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Bhensa has been controlled.

Yes it is actually the cyber crime law which I resisted makes it legal to arrest you over fb posts

Real bhensa was an anti Pakistan anti Islam page where liberalism meant making fun of Pakistan, its creators, posting offensive images on milli naghmays, putting tilawat sound on item songs videos, posting blasphemous content in urdu and criticising army and praising mqm, pmln, anp for no reason other than hate
They were just a tarek fath type groupi am glad its gone
Who is behind bhensa? the illegitimate love child of ugly gremlin pig Tarek Fateh and his filthy bit on the side Tasleema Nasreen!
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Trump can propose whatever he wants. The bottom line is that our freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

An American can insult the "national symbols" of the country all he or she wants. It makes no difference. Words and pieces of paper or cloth are just that. We pay no attention to people who do things like that. Because at the end of the day, nothing that they do can actually undermine the country. You give them too much importance by going after them. It's better to simply ignore them.
The argument Isnt what cant be done but what he proposed Trump who Is president of democracy thekedar threatened action against all those who insult national symbols
Oh and btw if a constitutional ammendment is brought laws of US may change thats what some American activists are saying
This was daily occurance at bhensa thats why I hate it I got banned at bhensa for criticizing mqm
As i said these retards lost all the sympathy from me when is saw these posts. f**k them
The argument Isnt what cant be done but what he proposed Trump who Is president of democracy thekedar threatened action against all those who insult national symbols

Okay, but what I'm saying is that Trump's personal opinions do not supersede the Constitution or the law in general. Politicians propose a lot of things. Here in America, our freedoms are protected by the Constitution, not by Trump.

Also, please keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes (46-48%). He doesn't speak for most the country.

Oh and btw if a constitutional ammendment is brought laws of US may change thats what some American activists are saying

Well as I said, many things are proposed, but few become law.
Okay, but what I'm saying is that Trump's personal opinions do not supersede the Constitution or the law in general. Politicians propose a lot of things. Here in America, our freedoms are protected by the Constitution, not by Trump.

Also, please keep in mind that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes (46-48%). He doesn't speak for most the country.

Well as I said, many things are proposed, but few become law.
Yes he does Hillary represents the heavily populated democratic states only while Trump got majority in most IS states he represents what average American outside those states think like

Constitution can be changed by two-third majority no?
Remember I once said "desi liberals & Moom Batti Mafia" and you kinda disagreed with me. @Hell hound. So this is why I have not even a bit respect of these fake liberals. Thankfully he's exposed. These people are equally damaging Pakistan and playing an amazing job with portraying mullahs the "villains". So no one pays any attention to their evilest work in our society.
Yes he does Hillary represents the heavily populated democratic states only while Trump got majority in most IS states he represents what average American outside those states think like

He absolutely does not. The "average American" is middle class and lives in an urban area---either in the city or the suburbs, not in the rural hinterland.

And he certainly does not speak for a majority of Americans:

Hillary received 65,844,954 votes (48%) to Trump's 62,979,879 votes (46%).


Constitution can be changed by two-third majority no?

Yes, either by two-thirds of both houses of Congress or by two-thirds of the state legislatures. And that's precisely why it's so difficult. Only two amendments to the Constitution have been ratified in the past 45 years.
He absolutely does not. The "average American" is middle class and lives in an urban area---either in the city or the suburbs, not in the rural hinterland.

And he certainly does not speak for a majority of Americans:

Hillary received 65,844,954 votes (48%) to Trump's 62,979,879 votes (46%).


Yes, either by two-thirds of both houses of Congress or by two-thirds of the state legislatures. And that's precisely why it's so difficult. Only two amendments to the Constitution have been ratified in the past 45 years.
But he represents mote states he won majaority in more states which means if you travel from one state to another you are likely to bump into a Trump supporter Hillary supporters were mainly from few heavily populated states you tame california out and majority get slim you take Ny out the majority disappears
Trump represents most americans outside these two states

If I am not mistaking last time they tried ti criminalize flag burning they lost by single margin votes no?
But he represents mote states he won majaority in more states which means if you travel from one state to another you are likely to bump into a Trump supporter Hillary supporters were mainly from few heavily populated states you tame california out and majority get slim you take Ny out the majority disappears
Trump represents most americans outside these two states

The thing is, tens of millions of Americans live in these two states. If you exclude them for some reason (they are an integral part of America both demographically and economically), then you are excluding a large chunk of America itself. Fewer people live in the smaller states.

