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Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

Exactly. That's why Time and Space are not describable/undefinable. :)
Thanks for read my post.
Even mathematic concepts ivolved in got everyone sucks.Twoplustwoisfour,just for count something,but can not direct use on natural matters,otherwise it will be no meaning.May be I am fool,but time just a concept man made not real thing,isn't it?
Modern cosmology is extrapolated from general relativity, which has indeed made quantitative calculations regarding GPS signalling and the orbit of Mercury.

It's the extrapolations which I am questioning. Dark matter, Dark energy, Expanding space-time fabric, ...
These are all ad hoc 'explanations', rather than anything derived from first principles.

It works.

So does Newtonian gravity and it is plenty fine for calculating spacecraft trajectories. GR is an incremental improvement and it is unable to explain the above phenomena, hence the need for the 'extrapolations'.
Why do you believe in scientists ?? do you yourself have any prove that those scientist are speaking the truth ??

If you cant question the authority of any scientific truth or myth, then you don't have any scientific mind. You're just another sheep in the herd following the shepherd.
Of course! If the sun was turned into a black hole tomorrow, our orbit will not change at all. Some people say that the equations of general relativity show that there could possibly be sorts of black holes with 2 event horizons, between which there is a region where gravity is exactly balanced by an exterior force, like for charged or rotating black holes.

To some extent, yes my friend.

Here, the area influenced by the gravitation field is somewhat constant for the low-mass normal star and the high mass neutron star. but the pulling power of the neutron star will be much more because of its high density.
And the gravitational pull can also be determined by the slope of the tangent drawn along the curvature of the space bend. The more steeper the slope, more intense will be the gravitational pull.
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