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Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

This is a loser's thread. Ha, China is nothing real ... how about India or Vietnam?
Indian intelligence quotient is too low,and they don't understand why China is ahead in all respects in India.SO, they force themselves to ignore China's development.
Ok, didn't want to say this...... however....... here it goes........

What's up with our Indian members and their obsession with Chinese GDP figures? Why compare even? It'a like those nagging women back home:


Who the f*** cares. Live your own lives, be happy with your own progress, work harder within your own capacity, and accept the limitation if any. Most importantly stop looking at your opponents progress vis a vis you, this does nothing than to retard your own natural growth.
This is a loser's thread. Ha, China is nothing real ... how about India or Vietnam?
such threads are really boring...China China and China again. Mods may rename all sections to China the best and forget the rest :hitwall:
Indian intelligence quotient is too low,and they don't understand why China is ahead in all respects in India.SO, they force themselves to ignore China's development.

That's the whole thing bud. The best indicator of development and prosperity is intelligence. The gap between India and China will only continue to widen.
Indian intelligence quotient is too low,and they don't understand why China is ahead in all respects in India.SO, they force themselves to ignore China's development.

Still stuck with India ??

This thread has nothing to do with India - re-read the OP.

However, if you really insist on "comparisons" ... Is life in PRC better than Somalia? -- e.g. Somalians don't worry that their rice contains cadmium, oh baby -- what's better for you - hunger or melamine -- coal mining papa can't afford imported baby food, unlike his CPC bosses, chinese crave to go to somalia to get some fresh air.. want more comparisons, or is that enough?
such threads are really boring...China China and China again. Mods may rename all sections to China the best and forget the rest :hitwall:
haha,boring,yeah.but who would like to talk about insignificant countries that one even cannot pointed out on the map.
Still stuck with India ??

This thread has nothing to do with India - re-read the OP.

However, if you really insist on "comparisons" ... Is life in PRC better than Somalia? -- e.g. Somalians don't worry that their rice contains cadmium, oh baby -- what's better for you - hunger or melamine -- coal mining papa can't afford imported baby food, unlike his CPC bosses, chinese crave to go to somalia to get some fresh air.. want more comparisons, or is that enough?

overall health indicators China is on par with the developed countries,Somali and India are in the same group.
overall health indicators China is on par with the developed countries...

If the babies have imported baby food and German rice, you'd expect their health indicators on par with the developed world.. no?


The story of "lucky" Huhu:
Foreign brands sought as China's food scares bite

Liang Jinfang is lucky her small Beijing apartment has relatively big cupboards.

As a mother of an energetic one-year-old boy nicknamed Huhu, Ms Liang is deeply suspicious of locally produced food in China. Endless food safety scandals have led her to seek the safest possible sources of food for her child.

The result? Every shelf and spare cupboard in the family's apartment is packed with imported food for Huhu, including a year's supply of milk powder shipped from Germany and organic rice cereal from the United States.

"The government hasn't taken any measures to deal with the food scandals," Ms Liang said.

"There is only one answer: you have to pay to find the best food for your child."

Costly solution

This solution is not cheap. Huhu's parents both have solid jobs working as railway engineers, but a large chunk of their earnings go towards imported baby food.

"We spend so much on milk powder that my parents have to help us with our living costs so we can survive," Liang Jinfang admits.

But it is no wonder these parents and millions like them are worried.

In 2008, six infants died and 300,000 babies were affected with painful kidney stones after drinking tainted milk powder. An industrial chemical, melamine, was added to milk sold by several major Chinese dairies. Melamine falsely boosted the protein content in the milk.

China's leaders have vowed to tighten the country's food safety regulations, but the food crises continue. Almost every item on Chinese store shelves, from rice to candy, has been involved in some sort of food scandal.

Not only do many consumers worry about illegal additives to their food, they also question whether they are buying fake food.

Just this year, more than 900 people were arrested across China for crimes involving imitation meat, including rat illegally substituted for mutton and sold in market stalls.

So many people in China have developed their own coping strategies to deal with nagging worries about their food. Some, like Huhu's parents, hoard imported goods.

Others choose to arm themselves with information. A host of smart phone applications have surfaced in the past year offering daily alerts on the latest food safety scandals.

A cursory check of a single app warns users that a man in China's central Hunan province was arrested for selling bean sprouts that were illegally whitened with bleach.

The next posting, from a user in Beijing, reveals that "black lumps that appeared to be mouse droppings" were found in a packaged pastry from a local grocery store. A photo illustrates each grisly report.

And here is the "lucky" Huhu:


BBC News - Foreign brands sought as China's food scares bite

Now, do you want to know the story of the "unlucky" Huhu's?

Many of them are no more in this world ... their kidneys gave way.

No, they don't have standards at par with Somalia ... Somalia fares better than the "unlucky" Huhu's !!
If the babies have imported baby food and German rice, you'd expect their health indicators on par with the developed world.. no?

check UN figures and see for yourself.I can find thousands of report featuring on India's massive children mulnutrition and starvation.but that's stupid,not worth it to put them here in this thread.

World Bank verified and published the data.

Well, we never make excuses that US are ahead of China, we are catching up because we accpect the truth, but you never accept the truth, instead you make so many excuses. We have no obligation to prove anything to you, because it is totally a waste of time.

Tired of you sour grape.

China | Data


Let's just sit here and watch Indian member's entertainment show.

No one claimed India is better....we all know that we are behind you (even if actual numbers are compared)
but the point is your GDP/macro economic figures donot show the real picture
No one claimed India is better....we all know that we are behind you (even if actual numbers are compared)
but the point is your GDP/macro economic figures donot show the real picture

actually a lot of Indian members did and do claim that. I could remember a few, hellraiser? kena? these two are extremely active these days, but there were more. their logic is quite simple though: whatever China achieves is fake, whatever India fails is "real and sustainable growth".
No one claimed India is better....we all know that we are behind you (even if actual numbers are compared)
but the point is your GDP/macro economic figures donot show the real picture

That is the point. Your indian member started the thread and I have to repond to him, although I am not interested in comparing India with China, totally different....

Why you Indian members always harass China with different kind of excuses?

Total trade between China and India is just 73.9 billions, the lowest amoung the list. We can build and fix more relaible relations with international trade. As time goes by, China will be the non-substitutable strength in world economy, no other economies can ignore us because the trade balance is out there. India has a good reason to ignore China, because our trade is just 73.9billions....
Actually, in china, many Chinese ignore you, we never talk about you except for entertainment. Nobody would like to travel to India nor for business and study. Face it, you ignore China, it is Ok and the truth, we really really really do not care, but the world care us.
For people wondering about the obsession with GDP figures, here's the answer

traders can react to.

It's a psyop to shape mass psychology against investment in China. Despite all the facts, figures and charts, there is still an element of psychology in traders' decisions. If you can convince traders that the figures are unreliable, it will create hesitation -- maybe just enough to swing the decision and invest elsewhere.
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