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Biggest Brain Drains: India Gets Nearly Two-Thirds of U.S. H-1Bs

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All your doing is trying to divide us Whites. No, we do NOT want to secede. Have you taken a look at the opinion polls lately you retard? We are talking less than 5% of the TEXAN population, and less than 2% of the American population. You don't even know your facts about my country.

Secondly, our incomes are HIGHER than the average, being around $65,000. This is an AVERAGE, while the AVERAGE Indian income is $1,500 PER YEAR; that is 40 times LOWER. Only the top 1% of you, which aren't even intelligent in the first place (just good at rote memorization and copying), are making these wages; the Indian Americans are not representative of your ENTIRE population, and you have STILL yet to answer my questions.

I think we all know why.

Here they are again:

YOU are not american , you a tea bagger & the percentage who want secede are all tea baggers!

I don't have to give you a laundry list of what Indians invented. I don't have to answer to you bagger boy! I don't have to write up about a cultural, history and people that go far back in years than you bagger cowboys


OMG!!! How unbelievably coincidental and convenient that the first university is located in the same country that you are from!!


European higher education took place for hundreds of years in Christian cathedral schools or monastic schools (Scholae monasticae), in which monks and nuns taught classes; evidence of these immediate forerunners of the later university at many places dates back to the 6th century AD.[8] The earliest universities were developed under the aegis of the Latin Church by papal bull as studia generalia and perhaps from cathedral schools. It is possible, however, that the development of cathedral schools into universities was quite rare, with the University of Paris being an exception. (See Leff, Paris and Oxford Universities.) Later they were also founded by Kings (University of Naples Federico II, Charles University in Prague, Jagiellonian University in Kraków) or municipal administrations (University of Cologne, University of Erfurt). In the early medieval period, most new universities were founded from pre-existing schools, usually when these schools were deemed to have become primarily sites of higher education. Many historians state that universities and cathedral schools were a continuation of the interest in learning promoted by monasteries.[9]
The first universities in Europe with a form of corporate/guild structure were the University of Bologna (1088), the University of Paris (c. 1150, later associated with the Sorbonne), the University of Oxford (1167), the University of Modena (1175), the University of Palencia (1208), the University of Cambridge (1209), the University of Salamanca (1218), the University of Montpellier (1220), the University of Padua (1222), the University of Naples Federico II (1224), the University of Toulouse (1229),[10][11] the University of Siena (1240), the University of Valladolid (1292)
The University of Bologna began as a law school teaching the ius gentium or Roman law of peoples which was in demand across Europe for those defending the right of incipient nations against empire and church. Bologna’s special claim to Alma Mater Studiorum[clarification needed] is based on its autonomy, its awarding of degrees, and other structural arrangements, making it the oldest continuously operating institution[5] independent of kings, emperors or any kind of direct religious authority.[12][13]

The conventional date of 1088, or 1087 according to some, records when Irnerius commences teaching Emperor Justinian’s 6th century codification of Roman law, the Corpus Iuris Civilis, recently discovered at Pisa. Lay students arrived in the city from many lands entering into a contract to gain this knowledge, organising themselves into ‘Learning Nations’ of Hungarians, Greeks, North Africans, Arabs, Franks, Germans, Iberians etc. The students “had all the power … and dominated the masters”.[15][16]
In Europe, young men proceeded to university when they had completed their study of the trivium–the preparatory arts of grammar, rhetoric and dialectic or logic–and the quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. (See Degrees of the University of Oxford for the history of how the trivium and quadrivium developed in relation to degrees, especially in anglophone universities).

Universities became popular all over Europe, as rulers and city governments began to create them to satisfy a European thirst for knowledge, and the belief that society would benefit from the scholarly expertise generated from these institutions. Princes and leaders of city governments perceived the potential benefit of having a scholarly expertise develop with the ability to address difficult problems and achieve desired ends. The emergence of humanism was essential to this understanding of the possible utility of universities as well as the revival of interest in knowledge gained from ancient Greek texts.
Jeez I love it when you Indians gloat in self-congratulatory masturbation

hehehe. Ok,...Whatever:omghaha: You take care dude before you get busted again. :wave:

OMG!!! How unbelievably coincidental and convenient that teh first university is located in the same country that you are from!!


