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Bennett demands European Parliament chief apologize: 'I will not accept lies in German'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Bennett demands European Parliament chief apologize: 'I won't accept lies in German' | JPost | Israel News

European Parliament President Martin Schulz must apologize for lying in the Knesset, Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said Wednesday.

Bennett and the entire Bayit Yehudi faction walked out in the middle of Schulz's speech, with several MKs yelling "Palestinians are liars" and "shame."

"When he said Palestinians get 17 liters of water for every 70 Israelis get, it was a total lie. It's preposterous," Bennett toldThe Jerusalem Post after the Bayit Yehudi walk-out. "All the ministers were perplexed. I stayed quiet at first, but then he criticized the Israeli blockade on Gaza and said it caused pain to the Gazans."

"Did he forget that we expelled 8,000 Jews from Gaza? This week I worked on helping the evacuees. Did he forget that [Gazans] shoot thousands of missiles at us? And then he criticizes us about the very place we vacated?" Bennett asked.

The minister demanded that Schulz "take back his lies," and called for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to make the same demand.

"Our national honor as the State of Israel isn't mine or the ministers'. It belongs to all of the people of Israel," he stated. "I won't sit in the Knesset and hear a European, certainly not a German, saying such things."

The Bayit Yehudi leader said that when he noticed no one else was protesting, he instructed his faction to walk out quietly, though some only listened to the first part.

According to Bennett, the Bayit Yehudi were "the only ones who stood up for our national honor."

"I thought Schulz would express the EU's regular criticism about Israel in the West Bank. He started out speaking nicely about the Holocaust, he showed a lot of empathy. He spoke about the importance of peace, and I get it, he's not in the Bayit Yehudi," Bennett recounted. "We can accept criticism, but we cannot live with lies."

The Bayit Yehudi leader pointed out that Schulz quoted Edmund Burke as saying "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

"He could criticize us, even sharply, but to tell lies and expect me to be quiet? It won't happen," Bennett stated.

A World Bank study from 2009 showed that Israelis get about four times as much fresh water as Palestinians per capita, but that the discrepancy is due mostly to poor infrastructure in Palestinian-run areas.

The exact statements Schulz made, which caused the uproar, were about the amount of water Palestinians receive and criticism of the military blockade of Gaza.

"We all know the blockade is a reaction to attacks on your civilian population, but it led to a difficult situation. The results of the blockade are exploited by extremists, so perhaps it is counterproductive to security," he said.

Still, Schulz took the Bayit Yehudi's interruptions with good humor, saying to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein that the Knesset is quiet compared to the European Parliament and that he would have been disappointed if there wasn't a reaction to his speech.

Immediately after Schulz departed, Culture Minister Limor Livnat took the stand to say his words were "a vulgar lie."

"Schulz told lies in German, and it's unfortunate someone can speak German in this house, but it is our responsibility to stand up against it," Pensioners' Affairs Minister Uri Orbach said. "The generation of Schulz's parents and the generation of the Arab MKs' parents collaborated to destroy the Jews."


This extremist Israeli stance and politician make so much outrage for EU daring to mention the siege on Gaza and Israel's usurping of Palestinian water resources while sucking up to Israel the whole rest of the speech.


@flamer84 @MarkusS
Israeli politicians are like wild hooligans and dogs. They even labelled secretary Kerry an anti-semite. :lol:

Hazzy do you remember the days when it was tabu to even utter a single word of criticism against Israeli policies?
Tabus are being broken now. Speaking out against Israel is the new status quo. Relatively soon, boycott and sancions will follow.
Actually this have already happened to some extent. Dutch pension funds and Danish banks are boycotting Israel.

BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) is growing, and will gain much traction and ground once the "peace process" officially collapses.
Now EU officials are openly speaking out in Knesset. Israels reputation and standing in the west is vaporizing.
Israeli politicians are like wild hooligans and dogs. They even labelled secretary Kerry an anti-semite. :lol:

Hazzy do you remember the days when it was tabu to even utter a single word of criticism against Israeli policies?
Tabus are being broken now. Speaking out against Israel is the new status quo. Relatively soon, boycott and sancions will follow.
Actually this have already happened to some extent. Dutch pension funds and Danish banks are boycotting Israel.

BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) is growing, and will gain much traction and ground once the "peace process" officially collapses.
Now EU officials are openly speaking out in Knesset. Israels reputation and standing in the west is vaporizing.

Yes I do, I'm glad it's changing but look at the rest of the speech...he was kissing Israel's *** out of his will. Me and you know very well they don't want to support such an ungrateful country, if it wasn't for US and EU Israel wouldn't exist nor would it be what it is today yet they're still going off about one statement because he dared mention a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. So sadly I still feel those days are here but with a little twist.
"Our national honor as the State of Israel isn't mine or the ministers'. It belongs to all of the people of Israel," he stated. "I won't sit in the Knesset and hear a European, certainly not a German, saying such things."

As usual,when faced with some legitimate criticism the Nazi card is immediately played. :disagree:

It's becoming tiresome.
Is it really? The EU chief is german right? :)

Yes he is german.

