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Biased contradictory western media

So far you have called me a kaffir, a jahill kaffir (?), a substandard Chinese bot and insulted Chinese based on our products.

But you STILL haven't given any evidence for these conspiracy theories. :rofl:

That makes four things for me where as you are still stuck on one :omghaha:
The job of media- any media is too make as much money as possible. The media clowns are not out to get Muslims, Muslims just happen to sell nowadays. Do most of you know that fox news is owned by a saudi prince?? He is the second largest share holder, you really think they would be allowed to say all the stuff they say without his consent???

Remember the ground zero mosque? Fox news made a huge fuss about "overseas donations" and who they might be coming from, guess what... it was their boss the same prince who writes their pay checks who was going to fund the mosque. :lol:
This Chinese-trollagon continued his pointless bickering for some time and in the end he had this to say
It was unfair racial and religious profiling that caused them to consider the Saudi guy as a suspect.

Which proves that the western media is leading people astray and thus the concerns of the OP are authentic.
The job of media- any media is too make as much money as possible. The media clowns are not out to get Muslims, Muslims just happen to sell nowadays. Do most of you know that fox news is owned by a saudi prince?? He is the second largest share holder, you really think they would be allowed to say all the stuff they say without his consent???

Remember the ground zero mosque? Fox news made a huge fuss about "overseas donations" and who they might be coming from, guess what... it was their boss the same prince who writes their pay checks who was going to fund the mosque. :lol:


The media in the West is not much different than the media in the rest of the world. They may be more seasoned, methodical, and have a long history of being in publication, however, they sell their stories to their fellow nationals, therefore it will always have that inherent bias.

It is unlikely they will have a complete neutral objective viewpoint, case n point, Judith Miller and her Mushroom cloud story in the NY Times before the Iraq invasion in 2003.
Tell me one Media which isn't Biased or Contradictory ?

Media has been tool of governments and multi-national companies to condition large number of people. Its just another way of crowd control.
Relax. Just another 12 yr old post we have to live with.

It's not the content of the post that bothers me - conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen.

It's my opinion that many regional language media in the Muslim world will carry this or a similar conspiracy theories as 'fact', thereby adding to the narrative of injustice and grievance.
Its some thing that we all are aware of............If its a Muslim they will blame the religion if its a kaafir then they will devise new terms to mask their true intentions. However, we should also bare in mind that this is exactly what should be expected of them, they will always look for ways to attack Muslims faith and this terrorism blame game is a part of their anti muslim agenda.

If someone with a muslim name commit rape will he be called islamic rapist?Or thief with a muslim name an islamic thief??NO...But the term islamic terrorist is applied because muslim terrorists base their fights on islam..And since it makes you uncomfortable to introspect why there are dozens and dozens of terrorists groups who base their struggle on islam and kill innocents in the name of islam,you are pathetically left blaming western media/kafirs..
It's not the content of the post that bothers me - conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen.

It's my opinion that many regional language media in the Muslim world will carry this or a similar conspiracy theories as 'fact', thereby adding to the narrative of injustice and grievance.

I took a look at what some of the media in the Muslim world were saying about Xinjiang...

It's pretty bad. They were the same kind of things that Erdogan said (his specific words were "genocide").

I didn't look again.
I took a look at what some of the media in the Muslim world were saying about Xinjiang...

It's pretty bad. They were the same kind of things that Erdogan said (his specific words were "genocide").

I didn't look again.

It is the reality indeed, but I'm not sure what effective answer anyone can have to something like this. The conspiracy theory effect, if one can call it that, has severe and long term consequences for everyone, particularly if they're believed.
If someone with a muslim name commit rape will he be called islamic rapist?Or thief with a muslim name an islamic thief??NO...But the term islamic terrorist is applied because muslim terrorists base their fights on islam..And since it makes you uncomfortable to introspect why there are dozens and dozens of terrorists groups who base their struggle on islam and kill innocents in the name of islam,you are pathetically left blaming western media/kafirs..