Yes. First university was built in Taxilla, which happens to be in present day Pakistan. Unfortunately the universities you say Christians built are nowhere close to the same country that you are from!!:P :no:
YOU are not american , you a tea bagger & the percentage who want secede are all tea baggers!

I don't have to give you a laundry list of what Indians invented. I don't have to answer to you bagger boy! I don't have to write up about a cultural, history and people that go far back in years than you bagger cowboys


Look I have no clue whether or not he's a teabagger racist since I didn't participate in this debate from the beginning but he did make some indisputable assertions, especially on all the scientific inventions perfected in the Western world. And since both of us (of Indian origin) choose to live in a Western country and thrive on its social equality, liberal laws and scientific achievements, the least we can do is agree with the principles on which this country was built.

Racist or not, just because you agree with someone on certain values and principles does not change you as a person.
YOU are not american , you a tea bagger & the percentage who want secede are all tea baggers!

I don't have to give you a laundry list of what Indians invented. I don't have to answer to you bagger boy! I don't have to write up about a cultural, history and people that go far back in years than you bagger cowboys

I just proved to you that most of us don't want to secede, seeing as how everything about this country comes from us, our parents, grandparents, etc. Without us teabaggers, you would have a bunch of Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians, with NOTHING to show for their 400 years on the continent.

I don't have to give you a laundry list of what Indians invented

Your people invented nothing, that's why you fool.

I don't have to write up about a cultural, history and people that go far back in years than you bagger cowboys

You've showed your true colors you Indian scum. Once an Indian, always an Indian. No matter how hard you try, no one will ever consider you one of us. It matters not how much paperwork you fill, handed to you by Marxist officials put into office to shame us European-descendants into guilt over our magnificent and objectively superior history, even the liberals will smirk at the Indian who calls himself an American.

America was built by us, and as soon as us 'White baggers' are gone, America will disappear with us.
Look I have no clue whether or not he's a teabagger racist since I didn't participate in this debate from the beginning but he did make some indisputable assertions, especially on all the scientific inventions perfected in the Western world. And since both of us (of Indian origin) choose to live in a Western country and thrive on its social equality, liberal laws and scientific achievements, the least we can do is agree with the principles on which this country was built.

Racist or not, just because you agree with someone on certain values and principles does not change you as a person.

A. you are not Indian. You call Indians imbeciles and monkeys. You are of the same DNA AS HE IS.
B. Bane of my contention with him is he is racist bagger, who thinks his skin color makes him " red blooded american" and superior. he is also anti immigrant bigot. and really everything the tea baggers stand for.

I just proved to you that most of us don't want to secede, seeing as how everything about this country comes from us, our parents, grandparents, etc. Without us teabaggers, you would have a bunch of Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians, with NOTHING to show for their 400 years on the continent.
An Islamic terrorist and a white supremacist......best of friends.......:lol:
I just proved to you that most of us don't want to secede, seeing as how everything about this country comes from us, our parents, grandparents, etc. Without us teabaggers, you would have a bunch of Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians, with NOTHING to show for their 400 years on the continent.

Your people invented nothing, that's why you fool.

You've showed your true colors you Indian scum. Once an Indian, always an Indian. No matter how hard you try, no one will ever consider you one of us. It matters not how much paperwork you fill, handed to you by Marxist officials put into office to shame us European-descendants into guilt over our magnificent and objectively superior history, even the liberals will smirk at the Indian who calls himself an American.

America was built by us, and as soon as us 'White baggers' are gone, America will disappear with us.

