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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

Well if you did not know we already have detailed map of burmese geography still with our army as they are the one took over Burma on behalf of Brits. Also in WW2, Bengal regiments were all over Burma. Besides we have no intention or interest in Burma and beyond Akyub its a no game for us. You should sort your things up and dont drag us into your own internal problem. Thats all we ask.

Lmao yes maps is all you need to invade Myanmar. And just because it was called Bengal Regiment, doesn't mean it comprised of Bangladeshis.

General histories and contemporary accounts confirm the fact that the Bengal Army and particularly the Bengal Infantry which was the predominant part of the Bengal Army was largely composed of UP Hindu Rajputs and Brahmans. A contemporary account of pre-1857 era described an average infantry company of Bengal Army composed of 40 Brahmans, 40 Rajputs, 20 Muslims and some lower caste Hindu 498

You guys were always deemed unfit for fighting for whatever reasons, and the same reputation carried to the 1947-1971 period.
What are you going to do with detailed map of WW2 burmah. Bengal regiment of british Indian army is not same as bangladesh army, you know bd army will not gain anything once it enters burma.

I had to remind him about his post that Brits and Mongol only bested their civilization. He also mentioned that Burmese faught with Brits over the control of BD and NE. But he failed to recognize that it was mainly Indian/Bengal army who took over Burma. And Brits India faught for Arakan and not Bengal. 1/2 of Arakan still with us.
Wait, are you proud that Bengalis fought for the British Empire against the Burmese? Do you take pride in being dogs of the British army? That's an interesting source of pride. Especially since the Madras Rifles did the bulk of the fighting of all the 'native infantries'. But alas, those days are gone. Along with our interest in your country. But don't start making these comical threats as they are rather insulting.

That's too when British triggered Bengal famine.
Wait, are you proud that Bengalis fought for the British Empire against the Burmese? Do you take pride in being dogs of the British army? That's an interesting source of pride. Especially since the Madras Rifles did the bulk of the fighting of all the 'native infantries'. But alas, those days are gone. Along with our interest in your country. But don't start making these comical threats as they are rather insulting.

We are not taking any pride but to bust your pride of getting busted by brits. LOL

You guys were always deemed unfit for fighting for whatever reasons, and the same reputation carried to the 1947-1971 period.

Troll factor in your posts are getting louder day by day and getting closer to Bombay Dude. He is banned again few mins ago. LOL
We are not taking any pride but to bust your pride of getting busted by brits. LOL

You think we would take pride in losing to the Brits? Why would anyone take pride in losing? It was a great humiliation and we are still paying the price with hangover problems like your Rohingyas.
good night guys.. will be late for tomorrow important meeting... :-(
Troll factor in your posts are getting louder day by day and getting closer to Bombay Dude. He is banned again few mins ago. LOL

How is that a "troll factor"? :undecided: Its a fact, a well documented one. Unfair or not, the verdict is still out on that I guess.
They are a delusional bunch around here. They also think that they can attack India and annex the north eastern states:lol:. If I were you I won't pay much attention to their "non existent sabre" rattling.
No one in this forum ever said that. Are you inventing things or it is due to less sleeping these days??

Few Pages ago Kobiraz dreaming about conquering Assam. It seems if Bangladeshi illegally migrate to United States in large number they will start considering United States as a part of Bangladesh.

Another one inventing things... I said intervene in the affair.... Idiot.
No one in this forum ever said that. Are you inventing things or it is due to less sleeping these days??

If you want I can do a Chinese dragon for you, and quote some old posts? Will you eat your hat after that?
Why do Bangladeshis have issues with each and every country bordering it. These internate warriors want to cede north east from India and arakan from Myanmar while forgetting that they are not even a blip in Indian or Burmese radar.

So all the indians are supporting it on Rohingya issue? I hope you guys will remain like this when Jamat will start to send Hindus back in India after 2014 just like 2001, bringing down their percentage from current 8% to 4%
So all the indians are supporting it on Rohingya issue? I hope you guys will remain like this when Jamat will start to send Hindus back in India after 2014 just like 2001, bringing down their percentage from current 8% to 4%

Aren't Hindus Bangladeshi ?:what:

And if Buddhist Myanmarese expel Muslim Bangladeshis out, shouldn't the retaliation be against Buddhist Chakmas? Its like no matter what happens its the Hindu Bangladeshis who should face the brunt, looking for just any excuse. Disgraceful.

