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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

A war between Myanmar and Bangladesh will result in independence of occupied chittagong. :)

This is correct bangladeshi's are still living in 1971 Myanmar is simply to important due to it's resources and location, God willing Chittagong will be from the occupation of bangladesh.

I think he is full or part coptic Christian Egyptian. That is where the hatred for Muslims are originating from, a wild guess.

Must you always run to conclusion ? I'm not a copt I'm muslim I can't help it if I tell the truth myanmar will beat bangladesh hands down.
This is correct bangladeshi's are still living in 1971 Myanmar is simply to important due to it's resources and location, God willing Chittagong will be from the occupation of bangladesh.

Must you always run to conclusion ? I'm not a copt I'm muslim I can't help it if I tell the truth myanmar will beat bangladesh hands down.

Really? all we know is that you troll in many threads, your origin and identity is in doubt, so you have no credibility in what you say. Also, by saying Chittagong will be free, you are exposing your possible Indian origin with mentioning your pipe dream of breaking off Chittagong from Bangladesh. Before Chittagong goes, all NE will be cut off from India, how does that sound?
Really? all we know is that you troll in many threads, your origin and identity is in doubt, so you have no credibility in what you say. Also, by saying Chittagong will be free, you are exposing your possible Indian origin with mentioning your pipe dream of breaking off Chittagong from Bangladesh. Before Chittagong goes, all NE will be cut off from India, how does that sound?

I only troll when it's necessary I give the truth if you want to know my origin and identity why don't you pm not everyone telling the truth on Bangladesh is indian I have no reason to object the north indian states get Independence but Chittagong should get it as well. Myanmar would beat bangladesh hands down no trolling about that.

I only troll when it's necessary I give the truth if you want to know my origin and identity why don't you pm not everyone telling the truth on Bangladesh is indian I have no reason to object the north indian states get Independence but Chittagong should get it as well. Myanmar would beat bangladesh hands down no trolling about that.

Myanmar will beat us? How? By keeping their minerals ten feet under their soil? You troll do you realize their GDP is half of ours?? Why don't you first consider establishing Democracy in your country first which we achieved many years ago?? Our soldiers don't kill us at least...
Myanmar will beat us? How? By keeping their minerals ten feet under their soil? You troll do you realize their GDP is half of ours?? Why don't you first consider establishing Democracy in your country which we achieved many years ago?? Our soldiers doesn't kill us at least...

What does their economy have to do with this ? your military is weaker thats fact.
I read both eastwatch's posted article and the article from roybot's posted link. The first one shows historic links between Arakan and Muslim Bengal, which I have read also in our history and literature books growing up in Bangladesh. There is probably some bias in both articles as they represent the Rohingya and Burman point of view respectively. Even if we accept the Burman view, it clearly acknowledge's that many of these people have migrated from Chittagong since 1824, after British occupation of Burma. So in effect they have all the rights of citizenship in a post 1947 independent Burma/Myanmar. It would have been wiser for the British to partition off Rakhine state between Muslim and Buddhist populations, as the Muslims did want to join Pakistan, but why the British did not do that, may be someone can focus on that issue. Regardless of those issues, they have every right to Myanmar citizenship, Myanmar govt. should not choose an arbitrary date of 1824 and decide that citizenship is based on that date. But if they do in a democracy, they will be laughing stocks of the world, although they get away with this under Army rule. They can be challenged in International Court and probably should be reported to International Criminal Court for this inhuman ethnic cleansing act.

But as a country and neighbor, Bangladesh will have to deal with this issue with care. As I said, we can help them as much as possible as we are already doing:

- giving them shelter and helping them to migrate to other Muslim lands
- raising this humanitarian issue in international body's like UN and OIC

But I believe we should under no circumstances support any form of armed insurgency against the state of Myanmar because of persecution of the Muslim Rohingya minorities of Myanmar. That is out of the question. We have no legal right to do it, nor any moral right. That will be an act of war against Myanmar and its people.

