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Bharti Media Crying over President Trump's remarks about Kashmir

Oscar, is there a realization in our military circles about the deep sense of inferiority-complex and historical victimhood that runs through indians? And the very vile emotional hatred that this inferiority-complex/victimhood complex gives rise to? india, emotionally, is not much different from Nazi Germany at the cusp of 1930's. Any chance to "avenge" the injustice of history and set history right.....and indians will pounce on it mericlessly against us. Such is the mentality of inferiority-complex stricken losers suffering from deep victim complex.

Forget their media....just follow regular indian twitter. The amount absolutely vile hatred they have for Muslims (and by extension, Pakistan) is hilarious yet eye-opening.
Our hope is that saner voices(of which there are still many) prevail in India.
Our hope is that saner voices(of which there are still many) prevail in India.

Saner voices are often muffled into irrelevancy when the national zeitgeist takes a decisive turn towards fascistic tendencies due to the prevailing ultra-nationalistic fervor (that often stems from a deep inferiority-complex and a sense of historical victimhood/inadequacy). Add in the increasing militarism and religious extremism into the mix and voila...

I just hope we are not another Poland if and when the inevitable happens.
Saner voices are often muffled into irrelevancy when the national zeitgeist takes a decisive turn towards fascistic tendencies due to the prevailing ultra-nationalistic fervor (that often stems from a deep inferiority-complex and a sense of historical victimhood/inadequacy). Add in the increasing militarism and religious extremism into the mix and voila...

I just hope we are not another Poland if and when the inevitable happens.
Poland was unable to lob 200+ nuclear weapons at the axis. India faces 5 times the losses and a miserable future if it attempts any misadventures. 27th was a taste to them that we aren’t going down without a fight and will most likely take them to the grave with us; the sooner their state calculus understands this the better for them.
Poland was unable to lob 200+ nuclear weapons at the axis. India faces 5 times the losses and a miserable future if it attempts any misadventures. 27th was a taste to them that we aren’t going down without a fight and will most likely take them to the grave with us; the sooner their state calculus understands this the better for them.

They won't realise it until they face a strike but then it won't be stoppable until annihilation.
Our hope is that saner voices(of which there are still many) prevail in India.
Saner voices cannot get strength if Pakistan does nothing on their side to punish the culprits. You cannot keep doing the same thing over and over. The problem is the military of Pakistan who does not allow their civilian government to make peace "dawn leaks".
Saner voices cannot get strength if Pakistan does nothing on their side to punish the culprits. You cannot keep doing the same thing over and over. The problem is the military of Pakistan who does not allow their civilian government to make peace "dawn leaks".
That is a myth propagated on your side and dawn leaks add nothing to its value.
As I said Whole of World Chessboard just shook....the whole world is still trying to understand the strategic implications of Trump-Khan visit and meeting in USA. Massive success by Pakistani Military Establishment and Imran Khan PTI Government....What will happen next.. left a big impact.
crawl out of under the cave, see some sunlight and stop genocide of innocent Kashmiri's, realize they are not indians and don't want to be part of india. or keep trying and keep crying, we don't mind a big hole draining your economic resources.

Militarily you don't have significant advantage to start a war and not suffer serious consequences.

Saner voices cannot get strength if Pakistan does nothing on their side to punish the culprits. You cannot keep doing the same thing over and over. The problem is the military of Pakistan who does not allow their civilian government to make peace "dawn leaks".
As I said Whole of World Chessboard just shook....the whole world is still trying to understand the strategic implications of Trump-Khan visit and meeting in USA. Massive success by Pakistani Military Establishment and Imran Khan PTI Government....What will happen next.. left a big impact.
This is big and we never saw this coming. The way IK and the Pakistani delegation has been feted and welcomed in Washington is not normal. This looks like a geo strategic shift.
There has been a realisation on the American side as to who actually is the more sincere ally in the region. The things that India had going for them was an antipathy to China and huge market the Americans wanted to exploit. However, it seems the geo strategic location of Pakistan is something that the Indians cannot compensate for. An alliance with Pakistan can serve American geo strategic interests far better than India ever could. It is good thing that the Americans are belatedly realising this.
All IMHO of course.
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