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Biden meeting Quad amid own pivot toward Asia

So far, Quad is seen as a toothless pact.

Just look at the reaction from Quad members when India was beaten up last year by China in Galwan Valley - silence, not even condemnation.

Quad will fail because all countries in Quad are sissies and confused.

1) US does not have guts to declare Taiwan as an independent country

2) India does not have guts to declare Tibet as an independent country

3) Australians are at the mercy of China. They joined Chinese led RCEP and are begging Chinese to do Business

4) Japanese are a confused lot. They do not know if US or China is their enemy.
UK is behind Quad.

British-Japanese Alliance during WWI
British colony of Australia
British colony of India
British colony of USA

In a post-putin Russia, UK is gonna do another Franco-Russian Alliance, have Russia ally with some Quad or other retarded country. The first Franco-Russian alliance was to encircle Germany for WWI. The next Entente with Russia alliance is to encircle China.

Remember Prussia was an army with a country (instead of a country with an army), that is how large and prestigious the military was of Prussia, then later the German Empire. China needs to be a military with a country, spend about 8% of GDP in military with 10 million active and reserve and paramilitary personnel when putin goes. And be equal in classified weapons technology, as was Germany until the advent of the tank on the Western front.

Germany could take on France, Russia, and the UK. While Austria-Hungary struggled with Italy and Serbia. And Turkey struggled with the lesser divisions of the UK and Russia.

China needs to be stronger than the US, UK, Russia, India, Australia, and Japan combined.

China does not determine the fate of Chinese-Russian relations. With putin there, Chinese-Russian relations are ok, even with putin trying to undermine China's security with pro-trumpism in the USA. It is when putin is gone that the UK is going to use the new leader to encircle China. So an alliance with Russia/putin is not necessary and can spook the US neo-liberal Russia-haters.

Russia is in a tight alliance with the Chinese.

China + Russia + Turkiye + Iran + Pakistan will easily take on US + India + Australia + Japan

Quad is a non starter. It can never win against the Chinese led alliance.
£65bn Brexit boom! UK could join historic Quad in new alliance - 'Major turning point'
THE UK could join a historic bloc including four of the world's biggest economic powerhouses, with a new groundbreaking defence and foreign relations review is set to be published.
PUBLISHED: 16:00, Sat, Mar 6, 2021 | UPDATED: 17:10, Sat, Mar 6, 2021

The Integrated Review, published on March 16, and the Defence Command Paper, published on March 22, will outline the benefits in more detail. The review will set out Ministry of Defence plans for modernising the Armed Forces with a £23-25billion defence spend.

It will also suggest whom Britain should look to enhance economic development and world standing.

Whitehall officials told Express.co.uk the review would be a “major turning point” in UK relations.

But the review is expected to receive backlash as it urges the UK and Britain to snub traditional alliances with EU countries.

One of these options could be joining the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, which includes Japan, the United States, India, and Australia, and was launched in 2007 as a defence forum.

Whitehall officials admitted Britain could be interested in joining the historic bloc in a boost to British defence and the world economy since leaving the EU.

The group initially intended to preserve the status quo of a peaceful Indo-Pacific region and counter China’s assertive policies involving the South China Sea.

China says it is rapidly modernising its defence forces and increasing its military presence in the disputed waters to which the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan also all lay claim.

However, the defence grouping is also slowly turning into a trade bloc as the four nations committed to coordinating more with each other economically especially during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The four countries have also worked together to improve the flow of vaccines, medicines and medical equipment.

The four partners are also working on developing regional infrastructure projects and as well as agreeing on a collective vision of maintaining a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific.

Currently, UK trade between the four nations is approximately worth £66.5bn, according to UK Government figures with Government officials set to or negotiating deals with Australia, India and the USA.

Alex Ellis, British High Commissioner to India said it was up to the grouping how it wants to do things but stressed the UK was open to joining if it opens membership options.


At a media briefing, he said: “What is clear is I would be expecting us to be working closely with Japan, India, US and Australia in this region.
“How you go about it is a good question.
“Not quite institutionally how it would work but one thing is for sure, we will work with all four of these countries in this part of the world.”
Mr Ellis said the UK Government’s integrated security, defence and foreign policy review would also clearly indicate a tilt towards developing Indo-Pacific relations.

