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Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city

you use the language of a racist NAZI (read you post):

Where in my post did i refer to any race???

liberal immigration policy, Germany will no longer be GERMANy, the land of ethnic Germans, full of alien migrants who have no connection to the history of the German Fatherland or the heritage of its indigenous inhabitants, and thus erasing Germany's true identity.

So where did i mention any race for which you labeled my post as "racist"??? :lol:

Is that what you have been smoking?? I must agree.
So your telling me that Vietnam is a First World Country then?? Gee, i didn't know that :rofl:

Secondly, i didn't slander Vietnam until you and your countrymen (or woman) brought Pakistan into the thread.

And speaking of Racism it was @ViXuyen who referred to Muslims as "brownies" in a insulting manner because of their skin color.

Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city | Page 2
Dude, nobody gives a shxit about Pakistan or even mention the word Pakistan in here until you started to talk xhit about us Vietnamese turning Germany into third-worlder. You guys are the most insecured and cry baby wherever you guys go. You jab cheap xhit at others but you don't have the balls to swallow it back. You want me to show you Vietnamese PISA score, IQ score, International Olympiad Math/Chemistry/Physics scores vs your Pakistan? :omghaha: Yeah, spewing venom about Vietnamese turning Germany into third-world especially from a Pakistani like you, you have a lot of audacity my friend. :p:
Dude, nobody gives a shxit about Pakistan or even mention the word Pakistan
Apparently yes you did mention Pakistan in your own post you pathetic retard:

Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city | Page 2

. You guys are the most insecured and cry baby wherever you guys go. You jab cheap xhit at others but you don't have the balls to swallow it back. You want me to show you Vietnamese PISA score, IQ
Lol, please don't embarrass yourself by bringing in IQ scores (which mean jack sh!t) when you couldn't even remember that you brought Pakistan into a thread about Vietnamese. :lol:

Actions speak louder than words and apparently you're looking like a big buffoon right now. It seems to me that the more you bark the more stupid you make yourself look, so better keep quite.

score, International Olympiad Math/Chemistry/Physics scores vs your Pakistan? :omghaha: Yeah, spewing venom about Vietnamese turning Germany into third-world especially from a Pakistani like you, you have a lot of audacity my friend. :p:
Too bad all that IQ bull crap has done very little to change Vietnam's status as a third world country (which is why you immigrated to Germany). Vietnam is still a insignificant third world country.
Apparently yes you did mention Pakistan in your own post you pathetic retard:

Berlin's little Vietnam reflects divided city | Page 2

Lol, please don't embarrass yourself by bringing in IQ scores (which mean jack sh!t) when you couldn't even remember that you brought Pakistan into a thread about Vietnamese. :lol:

Actions speak louder than words and apparently you're looking like a big buffoon right now. It seems to me that the more you bark the more stupid you make yourself look, so better keep quite.

Too bad all that IQ bull crap has done very little to change Vietnam's status as a third world country (which is why you immigrated to Germany). Vietnam is still a insignificant third world country
You mentioned the word Vietnamese first in this thread before I bother typing Pakistan, you cry baby. :omghaha:

Now take a chill pill and find some positive news about your Pakistani community in Europe instead of pulling us down to the same level as yours :bunny:
Dude, nobody gives a shxit about Pakistan or even mention the word Pakistan in here until you started to talk xhit about us Vietnamese turning Germany into third-worlder. You guys are the most insecured and cry baby wherever you guys go. You jab cheap xhit at others but you don't have the balls to swallow it back. You want me to show you Vietnamese PISA score, IQ score, International Olympiad Math/Chemistry/Physics scores vs your Pakistan? :omghaha: Yeah, spewing venom about Vietnamese turning Germany into third-world especially from a Pakistani like you, you have a lot of audacity my friend. :p:
For a Vietnamese you have a lot of balls to be talking shit about Pakistan when your little Vietnam is nothing but a crap hole.

Talking about Physics, Pakistan is a nuclear power. We developed our nukes when we were under American sanctions, let me know of your little Vietnam could achieve such a feat.
You mentioned the word Vietnamese first in this thread before I bother typing Pakistan, you cry baby.

Well, you retard, this thread is about Vietnamese after all, is it not?? Or is it about Pakistanis??

The more you talk the more you look stupid, so better advised stop talking.

Now take a chill pill and find some positive news about your Pakistani community in Europe instead of pulling us down to the same level as yours :bunny:
Take your own advice and take a chill pill.
For a Vietnamese you have a lot of balls to be talking shit about Pakistan when your little Vietnam is nothing but a crap hole.

Talking about Physics, Pakistan is a nuclear power. We developed our nukes when we were under American sanctions, let me know of your little Vietnam could achieve such a feat.
If Vietnam is a crap hole then your Pakistan is a hell hole where bombs are being exploded on a daily basis. Your sorry economy of 193 million people with only $25 billion of export and $10 billion of forex is truly pathetic.

Pakistan is a nuke power; yeah I get it. Must be some kind of super technology that anyone who devote all their resources into can make it.
Fucking Asians and skin colors. I have seen some white people racism, brown people racism but Good Lord in heaven i have never see worst racism than east Asian people. So much pent up hate in little short fellows.:undecided:
If Vietnam is a crap hole then your Pakistan is a hell hole where bombs are being exploded on a daily basis. Your sorry economy of 193 million people with only $25 billion of export and $10 billion of forex is truly pathetic.

Pakistan is a nuke power; yeah I get it. Must be some kind of super technology that anyone who devote all their resources into can make it.
Yeah, same how your little crap hole of a country had Napalm and Agent orange going off on a daily basis.
Fucking Asians and skin colors. I have seen some white people racism, brown people racism but Good Lord in heaven i have never see worst racism than east Asian people. So much pent up hate in little short fellows.:undecided:
This nincompoop Viet @ViXuyen thinks he/she must be blond haired and blue eyed to make a such derogatory remark as "brownies" against us Pakistanis.

Talk about Asians trying to be White. :disagree:

War has stopped in Vietnam but it is still going on in that hell hole of yours.
So what made you flee your "paradise" Vietnam??
This nincompoop Viet @ViXuyen thinks he/she must be blond haired and blue eyed to make a such derogatory remark as "brownies" against us Pakistanis.

Talk about Asians trying to be White. :disagree:

So what made you flee your "paradise" Vietnam??

Dude, don't waste your time on this pathetic Viet with a small brain. Not worth it! Put him (or her) on your ignore list like i did.
Dude, don't waste your time on this pathetic Viet with a small brain. Not worth it! Put him (or her) on your ignore list like i did.
Then why are you keep wasting your time chatting with me?:p:
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