to socialism.

Kneel, or You Will be Knelt"
Kneeling before the #BlackLivesMatter cult seems to be acquiring something of a “voluntary-compulsory” character in the West (a Soviet era oxymoron signifying something that is voluntary in theory, but compulsory in practice, if you know what’s good for you).

Sure, you don’t have to kneel.

But if you don’t kneel, you might draw the righteous ire of the mob – “become the focus of the protesters’ attention”, as the Herefordshire police in the UK recently advised its officers.

Refusing to take the knee may now also be a firing offense. The Russian manager of a Gucci store in Manhattan who refused to kneel at a corporate ceremony in honor of Saint Floyd was fired for her trouble the next day.

Still, Harry Potter-raised Westerners may do well to reflect that the guy who made the most famous “kneel or be knelt” demand in the fantasy genre, purportedly for a good cause, turned out to be the baddie.


The Rise Of Bourgeois Anarchism

@Mangus Ortus Novem
In the wake of George Floyd's death in police custody, dozens of American Muslim organizations have come together to call for reform to policing practices, and to support black-led organizations.

“The victimization of unarmed Black Muslims has a long and troubling history,” said a coalition statement signed by more than 90 civil rights, advocacy, community and faith organizations. “As American Muslims, we will draw on our diversity, our strength, and our resilience to demand these reforms because Black lives matter.”

Proposed changes include prohibiting racial profiling and maneuvers that restrict the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain, such as choke holds; making it legally easier for prosecutors to hold law enforcement accountable; and redirecting police funding "into community health, education, employment and housing programs.”

The statement also calls for establishing “a federal standard that use of force be reserved as a last resort, only when absolutely necessary” and after exhausting all reasonable options.

“These demands are a floor for our groups and not a ceiling. Some would call for much more,” Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, one of the statement’s co-conveners, said in response to e-mailed questions. “We’re also urging all American Muslims to call their members of Congress right now and to demand a stronger response from them.”

Like members of other faith groups, many Muslims in America have joined in the outrage unleashed after Floyd, a black man, died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee to his neck. Groups from multiple denominations across faiths have publicly called for action against racism and aligned with the goals of peaceful demonstrators.

In street protests, statements, sermons and webinars, American Muslims have rallied against racism and discussed reforms.

“Muslim American organizations are committed to advocating at all levels to put an end to excessive use of force which has led to the murders of countless Black Americans,” said Iman Awad, legislative director of Emgage Action, one of the statement’s signatories. “Our message is that we will continue to fight but most importantly uplift the work being done by our Black leaders.”

Muslims in America are ethnically and racially diverse and Floyd’s death has also reinvigorated conversations about the treatment and representation of black Muslims in their own faith communities.

“I’m hopeful and heartened by the number and diversity of groups that have signed on,” said Kameelah Rashad, president of Muslim Wellness Foundation, also a co-convener. “That says to me that there’s at least recognition that we as a whole can no longer separate Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, surveillance, and violence. People are reconciling with the notion that means our struggles are intertwined.”

Now, she said, is the time for action.

“It’s vital that non-Black Muslims develop a respect for the resilience and resistance of Black people.”

The statement said: “Black people are often marginalized within the broader Muslim community. And when they fall victim to police violence, non-Black Muslims are too often silent, which leads to complicity.”

Moving forward, American Muslim communities must make space for black-led organizations, Awad said.

Also, “we must commit to having leadership positions which reflect the diversity of our faith community,” she said. “We cannot be successful until we have all voices represented at all levels within our organizational structures and our communities must do better.”

The statement said the demands represent only a “down payment” on needed reforms.

“If this deep-seated discrimination cannot be done away with through reform, then these systems will need to be abolished and re-imagined entirely.”

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The :usflag: justice system needs a reform more than the police does.
Ha! Trump doesn't like darkies standing up for themselves and poop skin brown conservatives are shedding tears too.
The :usflag: justice system needs a reform more than the police does.
Ha! Trump doesn't like darkies standing up for themselves and poop skin brown conservatives are shedding tears too.
Brown skin conservatives was allow to immigrate cause of black led civil right movement in 1960s. Otherwise they would be sitting on there respective shit hole countries. Its hillarious when i see certain brown ppl whine about "black problem" in the west.
If the blacks have their ways, it will be disaster for humanity.

The blacks is neither fighting for social justice or crime. They are fighting for free lunch, in terms of racial quotas that benefit them and not others.

In addition, they are out to rid the world of cops. You do not want to live in a world without police. Gangs and criminals will fill the roles of maintaining certain set of rules. It will be a miserable world.
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