So again eastwatch, I ask you, what is your home district in Bangladesh, why are you avoiding answering this question?
Myanmar will beat us? How? By keeping their minerals ten feet under their soil? You troll do you realize their GDP is half of ours?? Why don't you first consider establishing Democracy in your country first which we achieved many years ago?? Our soldiers don't kill us at least...

This troll claimed that he is part Egyptian (Muslim) and part German, way back when I asked him. He is obviously trying to poke his nose in a discussion without any knowledge of the people or country involved just based on internet information, so it is best to ignore him and his outrageous statements.

But he does point out the perceived weakness in our army. This is not good for Bangladesh. We have the people and resources to build an army that is 4 times the current size with more equipment and weapons, which we should, so that is a good point he makes.
This is correct bangladeshi's are still living in 1971 Myanmar is simply to important due to it's resources and location, God willing Chittagong will be from the occupation of bangladesh.

Must you always run to conclusion ? I'm not a copt I'm muslim I can't help it if I tell the truth myanmar will beat bangladesh hands down.
Bangladeshi occupation in chittagong? There is not a single Bangladeshi who wants freedom from Bangladesh. Stop trolling and stop proving yourself a moron!
This is correct bangladeshi's are still living in 1971 Myanmar is simply to important due to it's resources and location, God willing Chittagong will be from the occupation of bangladesh.

Chittagong is under Bangladeshi occupation? Good joke buddy :rofl:

In return, I sincerely hope that Israel sincerely annihilates your a$$ as it should have ages ago.
Just now I have read your post in the Old Bangla Photo. However, I do not agree with your over simplistic viewpoint that India will take over us by asking Myanmar to attack us. Have you ever heard such an event happening in the 21st Century? India is more interested to influence our govt to act in its favour, that is the thing.

Another stupid thinking is such and such Indian leader has visited Myanmar, therefore, Myanmar is now doing this or that to us. It just surprises me. Why on earth a PM/FM has to go to a VASSAL country to do such things? If he is so influential he can do so through his foreign office. The PM's instructions will come in a DIPLONMATIC BAG to the Embassy. The Ambassador will meet the PM of india's vassal State and order him to shoot at BD. It is as simple as that. Why a visit is neded?

There has been a misunderstanding, it was reply to other's comment. As you didn't see previous comments, you thought I told about "take over". Did you notice the word agreement, I meant india wanted BD to get back in 25 years treaty of 75 before attack.

Well it could be a stupid thinking doesn't matter but as they are acting like a wanna be super power, it's a super power culture that they generally visit before something big happens. This stupid way many also think, so before claiming others' thinking on this line, one should also think that others could rate that guy same way.
Chittagong is under Bangladeshi occupation? Good joke buddy :rofl:

In return, I sincerely hope that Israel sincerely annihilates your a$$ as it should have ages ago.

Wishing harm on others usually gets you nowhere no need to speak on emotions.

This troll claimed that he is part Egyptian (Muslim) and part German, way back when I asked him. He is obviously trying to poke his nose in a discussion without any knowledge of the people or country involved just based on internet information, so it is best to ignore him and his outrageous statements.

But he does point out the perceived weakness in our army. This is not good for Bangladesh. We have the people and resources to build an army that is 4 times the current size with more equipment and weapons, which we should, so that is a good point he makes.
|I agree with the second half Myanmar has a superior airforce which will allow it in any advantage not to mention it spends more on it's military and gets missile technology from north korea.
It's obvious that Myanmar can beat the living sh!t out of BD. They are a military state, spends a large fraction of GDP at defense and their army is battle harden unlike the mercenary force of BD who waste their time at sleeping in African wasteland at UN cost.

The Chittagong Hill Tracts is the homeland of indigenous tribal communities. In 1980s, the government sponsored the transfer of over half a million settlers to make the indigenous peoples minority in their own land. About 70,000 tribal refugees sought shelter in India from 1986 to1989. Majority of the refugees were sent back following the signing of the CHTs Accord between the Bangladesh government and the Jana Samhati Samiti on 2 December 1997. The indigenous communities continue to face systematic attack as the Accord has been left in tatters.

Dozens of tribals injured in settlers` attack in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh
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