I live in Los Angeles County, and it has a population of roughly 10 million people. Just my county alone would be the 10th-most populous state if it were to become one. A lot of states have small populations. People are not spread out evenly:


If I am not mistaking last time they tried ti criminalize flag burning they lost by single margin votes no?

Yes, but opinion polls have generally shown people opposed to it, though the numbers fluctuate. Keep in mind that some Senators voted for it, but probably didn't want it to pass. It's no coincidence that it came so close to passing, but failed. Something similar will likely happen if another vote is held.
what atheists believe is their right but abusing and insulting and making fun of Islam is Not their right. The problem with these atheists is that they think abusing others' faith is atheism which in fact shows that they are confused about their own ideology.

Absolutely rught ..........
Disappearance of activists echoes in Senate

IFTIKHAR A. KHAN — UPDATED about 2 hours ago

Five civil society activists — including (from left) Waqas Goraya, Salman Haider, Samar Abbas and Asim Saeed — have gone missing over the past one week.

ISLAMABAD: The sudden re-emergence of the phenomenon of enforced disappearances prompted a call in the Senate on Friday for legislation to bring state agencies under the ambit of law.

Speaking on a point of public importance, PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar said the Senate Committee of the Whole on speedy and inexpensive justice had recently forwarded its recommendations to the government, one of which was related to missing persons and included draft legislation to bring the state agencies under the ambit of the law.

He said it had been decided that if the government did not respond to the draft law then the parliamentary leaders would sign it and get it approved from the house as a private members’ bill.

Addressing the Senate chairman, he said that since a 60-day period was over, the recommendation of the report on speedy and inexpensive justice be implemented in letter and spirit.

Call to bring agencies under ambit of law
“The mysterious disappearance of civil society activists from Islamabad soon after the Senate taking up the issue and the interior minister’s assurance that disappearances will not be allowed is a stark message to parliament, the interior minister and the civil society that their protests notwithstanding, citizens will continue to disappear with impunity. In the native parlance the message is ‘hor chupo’.”

Published in Dawn January 14th, 2017

I have no idea who Bhensa never heard of them... but is this Dawn article related to it?

If yes, then Dawn is very disingenuous in not disclosing all the facts. The treat from Neo-Liberalism is just as great as the threat from the religious extremists.
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Well done now lets see how far this takes this country
Hey why dont u shove ur sarcaism where the sun doesnt shine, its pathetic really, got something on ur mind?, come out n say it..

remind me again how many people liberals have killed because they don't agree with their views?
if you can't take rational criticism, then i've got to say you lot have one bloated ego. hurt by mere words, not even bullets.
no place for free thinkers these days. not in al bakistan.
We just conducted a cruise missle test out of a sub, how many more freethinkers do u want?, if by freethinkers u mean people that promote anti state anti islam propoganda than lol we dont want those fucked up free bullshiters...

The number of people killed by PPP and MQM in Karachi?
Hey dont argue with this idiot, he obviously suffers from lack of iq and historical knowledge, he obviously doesnt know that russia was the main source of liberalism and athiesm and the number of people lenin and stalin killed, he obviously doesnt know the number of people his dear liberal west enslaved and killed in africa, he obviously doesnt know that ttp was the militant wing of these liberal scums, ttp would do its best to defame islam and jihad by attacks on innocents giving these scumbags ample ammunation to attack islam, this was a network that played in both sides of the board, mqm used to condemn taliban lol but both these groups answered to raw??
remind me again how many people liberals have killed because they don't agree with their views?
if you can't take rational criticism, then i've got to say you lot have one bloated ego. hurt by mere words, not even bullets.
no place for free thinkers these days. not in al bakistan.
What do you mean by free thinkers.If today I start abusing your father and family,you would let me to do so?You should, because I am a freethinker and have right to say anything.Where is your freethinkig and freedom of speech when religion is other than Islam and country other than Pakistan.There are more threats from ill minded liberals then molvis to Pakistan.
Disappearance of activists echoes in Senate
Does the Senate take note of events happening to everyday ordinary citizens? Just wondering.
What does my family have to do to become relevant at parliment level? Have foreign patrons or $$$ or what?
Does the Senate take note of events happening to everyday ordinary citizens? Just wondering.
What does my family have to do to become relevant at parliment level? Have foreign patrons or $$$ or what?

Are those people the Bhensa People in Dawn news? ... never heard about this till now...

Pakistani Liberals are turning into Salman Rushdie's. ...
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