Well you chose to base your rhetoric on your biased subjectivity....heres somethimg concrete to reflect my words.
The PJ Tatler » San Diego Muslim man arrested for brutal murder of his wife was US Army Islamic cultural adviser
I am not interested in wasting my time over convincing you......but proving your faulty perception wrong will just take a sec.....kindly tell me why an innocent Saudi man was rumoured as a suspect? And how about that Bangladeshi who was beaten up post boston blasts? Any person with an iota of reasonable mental agaility can tell that these two events are an emodiment of racial profiling being nurtured by the western media.
Well you chose to base your rhetoric on your biased subjectivity....heres somethimg concrete to reflect my words.
The PJ Tatler » San Diego Muslim man arrested for brutal murder of his wife was US Army Islamic cultural adviser

I am not denying bias of some of western media against muslims..Media bias is everywhere be it in west or in muslim countries.
My point is please dont use it as an excuse to cover up the massive role played by 100s of muslim terrorist organisations who fight and kill innocents in the name of islam,in creating a negative perception of islam and muslims..
kindly tell me why an innocent Saudi man was rumoured as a suspect? And how about that Bangladeshi who was beaten up post boston blasts? Any person with an iota of reasonable mental agaility can tell that these two events are an emodiment of racial profiling being nurtured by the western media.
Racial profiling is the unwanted side effect of lot of extremist muslims getting involved in terrorist activities including latest boston blasts,and due to the presence of plathora of islamist terrorist groups all over the world..And i agree with you that the beating of bangladeshi man by hispanics is an utterly uncivilised act..Where i dont agree is where you put blame on western media,while conveniently ignoring the bigger role played by muslim extremists worldwide in creating islamophobia.
talon sis, you are going too far as I mentioned to you the other day, we should deal with these folks like criminals according to law, however after 9/11 the world has changed and we muslims have rejected these losers using our beliefs from some bloated fantasy in heaven and which we are doing after the attacks. However your picture is not good because it gives a tinge of justification behind those attacks and that might make you seem a tad bit bigoted and insensitive.

@liontk kid if you do not know something, please ask but dont accuse or judge..I put that picture because I saw the thread getting off track....PLUS it was to cool the moods of someone...In no way do I support terrorist who blow up normal humans....Neither do I need to explain myself as you should have known me by now...I rarely go to such threads if I do, I post more than once but for this thread it was just to cool the situation....as some people were going off tangent...

IF someone cant take a joke, they should not come out on a public forum...the forum is not a bashing place...it is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas....

Sorry if this sounds rude but it had to be said...
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@liontk kid if you do not know something, please ask but dont accuse or judge..I put that picture because I saw the thread getting off track....PLUS it was to cool the moods of someone...In no way do I support terrorist who blow up normal humans....Neither do I need to explain myself as you should have known me by now...I rarely go to such threads if I do, I post more than once but for this thread it was just to cool the situation....as some people were going off tangent...

IF someone cant take a joke, they should not come out on a public forum...the forum is not a bashing place...it is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas....

Sorry if this sounds rude but it had to be said...

I just read my comment and I was totally out of line but understand that I was also trying to defuse the situation(my intentions were not bad), sorry if I sounded wrong but the debate was getting very heated and i have noticed that it is always same people and you know who that always start the whole thread deraling and the faith of islam is thrashed so I did not want them to even have one single second of satisfaction. I grew up here and when someone labels the whole religion'e de islam and says all muslims are secret symphatizers , it gets in my nerve and i end up making stupid remarks and that was immature on my part calling you a bigot, mere mazarat(don't have dictionary but i think it means sorry). :)
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Also the boys aunt spoke from Canada, by no way she looks like a Muslim in anyway. A Muslim can spot another Muslim who is of different ethnicity/origin by a mile. That woman looked totally Christian/Hispanic.


A muslim can spot another muslim of different ethnicity/origin by a mile..?

I forgot to mention how they mention he "wounded" in the neck... never heard of people surviving when they are "wounded" in the neck... load of bonkers... leg yes but not neck. If your passageway is "wounded" you only have a few minutes to live.

Really..? Is it a rule that a person with neck wounds can not survive...?
I just read my comment and I was totally out of line but understand that I was also trying to defuse the situation(my intentions were not bad), sorry if I sounded wrong but the debate was getting very heated and i have noticed that it is always same people and you know who that always start the whole thread deraling and the faith of islam is thrashed so I did not want them to even have one single second of satisfaction. I grew up here and when someone labels the whole religion'e de islam and says all muslims are secret symphatizers , it gets in my nerve and i end up making stupid remarks and that was immature on my part calling you a bigot, mere mazarat(don't have dictionary but i think it means sorry). :)
@liontk Even I was brought up abroad..And mind you at your age I was worse ;)

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