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Who gives a damn. It will be great to see the whites and blacks ripping each other apart. Both deserve it. Both have killed millions of Brown Muslims across the globe. To hell with them.

Maybe you don't care because you're in the UK and that's fine. You're entitled to not give a crap about what happens here in the US and even want to see mayhem and more rioting and looting and killing etc. I don't.

For us who live in the US and care about this country, we don't want to see anymore of this going on. Even if we're in the suburbs and mostly far away from the inner cities where almost all of these things are happening, we still don't want to see such violence and especially knowing that a looming trial will certainly be controversial and bring out this kind of behavior (because it has before) no matter how the ruling goes. We give a damn!
Edward Colston: Bristol slave trader statue 'was an affront'
  • 2 hours ago

MediaProtesters in Bristol pull down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston

A statue of a slave trader which was torn down during an anti-racism protest in Bristol was "an affront", the city's mayor has said.

Mayor Marvin Rees said he felt no "sense of loss" after the controversial bronze statue of Edward Colston was pulled down and thrown into the harbour by protesters on Sunday.

But Prime Minister Boris Johnson described it as a "criminal act".

Avon and Somerset Police said a decision was taken not to intervene.

Mr Johnson's official spokesman said: "The PM's view is that in this country, where there is strong opinion, there is a democratic process which should be followed.

"People can campaign for the removal of a statue but what happened yesterday was a criminal act and when the criminal law is broken that is unacceptable and the police will want to hold to account those responsible.

"The PM absolutely understands the strength of feeling, but in this country we settle our differences democratically and if people wanted the removal of the statue there are democratic routes which can be followed."

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ImageMarvin Rees said the statue would be retrieved and would likely be put into a museum
Thousands of people attended largely peaceful demonstrations in cities across the UK at the weekend, including in Manchester, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

But unrest in London on Sunday resulted in eight police officers being injured and 12 arrests.

The statue of the prominent 17th Century slave trader has been a source of controversy in Bristol for years.

Ten thousand people descended on the city on Sunday for the protest which saw the Colston statue torn down and dragged through the streets to the harbour, where it was thrown into the water.

Colston was a member of the Royal African Company, which transported about 80,000 men, women and children from Africa to the Americas.

On his death in 1721, he bequeathed his wealth to charities and his legacy can still be seen on Bristol's streets, memorials and buildings.

After the statue was toppled, a protester was pictured with his knee on the figure's neck - reminiscent of the video showing George Floyd, the black man who died while being restrained by a white Minnesota police officer.

View attachment 639765ImagePA MEDIA
ImageThe statue of Edward Colston was dragged through Bristol before being thrown into the harbour
Mr Rees said the statue would be retrieved from the harbour "at some point" and it was likely to end up in a city museum.

"I think circumstances came to a head and people felt the need to take the statue down," Mr Rees said.

"I can't and won't pretend the statue of a slave trader in a city I was born and grew up in wasn't an affront to me and people like me.

"People in Bristol who don't want that statue in the middle of the city came together and it is my job to unite, hear those voices and hold those truths together for people for who that statue is a personal affront."

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'Why the statue had to come down'
View attachment 639766ImageSALMA OMAR
ImageSalma Omar said she would tell her children about the day Edward Colston's statue fell
Protesters in Bristol on Sunday described seeing Colston's statue being toppled as "empowering".

Some of those who saw it fall told the BBC why they felt it was right it was pulled down.

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Police said a "tactical decision" was taken by officers at the protest not to intervene as people pulled the statue down.

Supt Andy Bennett said although he was "disappointed, he did understand" as the statue had caused "a lot of angst" for the city's black community.

The Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers in England and Wales, has criticised the decision not to intervene, saying it sent a negative message.

Supt Bennett said police had identified 17 suspects over the criminal damage to the Colston statue and that investigations continued.

Mr Rees described the protest as a "well-managed occasion by police and council officers".

"There was a very large number of people but very few arrests. Only one piece of criminal damage and that was at the statue, people didn't go around smashing shop fronts or verbal confrontations," he said.

But leader of the Conservative group on Bristol City Council, Mark Weston, said the "perpetrators should be prosecuted for a wanton act of criminal damage".

"I do not believe that anyone has the right to deface or destroy public property, no matter how warranted they believe their actions or motivation to be," he said.

