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Berlusconi: Bring Israel into the EU


Nov 27, 2008
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Berlusconi: Bring Israel into the EU

By ARON HELLER, The Associated Press, Monday, February 1, 2010

JERUSALEM -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Monday he hopes to bring Israel into the European Union, at the start of a three-day visit to the Jewish state.

Berlusconi brought eight top ministers for a joint Cabinet meeting with their Israeli counterparts. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cabinet ministers and a military honor guard welcomed the Italian delegation.

Under Berlusconi's leadership, Italy has become one of Israel's strongest allies in Europe. Berlusconi's efforts to strengthen ties with Israel followed decades of a pro-Arab tilt by previous Italian governments.

At the same time, Italy also remains Iran's largest trading partner within the EU. Israel considers Iran to be its greatest threat, accusing it of trying to develop a nuclear weapon.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is peaceful, but its president has repeatedly referred to Israel's eventual destruction.

Italy says it will act responsibly if new sanctions are imposed on Iran despite the vast interests of Italian companies there. Italy has indicated that halting Iranian nuclear ambitions will take precedence over commercial considerations.

Speaking on arrival in Israel, Berlusconi told Netanyahu that "my greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union."

Israel has close trade ties with the EU but is not pressing to join the bloc.

The European Commission was unavailable for comment about Israel's possible inclusion into union.

The EU has had a tricky relationship with prospective members around the Mediterranean in the past. It turned down Morocco as a candidate in 1987, saying it was not European, and has stalled negotiations with Turkey for 23 years.

Some EU nations, such as France, firmly oppose Turkey's membership on the grounds that it is also "not European."

Berlusconi echoed the same theme, expressing his "pride of the Judeo-Christian culture that formed the base of Western civilization."

Berlusconi's three-day visit is his first overseas since an assailant attacked him in Milan in December and broke his nose and two teeth. His schedule includes a stop at Israel's Holocaust memorial, meetings with leaders and the joint Cabinet session.

Berlusconi said the next joint session will take place in Italy.

Berlusconi: Bring Israel into the EU - washingtonpost.com
I can't imagine that the EU would be brave enough to admit Israel into the European Union. The trouble that would cause is beyond belief. On the other hand, Israel's human rights policies vis a' vis non-Jews would probably disqualify it anyway. Finally, the Zionist leaders of Israel have always distrusted leaving their "security" or internal development policies in the hands of the goyim. So, not gonna happen. Interesting though that the leader of Italy would make such a pronouncement.
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Been a while since we heard from good old Silvio! Hey Sil how you doin? Last time I heard some wiseguy socked you in the head with a statue. Hey Sil...how many fingers am I holdin' up? What's this thing here about Israel joinin' our club? Ah fanabla fuhgetaboutit, we'll discuss this at the Bing later.
that will be stupid, turkey is working its a** off to get into EU and still cant get in because of some human right issues and its the country which is already part of Europe atleast. And Isreal the worlds largest human rights voilater, the one putting haulocast on phalastine and the place which is not part of europe at all and also even if it was part of Europe this country is Illegel itself.

That will be the most Idiotic thing ever to happen in the history of this Planet.
Israel could try obtaining EU membership on the grounds that many injustices were committed against the jews in WW2.
Israel could try obtaining EU membership on the grounds that many injustices were committed against the jews in WW2.

...and should be left out on the grounds that it is committing many injustices against the Palestinians in the present ...
that will be stupid, turkey is working its a** off to get into EU and still cant get in because of some human right issues and its the country which is already part of Europe atleast. And Isreal the worlds largest human rights voilater, the one putting haulocast on phalastine and the place which is not part of europe at all and also even if it was part of Europe this country is Illegel itself.

That will be the most Idiotic thing ever to happen in the history of this Planet.

