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Beware Of The New Game In Swat


Sep 7, 2008
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The Americans and the pro-Indian Afghan security officials, in addition to the Indian intelligence outposts on Afghan soil, all have exploited Pakistani weaknesses in the area and pushed their own 'fake Islamists' inside to confuse the entire situation. Now when there is peace in Swat, this TTP comes into action to discredit the implementation of Shariah in the region.


Sunday, 5 April 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Everyone knows that a public flogging like this one will create a stir. The fake Taliban who also call themselves 'Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan' [TTP] did this intentionally. And

the Pakistani media played along, repeating the footage endlessly for ratings.

The problem is that this appears to be a deliberate attempt by these suspicious 'Pakistani Taliban' to derail the peace deal that has robbed them from the excuse to fight their own country and people by claiming that Shariah is not implemented.

Figure 1: U.S. assets Abdullah & Baitullah Mehsud

This attempt is another indicator in the piles of circumstantial evidence collected over the past two years that proves that while most of the foot soldiers of the 'Pakistani Taliban' are our own misguided young Pakistanis, the real handlers behind this shadowy group are people with links to the border area with Afghanistan where, according to the latest statement by Interior Adviser Rehman Malik, some 4000 foreign fighters are present.

These foreign fighters are not the remnants of the jihad of the 1980s. These are professionally trained killers, experts in recruiting, organizing and unleashing 'death squads', and psyop experts. During President Musharraf's time, while he thought the Americans were his allies, CIA and Karzai's NDS and the Brits penetrated the Pakistani territory and established an elaborate network of their own operatives and spies on the ground. Tens of U.S. operatives fluent in Pashto and Uzbek and Chechen and other languages were released in the area and are still there. No one in Pakistan knows what they are exactly doing. When you see the strength of a fake Taliban like Baitullah Mehsud who has 25,000 fighters under his command, you wonder about his never-ending supply of money and modern weapons. He has never been chased by the Americans. CIA has started bombing some places under his command to convince the Pakistani military that the U.S. is not double crossing Pakistan.

The Americans and the pro-Indian Afghan security officials, in addition to the Indian intelligence outposts on Afghan soil, all have exploited Pakistani weaknesses in the area and pushed their own 'fake Islamists' inside to confuse the entire situation. Now when there is peace in Swat, this TTP comes into action to discredit the implementation of Shariah in the region. This Shariah has nothing to do with TTP. The deal was brokered and struck with genuine local known religious figures. The TTP is basically based in the tribal belt and is linked to Mehsud. Also remember that the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan, who are the real Taliban, have ceased their links with this TTP long time back. In fact many Afghan Taliban have directly and indirectly conveyed to Pakistani authorities that they are busy in Afghanistan and have nothing to do with TTP which pays lip service to fighting the Americans and focuses on killing Pakistani citizens.

News editors in our TV channels need to understand this. They should not have given these criminals who are hiding behind the name of 'Taliban' the satisfaction of giving a successful media blow to the peace deal. It is also interesting to note that everything the TTP and Baitullah Mehsud does - from attacking Lahore on the day Obama was to release his new Afghan policy, to trying to sabotage the Swat deal which Washington opposes, not to mention attacking Pakistani targets and kidnapping the Chinese- all of this generally ends up supporting the American designs in Pakistan.

This column is based on Mr. Quraishi’s posting at The Lounge.
News editors in our TV channels need to understand this. They should not have given these criminals who are hiding behind the name of 'Taliban' the satisfaction of giving a successful media blow to the peace deal. It is also interesting to note that everything the TTP and Baitullah Mehsud does - from attacking Lahore on the day Obama was to release his new Afghan policy, to trying to sabotage the Swat deal which Washington opposes, not to mention attacking Pakistani targets and kidnapping the Chinese- all of this generally ends up supporting the American designs in Pakistan.

I am trying to summarize the article.
Taliban is nice people. Tehrik-i-Taliban-Pakistan is not. Pakistan had a deal with TTP which broke down, but has a current deal with Taliban. Taliban are pro-Pak while TTP is pro-US. So newspaper editors should not call Tehrik-i-Taliban-Pakistan as Taliban.

