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Bennett demands European Parliament chief apologize: 'I will not accept lies in German'

Really and so should he be held responsible for his grandfathers actions? Should he go to the Knesset and apologize as well?

Most Europeans on a individual basis don't give much attention to the Holocaust.
On the other hand it is strongly emphasized in the schools and used as an example of what evils humans can commit. Moreover this is still fresh in many persons memories due to it happening less than 76 years ago. I don't think that denying the Holocaust makes us better Muslims, Arabs etc. We have the right to question the extent of the Holocaust but to deny it is wrong.

The Jews have in general been persecuted throughout their history whether rightly or wrongly so this is something that has affected their psyche. It's an important part of their "culture" so to speak. Israel was founded upon the Holocaust.

The sad thing here is that they have not learnt the lessons from Holocaust and are committing a mini-Holocaust on the Palestinians.

Most Europeans on a individual basis don't give much attention to the Holocaust.
On the other hand it is strongly emphasized in the schools and used as an example of what evils humans can commit. Moreover this is still fresh in many persons memories due to it happening less than 76 years ago. I don't think that denying the Holocaust makes us better Muslims, Arabs etc. We have the right to question the extent of the Holocaust but to deny it is wrong.

The Jews have in general been persecuted throughout their history whether rightly or wrongly so this is something that has affected their psyche. It's an important part of their "culture" so to speak. Israel was founded upon the Holocaust.

The sad thing here is that they have not learnt the lessons from Holocaust and are committing a mini-Holocaust on the Palestinians.

Europe has the laws against Holocaust denial, while America doesn't, in America, if someone questions the Holocaust, they will automatically be ostracized by society. Are the Holocaust denial laws in Europe really necessary? As in are there alot of people questioning it?

Yes,the Kosovo issue was done to weaken a russian ally.The european countries that don't recognise Kosovo do so because they got their own problems with minorities and see this as a dangerous precedent.

I think that they recognize Kosovo only because America gave the approval. The same reason why Kosovo isn't getting merged into Albania like what Albanian nationalists want, America won't let them, it wants Kosovo separate from both Serbia and Abania.

Yes I do, I'm glad it's changing but look at the rest of the speech...he was kissing Israel's *** out of his will. Me and you know very well they don't want to support such an ungrateful country, if it wasn't for US and EU Israel wouldn't exist nor would it be what it is today yet they're still going off about one statement because he dared mention a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. So sadly I still feel those days are here but with a little twist.

Stephen Harper is the worst international leader in this regard. I believe that American politicians like Obama do not care either way about Israel, they just do it because of the Jewish lobby to get political support, thats how they got where they were now, other countries maintain relations with Israel for trade and technology, but Stephen Harper has a bizarre fanatical obsession with supporting Israel that has nothing to do with Canadian economic, technological, or military interests or political support from Canadian Jews. People suspect it is because he is an evangelical.
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Europe has the laws against Holocaust denial, while America doesn't, in America, if someone questions the Holocaust, they will automatically be ostracized by society. Are the Holocaust denial laws in Europe really necessary? As in are there alot of people questioning it?

I think that they recognize Kosovo only because America gave the approval. The same reason why Kosovo isn't getting merged into Albania like what Albanian nationalists want, America won't let them, it wants Kosovo separate from both Serbia and Abania.

Stephen Harper is the worst international leader in this regard. I believe that American politicians like Obama do not care either way about Israel, they just do it because of the Jewish lobby to get political support, thats how they got where they were now, other countries maintain relations with Israel for trade and technology, but Stephen Harper has a bizarre fanatical obsession with supporting Israel that has nothing to do with Canadian economic, technological, or military interests or political support from Canadian Jews. People suspect it is because he is an evangelical.

Well, in France you can get a fine for denying the Holocaust and other crimes (genocides) or at worst a short prison sentence. 1 month or so if my memory serves me right. While in Denmark I have never heard about such laws and I know of writers who have at least questioned it. I doubt that it is more than a small minority that does it here in Europe. Mostly radical "Muslims" or extreme right-wing supporters.

Yes, it seems so. No doubt that USA has played a part here given their history in the Balkan wars. It' strange that they just don't merge with Albania. I mean Kosovo has always been Serb in recent times only in the last 100 years it became majority Albanian due to migrations but that those not give them a historical right to suddenly form a country because of that. Very strange. That country is doomed to fail being such small and landlocked. Not sure if they will be better off alone.
I think that they recognize Kosovo only because America gave the approval. The same reason why Kosovo isn't getting merged into Albania like what Albanian nationalists want, America won't let them, it wants Kosovo separate from both Serbia and Abania.