Turkey cud not join the Euro zone coz of its HUman Rights Violation??? Stop kidding yourself.. It could not come in the EU zone coz of being a Muslim state , its getting liberal ,but they really have a L.O.N.G. way to go. have U any clue what happens in other towns of turkey? dont mind kusadasi and Istanbul..these are more touristy hence you dont know what happens in other places..

Second reason turkey will Never be given green light for EU coz of its population and poverty. See what is happening in germany (one example).. Turkish people are packed like sardines there. they live in their own community , seldom integrating with local population ,mostly dont work and live on benefits and robberies... this has created a wall , if U will , between german population and turkish people. Hence German is one major of the driving forces of the EU they will not let Turkey jon the EU.
Hope you understand now as to why cant turkey jon the EU Zone

P.S. If some islamic countries dont not have Israeli embassy`s , that does not make Israel Illegal , but yes the way they are capturing palestinian land, year and what we saw last year , that act is Illegal.
Turkey cud not join the Euro zone coz of its HUman Rights Violation??? Stop kidding yourself.. It could not come in the EU zone coz of being a Muslim state , its getting liberal ,but they really have a L.O.N.G. way to go. have U any clue what happens in other towns of turkey? dont mind kusadasi and Istanbul..these are more touristy hence you dont know what happens in other places..

Second reason turkey will Never be given green light for EU coz of its population and poverty. See what is happening in germany (one example).. Turkish people are packed like sardines there. they live in their own community , seldom integrating with local population ,mostly dont work and live on benefits and robberies... this has created a wall , if U will , between german population and turkish people. Hence German is one major of the driving forces of the EU they will not let Turkey jon the EU.
Hope you understand now as to why cant turkey jon the EU Zone

P.S. If some islamic countries dont not have Israeli embassy`s , that does not make Israel Illegal , but yes the way they are capturing palestinian land, year and what we saw last year , that act is Illegal.

Perhaps a Turkish person can answer that notion but lack of jobs is a social issue has nothing to do with Turkish people in general its responsibility of gov to create jobs

I found turkish ppl to be quite advance in their technology and education and abilities - perhaps you must have met some poor folks
I meet British people who walk around in torn jeans pan handling aroud countries too but that does not mean all british people are like that some do actually work, also I walked on richest cities in US , and saw homless people all American citizens -

Its a social responsibility to fight poverty - nationality does not means poverty will be associated with it ...

The need of hour is more interaction and breaking of barriers , between nations and cultures - other wise we will repeat the evils of WW2.. again with in next 10-15 years time frame which is when the world will be at its tipping point ...due to excessive food shortages, and unemploymet , and social issues....or if US goes bankrupt in 1-2 years

Israel's issue is simple they just have to try to discuss a peaceful resolution and whole region will be calmed down
Which large ethnic minority has integrated perfectly well within Germany, which is mostly a strong ethnocentric society to begin with? And then to blame the Turkish lack of integration because they are thieves and rob the system blind...highly bigoted mate. Even as a tourist I can see all the Doner shops that line even the smallest of towns like a McDonald's. Many are honest and hard working people trying to survive, they have a niche in Germany and the smug "Europeanness" of German society is slowly yet surely adopting them. Europe has much to learn from North America.

You have been here long enough to know not to make derogatory generalizations about ANY ethnicity or nationality.

Please do not do so again.

,mostly dont work and live on benefits and robberies...

The same for you.

May I request that the excerpt from my colleague who I was debating with be removed as well. My post is more derogatory? Please explain, I restrained myself as much as possible as I know the ground realities in Germany enough to refute the slander against Turks being termed thieves and cheats.

Thanks in advance, in either case.

Israel could easily get pre-conditions set for an eventual join within EU legislative framework. Also the Holocaust which is a deeply preserved and taught segment of history in Europe will be enough justification to lay decent groundwork to tilt Israel towards the EU. I think Berlusconi is only drawing attention to the growing Turkish-Israeli rift and is capitalizing on this trend to isolate Turkey further in this regard. Or I could be totally off.

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