Nick Carter

General Nick Carter, Chief of the Defence Staff (Image: PA)

He added the Indo-Pacific is going to be "great growth area of the world".

Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir Nick Carter, who will oversee the initial implementation of the integrated review, said: “There is much to do.

“Last year’s substantial settlement of £24.1-billion for defence, announced by the Prime Minister in November, gives us the stability and confidence to modernise the armed forces to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities that will be laid out in the Integrated Review.

It is a great privilege to be at the heart of this and to play my part in ensuring that our soldiers, sailors, aviators, space and cyber warriors have the skills and equipment they need to win.”

Republik Indonesia.

could you please stop mentioning Indonesia in your imaginary alliance??

Indonesia will not partner with Quad. You already joined RCEP alliance led by China. Also, Indonesia is an Islamic nation and will never join Quad. You will partner with fellow Islamic nations like Turkiye, Iran and Pakistan which are all part of the Chinese led alliance.
Indonesia will not partner with Quad. You already joined RCEP alliance led by China. Also, Indonesia is an Islamic nation and will never join Quad. You will partner with fellow Islamic nations like Turkiye, Iran and Pakistan which are all part of the Chinese led alliance.
when did I say Indonesia will partner with QUAD??? RCEP is an Indonesian initiative lmao, so off course we will welcome it.

the security and stability of Indonesia rests in the hand of QUAD ability to prevent China from doing destabilizing acts.

no we despise China, except when we talk about their investment here like infrastructure and mining, which btw I heavily support.

Indonesia is a secular country, and Iran is not Islamic.
Indonesia will not partner with Quad. You already joined RCEP alliance led by China. Also, Indonesia is an Islamic nation and will never join Quad. You will partner with fellow Islamic nations like Turkiye, Iran and Pakistan which are all part of the Chinese led alliance.
oh btw RCEP is not an alliance lmao
Indonesia will not partner with Quad. You already joined RCEP alliance led by China. Also, Indonesia is an Islamic nation and will never join Quad. You will partner with fellow Islamic nations like Turkiye, Iran and Pakistan which are all part of the Chinese led alliance.

What does being an Islamic nation have to do with not partnering with the quad.

Several of your Islamic nations partner with us in the middle east. We even have our military bases allowed in several of them. Turkey, whom you imagine to be a part of your fantasy alliance, is a NATO partner. They are already in a military alliance with us. :rolleyes1:
What does being an Islamic nation have to do with not partnering with the quad.

Several of your Islamic nations partner with us in the middle east. We even have our military bases allowed in several of them. Turkey, whom you imagine to be a part of your fantasy alliance, is a NATO partner. They are already in a military alliance with us. :rolleyes1:
ok false flagger what next
UK is behind Quad.

British-Japanese Alliance during WWI
British colony of Australia
British colony of India
British colony of USA

In a post-putin Russia, UK is gonna do another Franco-Russian Alliance, have Russia ally with some Quad or other retarded country. The first Franco-Russian alliance was to encircle Germany for WWI. The next Entente with Russia alliance is to encircle China.

Remember Prussia was an army with a country (instead of a country with an army), that is how large and prestigious the military was of Prussia, then later the German Empire. China needs to be a military with a country, spend about 8% of GDP in military with 10 million active and reserve and paramilitary personnel when putin goes. And be equal in classified weapons technology, as was Germany until the advent of the tank on the Western front.

Germany could take on France, Russia, and the UK. While Austria-Hungary struggled with Italy and Serbia. And Turkey struggled with the lesser divisions of the UK and Russia.

China needs to be stronger than the US, UK, Russia, India, Australia, and Japan combined.