It's not american approval.Spain,Romania,Slovakia don't recognise Kosovo and they are EU,NATO members.And yes,there is a powerful american,EU lobby in here for us to oficially recognise Kosovo.

Poland is a dwarf in the EU. You can´t compare poland with Germany, Italy, UK or France. Not even with spain in influence. Of course we want end this conflict. But how?

The EU is much more pro palestine than USA for example

It takes Luxemburg to veto an important decision and the EU comes to a halt.

Dwarf is Latvia, Denmark etc. Not Poland. You are talking about one of the biggest economies of Europe and the world and one of the biggest countries in Europe and most populous ones. One of the fastest growing economies too. Of course they are not as powerful as UK, Germany, France or Italy but they are still an important player in EU. Never mind you are half German so there is some rivalry there or bad feelings.

It is not about being pro or not. I don't care about that. I care about ending this tiring conflict and if EU, a organization that has been involved in the conflict, can help then this would be great.

Yes, that's due to the strength of the Jewish lobby in the US.

That's northern europeans arogance for you.On another forum i've met some danish guy arguing that countries like Romania ,Poland should be kicked out of NATO because they can't contribute militarily as much as Denmark(wtf ??) giving examples Poland in WW2.You know Poland who held on it's own for 3 weeks against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and Romania who fought some 3 years on the gruesome Eastern Front.Denmark surrendered to Germany in the first few hours after the first 2 bullets were shot across their border.This is some of their "culture".
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@al-Hasani thank you very much for understanding Serbian question on Kosmet.It is very rare to see a non Balcan person who knows about affeirs on the Balkan.Are you a history student or something like that?

Poland? Poland is most influental national in w europe.Polish fighters defend Europe from Otomans and somebody calls them dwarfs.Poland is voice of Usa in Europe.Zbignew Brezinski?
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@al-Hasani thank you very much for understanding Serbian question on Kosmet.It is very rare to see a non Balcan person who knows about affeirs on the Balkan.Are you a history student or something like that?

Poland? Poland is most influental national in w europe.Polish fighters defend Europe from Otomans and somebody calls them dwarfs.Poland is voice of Usa in Europe.Zbignew Brezinski?

No, I am a chemical engineering student. History just happens to be one of my many fields of interest. I have too many unfortunately.

Well, Poland and Polish people have been known as great and heroic fighters throughout their history and as one of the more influential European states in the last many centuries, outside of the 120 years or so from approximately 1798-1919 where they lost their independence to Prussia, Tsarist Russia and Austria. Don't bother googling the exact dates. They did not exist as a sovereign nation at least in that time period.

Well, I would hardly say "voice of Europe" if there ever is such a thing but the Polish-American community is big. 10 millions or so. Brzezinski is not that important anymore. He has played his role in US foreign politics mainly.

It's not american approval.Spain,Romania,Slovakia don't recognise Kosovo and they are EU,NATO members.And yes,there is a powerful american,EU lobby in here for us to oficially recognise Kosovo.

It takes Luxemburg to veto an important decision and the EU comes to a halt.

That's northern europeans arogance for you.On another forum i've met some danish guy arguing that countries like Romania ,Poland should be kicked out of NATO because they can't contribute militarily as much as Denmark(wtf ??) giving examples Poland in WW2.You know Poland who held on it's own for 3 weeks against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and Romania who fought some 3 years on the gruesome Eastern Front.Denmark surrendered to Germany in the first few hours after the first 2 bullets were shot across their border.This is some of their "culture".

Yes, Danes are a nation of cowards, at least in the last 200 years they have been that. Since they got their asses kicked by the Brits when they sided with Napoleon. I don't rate them highly. Their soldiers seem to be disciplined though. Those stationed in Afghanistan that is and before in Iraq.
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No, I am a chemical engineering student. History just happens to be one of my many fields of interest. I have too many unfortunately.

Well, Poland and Polish people have been known as great and heroic fighters throughout their history and as one of the more influential European states in the last many centuries, outside of the 120 years or so from approximately 1798-1919 where they lost their independence to Prussia, Tsarist Russia and Austria. Don't bother googling the exact dates. They did not exist as a sovereign nation at least in that time period.

