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Beware of the soaring dragon as China's military power takes off

You guys do know that you are simply switching from being an American colony to a Chinese colony right? I mean once the honeymoon phase wears off in 30 years (just like with the USA), you will be getting droned by them. And will be making up theories on PDF of the Evil Hindu-Chini-Zionist theories who wan to kill innocent Ummah Muslims in Palestine and Uighur :meeting:

I think hyperbole will not suffice for a well argued position - neither was Pakistan ans American colony (it's was not and never will be Arabia) nor is it today a Chinese colony - after the demise of the USSR, we have seen how reckless and dangerous a power the US is, without balance, the US is unable to live up to it's own best values -- and while some in India, to my thinking not unjustifiably, imagine that GWOT is the substance of international relations under US hegemony, and that this pays positive dividends for India - it cannot be and will not be the substance of internal relations - the excuse of fighting terrorism to mask aggressive designs will not be allowed to construe international relations - recall Karma is a B_tch.
pathetic logic like this look at the bigger picture once that role is done, the string of pearls comes in Pakistan will be need for China Naval power projection in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the coast of africa but by that time will most pakistani even be muslims ?

No one cares about the Palestinians if fact it's become pretty counter productive, pakistan killed a bunch of uighurs the ummah itself is pretty fake.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I agree with you that the Ummah is well symbolic at its best, but Pakistanis have a serious hard-on for Palestines and Muslims in general everywhere.

Pakistani Anger towards Israel ( Pakistan & Palestine are ONE ) - YouTube
You have no idea what you are talking about. I agree with you that the Ummah is well symbolic at its best, but Pakistanis have a serious hard-on for Palestines and Muslims in general everywhere.

I'm talking in general that aside from Pakistan the Palestinian problem is an arab problem do you know that the Palestinians have even been abandoned by their arab brothers who not only kicked them out as well but killed them behind the scenes the arabs are working with israel against iran pakistani's don't seem to be getting this but some seem to be getting aware of this.
I'm talking in general that aside from Pakistan the Palestinian problem is an arab problem do you know that the Palestinians have even been abandoned by their arab brothers who not only kicked them out as well but killed them behind the scenes the arabs are working with israel against iran pakistani's don't seem to be getting this but some seem to be getting aware of this.

Ok your original post was:

No one cares about the Palestinians if fact it's become pretty counter productive, pakistan killed a bunch of uighurs the ummah itself is pretty fake.

My point is Pakistan will choose and support "Muslim interests" like Uighurs in China over the Chinese Govt 200 times out of a 100. The only reason Pakistanis in general are not protesting about it is because it has been kept out of the Pakistani media for the most part, becuase the Pakistani politicians and elite want (and need) good relations with China. If their public finds out, or if the Uighur situation escalates, be ready for Ghazwa-E-Chin (invasion of China by Pakistan).
Last week, two events focused the attention of China watchers. The first was the test flight of the second copy of the Chinese fifth generation fighter, the J 20.

The second was the release of the latest version of the Pentagon's annual report that tracks the rise of Chinese military power.

While releasing this report, a US official confirmed that the Chinese fifth generation programme was not only on track, but was likely to deliver its product by 2018, two years in advance of the originally estimated date.

The reports in the series have noted the disconcerting rise of Chinese power, fuelled by the massive resources and effort that China has put into its defence sector.

Danger In March, in his report on the work of the government, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao noted that China's defence budget was of the order of 670 billion yuan, which was about $106 billion, the second largest in the world.

Since the mid-1990s, Chinese defence budgets have increased by double digits, and even so, they do not tell the whole story.

US specialists say that China's defence spending is as much as 50 per cent higher than the official figure since it does not include R&D and foreign procurement costs.

The Chinese, by their own account, are preparing their armed forces to fight and win 'local wars under conditions of informationisation'; in simple terms, this means short, high-intensity regional wars where information technology will be a key factor.

Almost all foreign analyses of Chinese intentions say that their focus is on a cross-strait war against Taiwan, or the need to enforce claims in the South China Sea.

But the description of the kind of war the Chinese are readying for-a sharp, short 'local' conflict- could also fit India in relation to the dispute over our border.

