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Bin Laden was within grasp


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

It is funny---I---like many others have been talking about the significance of the capture / execution of OBL at tora bora and what happened afterwards----this report would not change if the mention of u s of a is replaced with pakistan and u s millitary is replaced with pak milltary---

Here we go---

Senate report: Bin Laden was 'within our grasp'

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AP – FILE - In this April 1998 file photo, exiled al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is seen in Afghanistan. … .

By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer Calvin Woodward, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 51 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden was unquestionably within reach of U.S. troops in the mountains of Tora Bora when American military leaders made the crucial and costly decision not to pursue the terrorist leader with massive force, a Senate report says.

The report asserts that the failure to kill or capture bin Laden at his most vulnerable in December 2001 has had lasting consequences beyond the fate of one man. Bin Laden's escape laid the foundation for today's reinvigorated Afghan insurgency and inflamed the internal strife now endangering Pakistan, it says.

Staff members for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Democratic majority prepared the report at the request of the chairman, Sen. John Kerry, as President Barack Obama prepares to boost U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The Massachusetts senator and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate has long argued the Bush administration missed a chance to get the al-Qaida leader and top deputies when they were holed up in the forbidding mountainous area of eastern Afghanistan only three months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Although limited to a review of military operations eight years old, the report could also be read as a cautionary note for those resisting an increased troop presence there now.

More pointedly, it seeks to affix a measure of blame for the state of the war today on military leaders under former president George W. Bush, specifically Donald H. Rumsfeld as defense secretary and his top military commander, Tommy Franks.

"Removing the al-Qaida leader from the battlefield eight years ago would not have eliminated the worldwide extremist threat," the report says. "But the decisions that opened the door for his escape to Pakistan allowed bin Laden to emerge as a potent symbolic figure who continues to attract a steady flow of money and inspire fanatics worldwide. The failure to finish the job represents a lost opportunity that forever altered the course of the conflict in Afghanistan and the future of international terrorism."

The report states categorically that bin Laden was hiding in Tora Bora when the U.S. had the means to mount a rapid assault with several thousand troops at least. It says that a review of existing literature, unclassified government records and interviews with central participants "removes any lingering doubts and makes it clear that Osama bin Laden was within our grasp at Tora Bora."

On or about Dec. 16, 2001, bin Laden and bodyguards "walked unmolested out of Tora Bora and disappeared into Pakistan's unregulated tribal area," where he is still believed to be based, the report says.

Instead of a massive attack, fewer than 100 U.S. commandos, working with Afghan militias, tried to capitalize on air strikes and track down their prey.

"The vast array of American military power, from sniper teams to the most mobile divisions of the Marine Corps and the Army, was kept on the sidelines," the report said.

At the time, Rumsfeld expressed concern that a large U.S. troop presence might fuel a backlash and he and some others said the evidence was not conclusive about bin Laden's location.

And your point Mr. Mast^ Khan. That US did not have the abilities or Pakistan made certain decisions!!! Give a good explanations like you have done before!

Does anyone believe that he is still alive. I don't think so. He must have died years ago
yes he is not alive america just used his name for personal benefit
Osama bin laden is a phoney, the real 1 is dead and buried longg time ago(well thats wat i think)
I don't think so. If he died then Uncle Sam fight with whom.
He could be alive or dead both. Its not easy to verify. However I feel he will not be caught alive.
I think he died long ago, furthermore, does any of you think that americans couldn't get someone of his calibre with all the military might of USA and support of pakistan?

Its all about keeping myths alive and manipulate it to achieve something bigger.
Another cockup botched up job we can thank Mr Bush for....nice going Bushy

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