China does not determine the fate of Chinese-Russian relations. With putin there, Chinese-Russian relations are ok, even with putin trying to undermine China's security with pro-trumpism in the USA. It is when putin is gone that the UK is going to use the new leader to encircle China. So an alliance with Russia/putin is not necessary and can spook the US neo-liberal Russia-haters.
Russia is always a big enigma, it gobbled up much of asia all the way from Europe and would have taken over manchuria ,korea,more of china and probably Japan if Japan wasn't capable enough to seal the soviet advancement right at manchuko (manchuria) with a history-altering war effort that changed asia forever, but you totally miss conceptualized Japan.Japan never seeked military confrontation with China in past nor does it now. China's Japan case is just a the result of the Chinese political line designed to confront/abuse and antagonize Japan,it's the byproduct of China's petty politics.
Japan is the original architect and initiator of the anti-western imperialism movement in asia ,the only reason they suck up to the US is their national security issue,caused by China and their ally NK. Japan has fought war along with the pro east Chinese,to revert the expansion of pro-west chiang kai sek and handed over china back to pro-east leader Wang Jinwei.Japan never colonized china nor fought a war against it,Japan educated the best minds of China in Sun yat sen and wang jin wei that shaped china as a nation .Japan wasn't China's historical enemy,it became an enemy when soviet byproduct political party came in power and started adopting western narrative on ww2 to relish in war profict, especially as an UNSC's 5 representative.

In 1940s, Japan had envisioned east asia co -prosperity sphere ,which was scrapped for western primacy in the pacific, Japan wanted to establish a new international order seeking "co-prosperity" for Asian countries which would share prosperity and peace, free from western imperialist.Japan would gladly carry on their ancestor's effort.

Butnow,since the western imperialist US won the war,they got to set the narrative and short-sighted political entities with personal gain in mind joined the western framework of divisive policy over few lucrative baits set by the imperialist to preserve western influence in post colonial era.Now what China does? it attack the Asian side that lost the war instead ,on behalf of the western imperialist political line.

If China didn't had an old and toxic anti japan political line of the 3 gen older CCP, stuck in its rear, that could have changed the tide greatly in the pacific ,what can US do when China and Japan are strong and together in the pacific? Peace and stability in the pacific is far more beneficial for China's long term growth, development and smooth surpassing of the US ,but no,China would rather antagonize Japan and claim rocks which has been occupied by japan for a century over some ridiculous unscientific "-rejuvenation fanatic propaganda" ,seeks to strokes nationalism with war retribution political line.
. Japan is by far the most honorouble,convenient and idealistic ally that any nation can seek,and it's right at China's backyard but China just flounders it for some petty propaganda made by petty dinosour carried on by political opportunist that fear to think out of the conventional propaganda narrative.Japan would have gladly worked with china to check russia,which can become a common threat under west backed leadership .

Here many chinese talk about IQ ,but apparently they can't even think like their head aren't stuck in sand,and every one goes on with same ol atrocity propaganda narrative ,so what good comes of IQ?

Sad part is,it seems like China don't has much idealogical aspiration to end western imperialism in the pacific,it's just looking to full fil its fanatic political aspiration and seek profit for itself even if it had to come at the expence of other pacific eastern nations,even if China had to support western imperialism.
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QUAD is never intended as an economic front.
it is just a revived version of SEATO that is destined for failure.

It will leads all these countries into confrontation which brings them ZERO benefits which they will regret in the future.
QUAD equal to RCEP???
Spin doctors at work again.

:coffee: :sarcastic::sarcastic:
French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and finance minister Bruno Le Maire will be in Delhi next month while IAF chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria will be in France. At least 8 Rafale fighters will leave for India through mid-air refuelling by UAE between April 19 and April 23.


Analysts say Indo-French naval cooperation will further deepen when French navy ships pay a visit to Kochi port in March. Photo courtesy: French ministry of armed forces(Photo courtesy: French ministry of armed forces)
The Indian Navy, its partners in the QUAD grouping, and, its strategic allies France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be part of complex interoperability exercises involving carrier strike groups, anti-submarine warfare aircraft and attack submarines in April– a move aimed at projecting their dominance from the Persian Gulf to the Malacca Straits.

The UAE will be joining India and France for the first time in a trilateral naval exercise in the strategically important Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman in late April under the Varuna banner. This is scheduled between April 25 and 27.
While dates of the QUAD-plus France naval exercise has to be firmed up on paper, India, the US, Australia, and Japan (the members of QUAD), with France will showcase their naval strength and commitment to freedom of navigation in the Bay of Bengal from April 4 to 7 with missile-guided destroyers, frigates, submarines and surveillance aircraft practising complex manoeuvres under the La Perouse banner.

