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BJP, RSS promoting 'Hindu terrorism': Indian home minister

What will the congress party call the Purulia arms drop case ?
They were promoting terrorism long before any taliban or mujahideen were known! hindu Extremism has cost thousands of lives in india of muslims!

Hmmm and Muslim Extremism has cost billions of lives in all world of non-muslims.:rofl:
Its amazing to see how indians are trying to label all this as election stunts despite knowing all the truth themselves..Just to keep you updated just read this

India jails 31 Hindus for life for killing Muslims | World news | guardian.co.uk


Nomatter what a govt official will never accept presence of fellow religious terrorists unless there is mounting international pressure as no counter-measures can be taken unless the truth is accepted.

But knowing the history of indians on this forum im sure this thread is gonna be derailed without any substantial discussion .

Pakistan Engineering: Economy of Pakistan
Its amazing to see how indians are trying to label all this as election stunts despite knowing all the truth themselves..Just to keep you updated just read this

India jails 31 Hindus for life for killing Muslims | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Hindu : News / National : First whiff of justice for Gujarat riot victims
Technically this isn't terrorism but is communal violence. You people love brining in decades old news though- don't you?

I can give you 100 reports from this week about the problems in Pakistan- don't go down this road mate.
Well 2014 is near so, expect more lowering of Bar from Congress. I am really not surprised by this, i was expecting such kind comments from them, in order to secure their vote Bank and malign the image of BJP & RSS before the elections.

Some times i feel even Pakistani politicians doesn't stoop down to such low level, for political gains.

Quick Point:-

*) If congress really have some proof against BJP & RSS then why not file a case in Supreme Court while taking on board the Election Commission of India and prove it in court of law ? By doing this, they will not only be able to get the BJP disbanded from the post of Main Opposition Party but will also remove this stone from their path of power for once and all ?

What is stopping them ? They are in center right now, this clearly shows the intent of this congress and rhetoric Mr shinde is blabbering about.
^^^usually these kinda below the belt comments are reserved to Digvijaya Singh. Now that nobody takes that clown's version seriously you have muppets like Shinde coming out of woodworks to try their luck. Not going to work though...
Well its been hours he got "proof" of BJP and RSS training Hindu terrorists and they were behind Samjotha Blasts..

Why is he not taking any actions against them??

Is this mean, Mr.Shine, our Home Minister is afraid to take action against terrorists groups??
Sushil Kumar Shinde nails it on the head. So Indian parties actually support and train terrorists...interesting.
Well its been hours he got "proof" of BJP and RSS training Hindu terrorists and they were behind Samjotha Blasts..

Why is he not taking any actions against them??

Is this mean, Mr.Shine, our Home Minister is afraid to take action against terrorists groups??

Apparently there are terrorist training camps set up by BJP & RSS. They need to blow up these camps & save the country or at least let the public know where these camps are based. After all they have no guts to wipe out the camps across the border.. now that it's inside the country, they shouldn't have any problem in cleaning them up.;)
Apparently there are terrorist training camps set up by BJP & RSS. They need to blow up these camps & save the country or at least let the public know where these camps are based. After all they have no guts to wipe out the camps across the border.. now that it's inside the country, they shouldn't have any problem in cleaning them up.;)

Surgical Strikes in our own country :lol:
Well 2014 is near so, expect more lowering of Bar from Congress. I am really not surprised by this, i was expecting such kind comments from them, in order to secure their vote Bank and malign the image of BJP & RSS before the elections.

Some times i feel even Pakistani politicians doesn't stoop down to such low level, for political gains.

Quick Point:-

*) If congress really have some proof against BJP & RSS then why not file a case in Supreme Court while taking on board the Election Commission of India and prove it in court of law ? By doing this, they will not only be able to get the BJP disbanded from the post of Main Opposition Party but will also remove this stone from their path of power for once and all ?

What is stopping them ? They are in center right now, this clearly shows the intent of this congress and rhetoric Mr shinde is blabbering about.

Believe me, this sort of comments will help BJP more than they will help Congress, look at this thread for eg., every Indian on this thread acknowledges that since 2014 is not too far, congress has now come down to cheap politics to strengthen it's vote bank, this are certainly not encouraging signs for the congress as it will go against congress in the elections. In fact they have somewhat taken back there comment & said that Mr. Shinde was actually talking about Right-Wing extremism.

Bad Publicity is indeed sometimes Good, the biggest eg. is in the shape of Mr. Modi ;)
^^^usually these kinda below the belt comments are reserved to Digvijaya Singh. Now that nobody takes that clown's version seriously you have muppets like Shinde coming out of woodworks to try their luck. Not going to work though...

Verbally abusing the Honorable Union Home Minister is a criminal offence. Hope this post serves a message to all.
Verbally abusing the Honorable Union Home Minister is a criminal offence. Hope this post serves a message to all.

sushhhh... me being too kind to these twats by calling them clown & muppet. There are lot more appropriate words to use, but they are all spelled as ****** in this forum.
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