Rohingyas should give up their dream of separate Muslim land and pledge their allegiance to the state of Myanmar. Thats the only way forward.
Aren't Hindus Bangladeshi ?:what:

And if Buddhist Myanmarese expel Muslim Bangladeshis out, shouldn't the retaliation be against Buddhist Chakmas? Its like no matter what happens its the Hindu Bangladeshis who should face the brunt, looking for just any excuse. Disgraceful.

Rohingyas should give up their dream of separate Muslim land and pledge their allegiance to the state of Myanmar. Thats the only way forward.
I don't think Jamat consider them as fellow citizens... Their 1971 hang over is not finished yet... And i agree to your last part of the post about rohingyas
Hello again. Just to put a bit more clarity as to how this is not a miltary government problem but a more general problem, here is the headline from Eleven Media Network: a pro-democracy media group which is an important outlet for the Burmese opposition that was routinely shut down by the military in the past.

Riots escalate due to insufficient security in Rakhine city

Rakhine people are still under the threat from the Rohingyas as security forces are not enough to control the violence, according to the reports.

Local ethnics were injured in the clashes with Bengali mobs who tried to invade the residential wards at 10:30 am this morning.

Regardless of warning shots from security forces, the mobs did not disperse and were seen in groups.

“Bengalis are attempting to set fire to our houses when police forces move to another place. So we have to protect our lives by holding knives and sticks,” said a resident in Sittway.

In some circumstances, Rohingyas burned their homes themselves and fled by boats.

“The threat of Rohingyas cannot be totally controlled until now. They are attacking the villages. As soon as the security forces move to another place, the rioters stepped forward for attack,” said a local resident in Sittway.

Authorities have imposed curfew this afternoon in some Arakanese towns to control the violence. Nevertheless, any report has not come out yet on whether Bengalis were injured by the security forces.

Local Rakhine people criticize that the members of security force are not sufficient to prevent from the attacks of Rohigyas, and suggested to suppress the rioters effectively.

Rescue camps are now packed with increasing number of Rakhine ethnics and some of them are fleeing from their homes to other secure places.

Riots escalate due to insufficient security in Rakhine city

This is the voice of democratic Myanmar and it is asking for a more hardline approach by the military. Yet Bangladesh will not even allow refugees. For whatever reason, rightly or wrongly, these people are shunned by the people of Myanmar. Whichever way you look at, these people originate from Bangladesh. I can't see any long-term solution which does not involve the Bengali Muslim nation of Bangladesh.
How do you come to that conclusion?
Meanminded Burmese or specially the Burmans cannot fight. Meanness does not produce good and brave people. This is why all other people who are citizens of Myanmar are against those mean-minded Burmans. Arakanese are not supported by the GoB, but all other rebellions are supported indirectly either by the Chinese or by the Thais. Bangladesh must take a strong attitude to the continuous Rohingya issue.
Yet Bangladesh will not even allow refugees. For whatever reason, rightly or wrongly, these people are shunned by the people of Myanmar. Whichever way you look at, these people originate from Bangladesh. I can't see any long-term solution which does not involve the Bengali Muslim nation of Bangladesh.

If you consider these people originates from Bengal perhaps hundreds of years ago then I think Myanmar should also consider leave Arakan province. Your arguments is self inflicting and contradictory and seems more in line with indian wishes and ploy.
If Myanmar really interested in solving this issue and move forward then first step would be to recognize they are Myanmar citizen as Arakan had been Myanmar province/state. In order to solve the problem Bangladesh can help the Myanmar govt to get its social ethnic and economic under pinning within the Rohinga population. But instead of indian doctored attitude Myanmar has to be open to accept and evolve. Lets see if Myanmar can think and act beyond indian propaganda and ploy and build better future.
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