Well, I would hardly say "voice of Europe" if there ever is such a thing but the Polish-American community is big. 10 millions or so. Brzezinski is not that important anymore. He has played his role in US foreign politics mainly.

Yes, Danes are a nation of cowards, at least in the last 200 years they have been that. Since they got their asses kicked by the Brits when they sided with Napoleon. I don't rate them highly. Their soldiers seem to be disciplined though. Those stationed in Afghanistan that is and before in Iraq.

To me the French, Brits and Germans are the leading armies and soldiers of Europe if you exclude the Russians.

That would be the correct order + Spain and Italy.The rest have small armies.But in EE at least the fighting spirit endures.I wonder if a nation like Belgium/Denmark/Norway/Norway would ever have the guts to stand up to NATO the way Serbia did.Futile as it was,the resistence was there like in WW2:countries like Poland,Yougoslavia,Greece(Greece actually tore the "supa powa" italians a new one and they had to call in the germans) actually fought the Nazi onslaught despite being overrun in days(weeks) while similar sized Western nations surrendered in hours(2 days tops).
i feel zero guilt. so what now? And i assure you 99% of germans give a shit about this.

Actually,Germany still feels guilty.I'm sure that even now,to say sry for Schultz's words Germany will give an extra free submarine,lol.
Actually,Germany still feels guilty.I'm sure that even now,to say sry for Schultz's words Germany will give an extra free submarine,lol.

if you think the average german feels guilty than you have no clue about germany. you should meet actual germans...once trust is build up...the holocaust jokes emerge. What you call "feeling guilty" is called holocaust folklore here.

I have a history to tell you. My parents went to Italy and France this autumn to visit relatives after having visited me here in Denmark and they hired a car and drove all the way to France through Italy. The trip by car took 1.5 day (10 hours of driving each day or so). They stopped in Bavaria as usual (midway through the trip) and visited an old typical Bavarian Gasthof. Here they noticed, in the hall, that there was Nazi memorabilia which surprised them (obviously). I mean it is said in Germany and Europe that many people, especially the older generation of Bavaria, have somewhat of a sympathy to the Old Reich. I mean we also know that Bavaria is the most conservative area in Germany and one of the most conservative areas in Europe. Likewise we know that many Nazi leaders/people were from Bavaria.

So this made me want to ask you a personal question. Do you have relatives who served with the SS or the Wehrmacht during WW2?

Also what is your feeling about people's "honest" opinions about this whole matter. I mean Holocaust, WW2 etc.?

I know that it is controversial and you don't have to reply here. Sadly the PM's are gone so we can't talk there more as you wrote to me earlier.
if you think the average german feels guilty than you have no clue about germany. you should meet actual germans...once trust is build up...the holocaust jokes emerge. What you call "feeling guilty" is called holocaust folklore here.

I wasn't talking about the average german but about goverment politics.

I have a history to tell you. My parents went to Italy and France this autumn to visit relatives after having visited me here in Denmark and they hired a car and drove all the way to France through Italy. The trip by car took 1.5 day (10 hours of driving each day or so). They stopped in Bavaria as usual (midway through the trip) and visited an old typical Bavarian Gasthof. Here they noticed, in the hall, that there was Nazi memorabilia which surprised them (obviously). I mean it is said in Germany and Europe that many people, especially the older generation of Bavaria, have somewhat of a sympathy to the Old Reich. I mean we also know that Bavaria is the most conservative area in Germany and one of the most conservative areas in Europe. Likewise we know that many Nazi leaders/people were from Bavaria.

So this made me want to ask you a personal question. Do you have relatives who served with the SS or the Wehrmacht during WW2?

Also what is your feeling about people's "honest" opinions about this whole matter. I mean Holocaust, WW2 etc.?

I know it is controversial and you don't have to reply here. Sadly the PM's are gone so we can't talk there more as you wrote to me earlier.

My great grandfather served as officer for the Wehrmacht in Denmark during WW II. My great grand father on my mothers side was an officer of the italian liner Conte di Savoia. Having family in germany and italy allows to see both sides.

I have no feelings about wwIi and holocaust. its so far away in history it simply does not effect people anymore.

I wasn't talking about the average german but about goverment politics.
government does holocaust folklore as well. its not honest.
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