The entire EU is more and more hostile against Israel. The devestment was already mentioned. Imports from the settlements get banned. Italy openly critisized Israel as well as UK and France did. German foreign minister Steinmeier visited Israel and critisized Netanyahu in public. Netanyahu was so angry about this that he called chancellor Merkel personal for complain about Steinmeier. Merkel told Netanyahu that the behavior of Israel is dubious at best and she considers his actions as not helpful. In Merkels "language" that means: "I´m getting tired of your shit".

If you read today news you can see that Israels behavior towards Schulf is presented to be laughable.

Israel: Knesset-Abgeordnete verlassen Saal bei Rede von Martin Schulz - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Yes he is german.

The entire EU is more and more hostile against Israel. The devestment was already mentioned. Imports from the settlements get banned. Italy openly critisized Israel as well as UK and France did. German foreign minister Steinmeier visited Israel and critisized Netanyahu in public. Netanyahu was so angry about this that he called chancellor Merkel personal for complain about Steinmeier. Merkel told Netanyahu that the behavior of Israel is dubious at best and she considers his actions as not helpful. In Merkels "language" that means: "I´m getting tired of your shit".

If you read today news you can see that Israels behavior towards Schulf is presented to be laughable.

You're right and this is the right path because it will have a positive effect and put aside games.

Yet none of those mentioned countries recognize Palestine and have not done so since 1947.

But most European states, especially Western Europe, recognize a false creation such as Kosovo? At least those who unlike Spain, do not face separatism at least.

Why is that?

Yet none of those mentioned countries recognize Palestinian and have not done it since 1947. Why is that?

But most recognize a false creation such as Kosovo?

Which palestine should we recognice? It has no national entity. The EU does not recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Thats best we can do right now. As soon the palestinians get their shit together, work out their internal conflicts, we can talk about recognition.
Which palestine should we recognice? It has no national entity. The EU does not recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Thats best we can do right now. As soon the palestinians get their shit together, work out their internal conflicts, we can talk about recognition.

I agree that the Palestinians need to solve their shit together since nobody else will do that for them.

I am talking about recognizing the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The "sovereign" Palestinian territory that is recognized as Palestine by most countries of the world.


The green color shows the countries recognizing Palestine.

Anyway it baffles me that the Western European countries, those that do not face separatism like Spain at least, can recognize a Muslim European country and historically false entity like Kosovo but not Palestine. What is really the difference?

If it is about Christians and Christianity then let me once again remind you of the fact that Christianity is native among us Semitic people and that it's birthplace is no other than Palestine. Nazareth is in Palestine. There are more Palestinian Arab Christians than there are Christians in Kosovo.

So what is really holding those Western European countries back from recognizing Palestine when it does not even mean that ties with Israel will end. Poland has excellent ties with Israel for instance but recognizes Palestine as you see.
We cant recognize a country that not even has real boarders, has no power over its own area and no functional government. its a big problem.
If it is about Christians and Christianity then let me once again remind you of the fact that Christianity is native among us Semitic people and that it's birthplace is no other than Palestine. Nazareth is in Palestine. There are more Palestinian Arab Christians than there are Christians in Kosovo.

So what is really holding those Western European countries back from recognizing Palestine when it does not even mean that ties with Israel will end. Poland has excellent ties with Israel for instance but recognizes Palestine as you see.

It's not about Christianity.Most EE states recognised Palestine when they were communist,not saying this as a bad thing,but they had more leeway back than.Don't know if today they would act the same with US and Western pressure.

Interesting fact that i've just stumbled upon:

Also the Palestinian Authority agreed to never recognize the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo on the grounds that it was illegal and that it violated international law
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We cant recognize a country that not even has real boarders, has no power over its own area and no functional government. its a big problem.

The borders are not fully defined but they are there. Palestine is represented by the PA authority in the West Bank which most countries of the world recognize as the representatives of the Palestinian State.

All that is needed is an official recognition. This would also mean that the countries not recognizing Palestine are totally committed to a two-state solution so this tiring and long conflict can end. At least on paper.


But you most agree with me that it is strange that the same Western European countries were almost fighting about who would first recognize a made up entity such as "Kosovo" which has a bigger percentage of Muslims than Palestine. It's all politics to counter Russia because Serbia is a main ally of Russia. So I find it strange. Not that I am crying due to that because I think that you know my view of Russia and it is not exactly positive to say the least.
The borders are not fully defined but they are there. Palestine is represented by the PA authority in the West Bank which most countries of the world recognize as the representatives of the Palestinian State.

All that is needed is an official recognition. This would also mean that the countries not recognizing Palestine are totally committed to a two-state solution so this tiring and long conflict can end. At least on paper.


But you most agree with me that it is strange that the same Western European countries were almost fighting about who would first recognize a made up entity such as "Kosovo" which has a bigger percentage of Muslims than Palestine. It's all politics to counter Russia because Serbia is a main ally of Russia. So I find it strange. Not that I am crying due to that because I think that you know my view of Russia and it is not exactly positive to say the least.

Yes,the Kosovo issue was done to weaken a russian ally.The european countries that don't recognise Kosovo do so because they got their own problems with minorities and see this as a dangerous precedent.
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