All this is bad news for us because we are unprepared. Almost any close observer of the situation knows that the Indian Army and Air Force, the two key forces that may have to face the situation on the northern borders, are not ready and are plagued with huge gaps in their critical holdings.
Efforts are being made to fill them, but looked at any way, there seems to be a ten to fifteen year window of vulnerability before the gaps can be plugged.

And if the situation today is any indication, there is nothing to guarantee that even the self set goals will be met.

The DRDO continues with its eccentric ways, mistaking its self-generated hype for achievement, while the defence public sector units and ordnance factories act as milch cows for corrupt officials and complacent trade unions.

The revelations from the BEML scandals are only the tip of the iceberg; almost all defence public sector units have been working more as representatives of the foreign companies that provide knocked down kits for them to make, rather than original equipment manufacturers.

Pakistan As for the ordnance factories, their situation is worse, as testified to by the scandal that has led to its former Director General being charged by the CBI and six prominent companies, including Singapore Technologies and Israel Military Industries being blacklisted.

As if this were not enough, the government's worst fear-that of increasing Pakistan-China military cooperation-is becoming a reality.

According to recent reports, Islamabad may also receive the J-10 fighter, Beijing's most advanced home-made machine, in addition to the 50 JF-17 fighters already contracted for.

China has supplied Pakistan with AWACS aircraft, as well as the Babur cruise missile.

Cooperation in the area of strategic weapons-nuclear reactors, ballistic missiles and so on is ongoing and now there are indications that Beijing may provide Pakistan with a nuclear propelled submarine.

This seems to be the import of the recent announcement that the Pakistan Navy had established a new Naval Strategic Forces Command, an event attended by the chief custodian of Pakistani nuclear weapons, Lt Gen (retd) Khalid Kidwai.

At the event, Vice Admiral Tanveer Faiz who is the commander of the NSFC said that they were 'the custodian of the nation's second strike capability' - as broad a hint as you would want for a submarine-based nuclear capability.

There is no need to get into a moral high dudgeon over this. If the Russians can assist us with our nuclear propelled ballistic missile submarine, the Arihant, so can the Chinese help the Pakistanis. And you can be sure that they are doing so.

Reform The secret of the Chinese success has been to act in the areas which are our notable weakness- the defence R&D and manufacturing sector.

Pentagon study of 2011 noted that since the late 1990s, 'China's state and defense related companies have undergone a broad based transformation.

'Beijing continues to improve its business practices, streamline bureaucracy, broaden incentives for its factory workers, shorten developmental timelines, improve quality control and increase overall defense industrial production capacity.'
Equally important, as another report noted, the Chinese defence sector has achieved 'relative integration into the globalised production and R&D chain'.

These paragraphs succinctly sum up what India needs to do to get out of its present rut where it remains dangerously vulnerable, even while it has become one of the largest importers of armaments in the world.

In the coming decades, New Delhi needs to fix its defence R&D and production sector and encourage its integration with the civilian manufacturing establishment.

And, since it does not have its big guns quite ready, it needs to undertake some smart diplomacy as well. The worst response to the situation would be to do nothing.

Read more: MANOJ JOSHI: Beware of the soaring dragon as China's military power takes off | Mail Online
Very good article. Anyone know how many j-20's are going to be built by the supposed 2018 operational date?
Ok your original post was:

No one cares about the Palestinians if fact it's become pretty counter productive, pakistan killed a bunch of uighurs the ummah itself is pretty fake.

My point is Pakistan will choose and support "Muslim interests" like Uighurs in China over the Chinese Govt 200 times out of a 100. The only reason Pakistanis in general are not protesting about it is because it has been kept out of the Pakistani media for the most part, becuase the Pakistani politicians and elite want (and need) good relations with China. If their public finds out, or if the Uighur situation escalates, be ready for Ghazwa-E-Chin (invasion of China by Pakistan).