Bagger boy you confessed :rofl:!

it is not called true colors , it is called heritage! .... your heritage tea bagger is the legacy of being white racist hick, who never have and never will contribute to America. This country was built on the back, sweat and tears of hard working immigrants.

and now I'm off to watch my kid play travel baseball and happy he took away a position from another Hick tea bagger here in GA.
:D :P and OH he made Talented and Gifted program in school- another thing you baggers can't achieve because of all that sibling procreation.
A. you are not Indian. You call Indians imbeciles and monkeys. You are of the same DNA AS HE IS.
B. Bane of my contention with him is he is racist bagger, who thinks his skin color makes him " red blooded american" and superior. he is also anti immigrant bigot. and really everything the tea baggers stand for.


Assuming he's a racist bagger who thinks his skin color makes him " red blooded american" and superior, did I ever say I agree with those qualities? Hell No.

On the contrary, I have always condemned racism in India against Muslims, Dalits and other underprivileged sections of society.

All I did was agree with him on the fact that most scientific inventions in modern times were perfected in Western countries, at least 99.99% of them. This is a cold fact only a fool would deny.

Yes, Indians invented zero, Arithmetic, and Algebra. Great. But the achievements of Hindu Indians pale in comparison to the marvels of Western society.

Can't remember the European who said this " who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library is worth the entire knowledge of Asia and Africa". Can you really dispute this claim? I don't think so.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud of who you are, your race, skin color, religion, language etc. But acknowledging a universally accepted fact does not make you insignificant in any way.
Chinese aren't White. I was referring to US, as in us Whites........
Now the Chinese who was cheerleading you, won't do that anymore...

Is that all you have? That Indians earn more? Well, of course they do! They are the most intelligent of all Indians. Of course, you think this is due to the either genetic or cultural superiority of Indians, so you believe that flooding America with MORE Indians will make you look even more great!....

The point is, the most intelligent white Americans are unable to compete with those most intelligent Indians......and you claim that white American's build America.....bulls**t.
Bagger boy you confessed :rofl:!

it is not call true colors , it is called heritage! .... your heritage tea bagger is the legacy of being white racist hick, who never have and never will contribute to America.

White's built this country's infrastructure, economy, and system of government. We wrote the Constitution, made all the laws, and established this country's' independence. We're not taking credit for anyone else's work, its called giving credit where credit is due. You moan on about how we are racists, yet you did next to nothing in comparison to the effort whites put into creating this country.

So don't you DARE tell me that some other race is responsible for this country's development, because that is a true slap in the face to all of the hard working white Americans who worked, fought and died for this country over the years.

You are a sad and disgusting individual.

This country was built on the back, sweat and tears of hard working immigrants

In the cases that it was, White immigrants, and most of the cases, it wasn't.

Either way, I present pure, objective, scientific FACT, backed with reason and logic.

All you can produce is disgustingly horrid grammar (more proof that you are not an American), personal insults (hick, redneck, and many other ANTI-AMERICAN insults), and an inability to comprehend the logic that makes this world go 'round: Without Whites, America would not even exist.
White's built this country's infrastructure, economy, and system of government. We wrote the Constitution, made all the laws, and established this country's' independence. We're not taking credit for anyone else's work, its called giving credit where credit is due. You moan on about how we are racists, yet you did next to nothing in comparison to the effort whites put into creating this country.

So don't you DARE tell me that some other race is responsible for this country's development, because that is a true slap in the face to all of the hard working white Americans who worked, fought and died for this country over the years.

You are a sad and disgusting individual.

In the cases that it was, White immigrants, and most of the cases, it wasn't.

Either way, I present pure, objective, scientific FACT, backed with reason and logic.

All you can produce is disgustingly horrid grammar (more proof that you are not an American), personal insults (hick, redneck, and many other ANTI-AMERICAN insults), and an inability to comprehend the logic that makes this world go 'round: Without Whites, America would not even exist.

no kidding how do you explain 40% of Indians working in NASA:omghaha:

36% of scientists at NASA are Indians: Govt survey - Times Of India
muh race muh heritage muh IQ. Meanwhile this fella is uneducated and "self employed". Truly a social delinquent who has to feed his insecurities by claiming the achievements of other people.
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