Both La Perouse and Varuna last took place in 2019, but were cancelled due to global pandemic last year. UAE’s naval chief confirmed his country’s participation in the Varuna trilateral exercises.

Analysts say Indo-French naval cooperation will further deepen when French navy ships pay a visit to Kochi port in March. This will be followed by La Perouse. Then, in late April, the French Carrier Strike Group led by aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will enlarge its footprint in the Persian Gulf with an Indian Kolkata-class destroyer and UAE naval forces under the Varuna banner.
As India’s sole aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya is under maintenance after a long deployment arising from India’s stand-off with China in East Ladakh, Indian destroyers, P-8I aircraft and a submarine will participate in the QUAD-plus exercise. During the naval drills, the warships will practise formation sailing, live firing, communications, search, rescue, damage control and personnel transfers. The US is also not sending its aircraft carrier to La Perouse; at least three of its carrier strike groups have been deployed throughout the year in South China Sea and Indo-Pacific.

According to a former Indian Navy western commander who asked not to be named, La Perouse shows that the QUAD-plus maritime force can work together anywhere in the Indo-Pacific as there is convergence on shared values, democracy, freedom of navigation and cooperation. The aim of the QUAD-plus navies is to project dominance in the Indo-Pacific from the Gulf of Aden to the north and far Pacific, touching the western coast of US.

The political substance to these exercises will be given by the meeting of QUAD leaders in a virtual summit this month followed by the visit of the US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin to India later this month to renew close defence cooperation under the Biden Administration. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to meet French President Emmanuel Macron around EU summit in Portugal in May.

According to analysts, QUAD-plus’ primary emphasis is a free Indo-Pacific – something that has become increasingly important in light of Beijing’s expansionist plans for the region.
After the on-going stand-off with PLA in East Ladakh, the Indian Navy along with its partners including UAE and France has clear objectives in the Indo-Pacific. While the formidable US navy will hold the fort beyond Malacca Straits, the Indian Navy along with its key allies will be first responders in the Indian Ocean. The visit of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius this month was to ensure that Indian navy ships can call in at naval ports in these countries, thereby increasing their range.

Republik Indonesia.

could you please stop mentioning Indonesia in your imaginary alliance??

There is no rule on PDF, or in International Law, or in Indonesia which states that one cannot propose alliances for countries.

Also .... I'd like to see you try and stop me!!! :-)
To dominate indo - pacific ?
ouhhhh.... I'm afraid the game is and will remain between China and USA.
This quad is a the zionist-anglo-western nato-mafia of the Pacific. Where nato was mafia to rampage through Eastern Europe and stand the doorstep of Russia to bully and intimidate it. So to quad is a zionist-anglo-western mafia to bully and intimidate China.

Only reason why these mafias (nato/quad) are still existing like cockroaches, is because China and Russia wants to co-exist/trade with Europe, Pacific and the World. While zionist's owned anglo-western thugs want hegemony over the world.

One day, when push (and it's the anglo-western thugs who would push) comes to shove. It would be Russia, China, Iran and allies that shove, and shove them to an oblivion.

Hegemony doesn't ever work, empires collapse .... history is littered with examples where Imperialism got its @$$ handed to it ... Afghanistan (british/american), Vietnam (french/american), Korea (american/australian/british/french), Somalia (british/american), Iraq (american/french/british), Yemen (american/najdi-sauds/najdi-emiratis) and Syria (american/british/french).

The end of the zionist owned anglo-Western hegemon is on the horizon. No prisoners shall be taken and no mercy will be given.
There is no rule on PDF, or in International Law, or in Indonesia which states that one cannot propose alliances for countries.

Also .... I'd like to see you try and stop me!!! :-)
Well, Indonesia’s current foreign policy forbids military alliances and basing of foreign troops on its soil but it is already engaged in a number of defence partnerships that give it the potential to form temporary contingent alliances.

Thus, Indonesia will never be a part of Quad+ or any other military alliances. However, if a country wants to establish international trade agreement, we will be more than welcome. We are still a poor country with per capita income far below world average, and we wouldn't involve ourselves into any foreign conflicts as we have them enough domestically. Though we still commit to peacekeeping contribution for the UN.

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