Of course interest are what it's all about actually the uighurs issues have been reported on pakistani news in fact didn't they just send back a couple of uighurs to china ? no one in general cares about the uighurs other then turkey the arabs have kept silent the central asian muslim countries are battling their own muslim extremism hence they don't really care about the whole ummah doesn't , forget Ghazwa E Chin the chinese would ensure that it never happens, worry about Ghazwe E Hind pakistanis are scared of what china might do india is softer this is why pakistan does the things it does like support insurgents.
I have always said it. Pakistan-Chinese alliance is unnatural, there is nothing common between the two countries, Pakistanis to the Chinese are just another non-Han barbarics. As soon as Pakistan's role as a buffer against India is finished, they will be left out to dry.

Oh really? and the americans really love arab and in particular you saudi right ?that s why you people cosy up to the us so much even they are killing muslims on the daily basis :rofl:what a retard logic
Oh really? and the americans really love arab and in particular you saudi right ?that s why you people cosy up to the us so much even they are killing muslims on the daily basis :rofl:what a retard logic
No, we understand the our alliance with the US is just for mutual benefits. The problem, is some Pakistanis don't understand that this also the case with China & Pakistan.
No, we understand the our alliance with the US is just for mutual benefits. The problem, is some Pakistanis don't understand that this also the case with China & Pakistan.

I don't think you understand politics or the stragetic to well do you ? the USA is merely keeping the oil flowing and once it's gone you guys will be abandoned once the Israel-iran alliance comes, the pakistani-chinese relation is similiar to iran-israel because they will never be full peace with India not to mention the stragetic needs. as I've also said the pakistanis will they be muslims still by then ?
No, we understand the our alliance with the US is just for mutual benefits. The problem, is some Pakistanis don't understand that this also the case with China & Pakistan.

you are seriously lacking logic in your post if china and palkistan alliance is unatural and is not for mutal benefit, can you explain what so natural about saudi and usa alliance???? have you heard of china non inerference foreign policy?
If that's true, why is China still begging Europe to remove its arms embargo?
You like use "beg"!! We don't like you can't protect yourself!
No. Its sign of of China's underdeveloped technology.
This article is writed by foreign, not us. we much know our technology!! we are still behind the western, no chinese deny it! I don't know why are you hyper in this topic? And ever the embargo be removed, the significance is political than military!!
This is china begging the USA to remove the trade embargo so they can "trade" with them. So much for all the hype.

Again "beg"!! Keep defaming China!! Loser!
You guys do know that you are simply switching from being an American colony to a Chinese colony right? I mean once the honeymoon phase wears off in 30 years (just like with the USA), you will be getting droned by them. And will be making up theories on PDF of the Evil Hindu-Chini-Zionist theories who wan to kill innocent Ummah Muslims in Palestine and Uighur :meeting:
Colony? I know you had been colony for more than 200 years, You still can't forget that feeling?
I have always said it. Pakistan-Chinese alliance is unnatural, there is nothing common between the two countries, Pakistanis to the Chinese are just another non-Han barbarics. As soon as Pakistan's role as a buffer against India is finished, they will be left out to dry.
Don't just talk, the friendship gone more than 50 years. Fact speak louder than any words. What's the common between you and USA? Don't think you are something in USA's eyes!
Honestly Pakistan does not have choice, without a godfather road is difficult for them.
You have more choice, yes, Every countries like money, If you keep buying weapon from other countries, they will support!! This is a country that to be ripped off, hehe!
No, we understand the our alliance with the US is just for mutual benefits. The problem, is some Pakistanis don't understand that this also the case with China & Pakistan.
That's because that you don't have such relationship, You are always used. Could you tell me what's the meaning of "mature"?
I have always said it. Pakistan-Chinese alliance is unnatural, there is nothing common between the two countries, Pakistanis to the Chinese are just another non-Han barbarics. As soon as Pakistan's role as a buffer against India is finished, they will be left out to dry.

China has been Pakistan's best friend for the last 60+ years and more than 80% of Pakistanis view China in a positive light ( the highest in the World ).
You guys do know that you are simply switching from being an American colony to a Chinese colony right? I mean once the honeymoon phase wears off in 30 years (just like with the USA), you will be getting droned by them. And will be making up theories on PDF of the Evil Hindu-Chini-Zionist theories who wan to kill innocent Ummah Muslims in Palestine and Uighur :meeting:

Let Pakistan take care of its own business! Unlike babbling indians, they are a lot more matured!


indians asking their american / russian masters!
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