I am trying to retrive the name of it and will return back very soon with it.
I have seen Border. In that movie the Pakistani soldiers were approaching the Indian trenches in a single horizontal line, and as the Indian soldiers fired, about 20 Pakistani soldiers literally flew backwards at the same time.
Solid Snake, Have you saw the position of those trenches from where those Indian soldiers where firing in? there was steep downhill from where Pakistani soldiers storm in towards Indian trenches. Hence when pakistani soldiers rush upwards through steep downhill towards Indian trenches and got the blow of bullets when Indian soldiers fired to retret them. So there is a every reason for Pakistani soldiers to get flown backward since they were rushing upward with steep landscap.
Forget that not even a 5 year old would send in soldiers in such an exposed formation,
The pakistani Commander thaught that in front of constant firing of Tanks as well as thousands of infantry soldiers, the contingent of 120 Indian soldiers would have been paralysed and very few of them have been left and hence to end those rest of the Indian soldiers, Pakistani commander sent hundreds of soldiers to crush Indian soldiers within their hideouts.
but people don't fly backwards when they're hit with a bullet.
You can refer my previous response over it and in addition to it I would like add that Pakistani soldiers weren't hit with a single bullet, Indian soldiers had rained the bullets over them to retret them back.
Also, the Indian soldier was shot about 500 times from a tank rifle,
but he did not die and continued to struggle forward until he threw a mine under the tank and blew it 50 feet into the air.
I accept that, even this particuler seen was most contridictory and you have every reason to raise fingure over it, as it was definetly pieace of exaggaration.
And in addition to it I also would like to add from my end the thing that if Indian soldier was begin heading towards Tank with Anti-Tank Mine, Why does Pakistani tank commander was so needed to reverse his tank backward? because even by being remaining static Indian soldier could not blow that Tank.
Granted, that movie was back when Pakistan-India relations were sour, but I thought it was pretty distateful to disrespect a rival country like that.
Definetly some of the script of border was filled with exaggration and overkill, but even I have every right to say that film producer of Border didn't tried to spoil the graciouness of film Border which was evident from the fact that within "Border" the scene of immence respect shown Indian Commander towards captured Pakistan soldier who revel planning of Pakistani regiment as well as Honoured Burial of dead Pakistani soldiers.
According to the script of the movie, moral of the story was to depcit the bruthel atmosphere prevailing over the warzone, and hence question of showing respect towards adverseris soldiers in conflict zone doesn't arises.
All of the Pakistani war movies/dramas I've seen don't show such unrealistic scenarios and Pakistani troops aren't shown as supermen who don't die even if a cartridge full of bullets hits them.
This time I simply can't validate the authencity of Pakistani Movie, since I never ever saw any Pakistani Movie.