My perspective:
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, maybe it is a duck ?
The deal was signed to implement Sharia because the extremists had more guns than Pak-Army there. After the deal has been stuck, the one with most guns got to implement his interpretation of Sharia (which is not particularly nice). So I can't see any difference between the ones with whom the deal was made, Taliban and TTP as far as the Pak govt.'s needed actions.
basically the point is
india and whatever kind of taliban are our enemies
they can try all they want but they will never be able to bring us down
basically the point is
india and whatever kind of taliban are our enemies
they can try all they want but they will never be able to bring us down

The article also blames USA. And my belief is that India-USA does not want to bring Pakistan down.
srry but ur beliefs collide badly with history and the present facts :coffee:

Things change, objectives change etc. etc.
Earlier India and Pakistan were in head on contests where if one gained the other lost. India was also socialist and slow growing while Pakistan was faster growing. Now, India is growing fast and an unstable Pakistan immediatly would cause ripples in India (which obviously India does not want).

Atleast that's what Indian PM and Foreign minister is saying.
The article also blames USA. And my belief is that India-USA does not want to bring Pakistan down.

They don't want to bring Pakistan down, but they don't want it to remain standing up either.

Is leaving Pakistan 'tottering' a good adjective to use about Bharati policy?
Things change, objectives change etc. etc.
Earlier India and Pakistan were in head on contests where if one gained the other lost. India was also socialist and slow growing while Pakistan was faster growing. Now, India is growing fast and an unstable Pakistan immediatly would cause ripples in India (which obviously India does not want).

Atleast that's what Indian PM and Foreign minister is saying.

u don't seem like a true indian; since when have u started trusting your ministers? lol
u have to look up the past yourself buddy
don't rely on anyone else
Or we can start to clean our house before we play this blame Game.

Pakistani intelliegence gave the where abouts of meshud to the americans and for some reason they didnt do nothing about it

Why did not Pakistani Military used that Intel and went after this Creature themselves where is he getting his money how is that money coming to him where is our intelligence sleeping with the enemy.
How can reporters can find him but Pakistan army cant funny how he always knows the attacks on him .

soldiers are sent to be butchered by this clown and his so called homies as intel of the operations with details are given to him so he can kill pakistan army soldiers with confidence

how is he getting the inside Intel how him living in Pakistan Pakistan government cant get him .its simply ridiculous to blame others when GOP and ARMY are refusing to go after the trouble.
EVEN FOR A second i belive he is a RAW agent why is army not willing to finish the job this guy cant hide if they wanted to get him question is do they.
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u don't seem like a true indian; since when have u started trusting your ministers? lol
u have to look up the past yourself buddy
don't rely on anyone else

It seems like a statement that a stable Pakistan is in India's interest released pre-elections is an indicator of what they intend to do post-elections. With BJP either not saying much (or openly anti-Pak) , I think it is a fair opportunity for people to decide the future of foreign policy. If the third from comes to power, of course, the focus is going to be on internal issues with Pakistan on back burner.

I saw the statements as a message to Indian people as much as Pakistan.
Or we can start to clean our house before we play this blame Game.

Why didnt pakistani Military used that intel and went after this Creature them self where is he getting his money how is that money comming to him where is our intelligence sleeping with the enemy.
How can reports can find him well pakistan army cant funny how he always knows about the attacks on him either soldiers that are sent to be butcherd by this clown and his so called homies are captured or killed.how is he getting the inside intel how him living in pakistan pakistan government cant get him its simply ridiciulous to blame others when GOP and ARMY are refusing to go after the trouble.
EVEN FOR A second i belive he is a RAW agent why is army not willing to finish the job this guy cant hide if they wanted to get him question is do they.

A few fullstops and commas would be appreciated :-)
I wonder wat the heck those highly ambitious generals in PAKARMY doing except for smoking cuban cigars despite knowing all the ground realities .Atleast there is somthing they can do to stop this bloodshed being carried out in the name of War Against Terror Or they are either so weakned or paralyzid By the joint venture of US Nato and India.
I am sure that there is something which they will come out with. But they need to do it Fast so that this whole scenario becomes less costly.
We should'nt take Aid from US. We can Fight and Survive on our own.

When will all this bloodshed stop ?:angry::angry::tsk::tsk:

They don't want to bring Pakistan down, but they don't want it to remain standing up either.

Is leaving Pakistan 'tottering' a good adjective to use about Bharati policy?

Lets talk about the Pakistani policy. Isn't it something about bleeding India to death by 1000 cuts? What do you expect in return?
That has nothing to do with the topic "PeacefullIndian" even if it were true, refrain from de-railing please.
And you told me to close a thread which i posted because it was inflammatory. Duh

Just replying (may be off topic)...
There is a difference between having provocative discussion & having strategic discussion. You post threads saying Pakistan will collapse. And what discussion you will have? Bear in mind that everyone is sensitive to such articles about their own country.

On the other hand, if you think Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism & you have data to prove it, go ahead & post. We will debate.
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