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ImageTen thousand people are estimated to have take part in the Bristol protest on Sunday
A petition has been set up at change.org for a statue of civil rights campaigner Dr Paul Stephenson to be erected as a replacement.

Dr Stephenson led the Bristol bus boycott in the 1960s, which resulted in a ban on ethnic minorities working on city buses being overturned.

Calls have also been made to remove the statue of imperialist Cecil Rhodes at Oriel College at Oxford, with campaigners saying the university had "failed to address its institutional racism".

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ImagePlacards left at the site where Colston's statue stood will go on display at Bristol's M Shed museum
Mr Johnson has vowed those responsible for violence during the anti-racism demonstrations in cities will be held to account, saying the protests had been "subverted by thuggery".

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the way the statue had been pulled down was "completely wrong" but it should have been removed "a long, long time ago".

"You can't, in 21st Century Britain, have a slaver on a statue. That statue should have been brought down properly, with consent, and put in a museum"

@Mangus Ortus Novem
So u are saying just becos demonstration are allowed in western society and so as murder of non white and minority are accepted there too? US has many demonstration for US police brutality in 1967, 1991 and now 2020 but has anything changes? You think just becos u have right to demonstrate prove its a fair society? Then why the issue of minority suppression keeps happening?

China do not allow demonstration becos it does not solve the problem but cause disorder and unrest only. CPC are willing to listen to peoples view unlike US fake democracy which just put on a good show but still rotten inside and will never change. If u want US to stop abuse of blacks and minority. You need to support CPC! :enjoy:
I support nearly all governments, bro.. :)
But unlike you i don't pick one government to fully and solely support, i spread out my support over multiple governments, and i'm not afraid to speak up on the internet when i feel a government is, or might soon, make a mistake or multiple mistakes.
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I just tried to tell you that Black community of USA is being oppressed. Mostly generalizing the matter. Plus American FBI and Police are good with making cases out of nowhere. They did it to Malcolm-X too, they killed him but told you a different story. He was a martyr of his beliefs. It doesn't matter that Floyd was a drug addict or not, that savage that put his knee on his throat and suffocated him to death is of our concern.
You seem to know everything. Impressing.
Look at Nancy Pelosi kneeling, "what a beautiful sight to behold"

Another WTF moment
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KKK 'leader' charged for attack on Black Lives Matter protesters

A self-described Ku Klux Klan leader has been arrested for allegedly driving his car into a group of Black Lives Matters protesters gathered on Sunday in the US state of Virginia.

Prosecutors say that Harry Rogers, 36, drove "recklessly" towards a protest in Henrico County, and "revved the engine" before driving into protesters.

Mr Rogers appeared in Henrico court on the outskirts of Richmond on Monday, facing charges of assault and battery.

A hate crime investigation is underway.


Mr Rogers told officers he was president of the Virginia KKK, the highest-ranking member of the white supremacist group not in prison, US media report.

"The accused, by his own admission and by a cursory glance at social media, is an admitted leader of the Ku Klux Klan and a propagandist for Confederate ideology," Ms Taylor said. "This egregious criminal act will not go unpunished. Hate has no place here under my watch."

I think the protests will die down soon ? Right guys ? I mean we see massive protests when Trump becomes President and when he signed some controversial executive orders but in the end every body goes home and accept it .. maybe this whole thing will end the same way, maybe some American can comment on that ..
Not to mention that Blacks are getting arrested and defined as a threat to that racist society because of non existent crimes.

I am known to American tactics, when they want to take down an innocent and whitewash their own mess, they accuse the oppressed of being a drug addict/psycopath/human right violator/terrorist etc. Let's talk about double standards and hypocrisy. How is it going with Assange btw? Was that a drug addict also or something else? He wasn't black that i am sure of. US leadership has a significant problem with truth.

Btw, it wasn't Blacks that destroyed Africa and took its inhabitants to slave.
GOod points.

What about Rachel Dolezal??? this white woman took on a black identity, but when black and white people found out, white people tried to kill her via starvation/lack of jobs/ no access to help from the system, BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE BLACK. BLack people were mad when they found out, but if people can choose their sex, gender, everything, why cant this woman try and be black? is 1 white woman wanting to be black such an insult to whiteness? its horrible. America always confirms its racist recently.

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