RAMPAGE ... Alright guys ... After going through your posts , one thing is clear ... You guys have absolutely no idea about what Quran teaches , and yet you are talking about implementing Shariah in Pakistan ...
let me try ....
There are only four offences for which a specified punishment is stipulated in the Quran , namely adultery, theft, slanderous accusation and highway robbery .... Now if one were to review the whole theory of these hudud from a strictly Quranic perspective, the hudud can no longer be seen as mandatory and fixed penalties ....
The four Quranic verses on hudud consist basically of two provisions each, one specifying the offence and its punishment, and the other that provides for reformation and repentance. There is no expatiation beyond these terms. The question that
arises is that the fiqh blueprint on hudud has essentially ignored the latter portion of the text. Only the penalties were adopted but no provision was made to implement or contextualise the repentance (tawbah) and reformation (islah) aspects of the hudud. A structure of penalties, indeed a penal system, was thus envisaged that provide virtually no space for an educational and reformative exercise - presumably because of the shortcomings of the pre-modern system of criminal justice .