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Being a woman in Pakistan

Yes, it is illegal. When it does occur in a certain religious sect, the subsequent marriages in a polygynous marriage are always presented as 'spiritual' ones to evade legal punishments. That mean Americans do not believe in polygynous or polyandrous marriages.

So it occurs in certain relgious sect in US.. As i know, it is illegal under American law but Christianity/Bible does allow it?
So there is no point in blamming Christianity or any other religion right?


I didn't brought in religion but denying that religion has no role to play in the subjugation of women is wrong, You people are seeing Islam Bashing in every post then carry on & welcome to my ignore list, Now you can carry on your rant I wont be disturbed
True. We do not live in an intellectual vacuum. By 'intellectual' I mean to include the moral values that we create and instill into our society. Without religiously based values, we would still find other justifications, such as biology where the man is physically superior to the woman, to place one sex one level above the other. So yes...It is intellectually dishonest to deny that religious values have no influence.
So it occurs in certain relgious sect in US.. As i know, it is illegal under American law but Christianity/Bible does allow it?
So there is no point in blamming Christianity or any other religion right?
You can 'slam' Christianity for it being influential in many atrocities throughout history, such as the legal subjugation of women or slavery. But in the end, what is or is not legally sanctioned matter. And polygamy is illegal.
So its rare and illegal.. thats it
Now we are supposed to believe you ehh?

But when we say that in Islam women have equal rights..
then what?

If a women was allowed to have 4 husbands I would say you are right. If they are not allowed to have 4 husbands I would say you are wrong.. thats what they call logic.
So it occurs in certain relgious sect in US.. As i know, it is illegal under American law but Christianity/Bible does allow it?
So there is no point in blamming Christianity or any other religion right?


If it was still being done you could blame Christianity because the Bible permited it and the people that still practice plural marriage justfie it for religious reasons and the bible.
You have clearly never read Islamic Jurisprudence in this regard and therefore misunderstood my remarks. As you have clearly a lax understanding of the law and utilizing the "I believe it and therefore it must be perfectly right" kind of argument, I'll avoid commenting any further.
That is your judgment, on the contrary i can put forth the same argument that you didn't grasp the essence of my words.

I was not concerned with pardoning here rather showing you how a family got their daughter murdered and got away with it using Islamic law.
yes they got away with murder just like the FALN in America, right? so was that Islamic as well? , Okay now even if we say that they used Islamic law then who let them use it in such a way when the (Parents) killers were represented as victims to be in a position to pardon???? because if every one knows that they are the ones who hired the hit man then they are they ones responsible for her death, right?. so where in Islamic law do u find these injunctions that get your loved one assassinated and then pardon the killer? So its our own corrupt system which makes sure that such Islamic injunctions should only be used to justify their actions, P.S i don't think one has to have a doctorate in Islamic Jurisprudence to understand these simple logic's.
and above all one of the fundamental principles of Islam is Akirah
Life on earth is meant to be a preparation for the Akhirah (life after death) Life is meaningless if people of good actions are not rewarded and people of bad conduct are not punished at the Day of Judgement. Muslim believers will be rewarded for their good actions by admitting them to Janah (Paradise) Wrong-doers and unbelievers will be punished in Annar ( Hell Fire ).
This is the only force which gives encouragement to the victims to carry on with their lives who are deprived of their legitimate right to seek justice
You can 'slam' Christianity for it being influential in many atrocities throughout history, such as the legal subjugation of women or slavery. But in the end, what is or is not legally sanctioned matter. And polygamy is illegal.

My intentions were not to slam or bash Christianity it was just to put the point across, we dont hv to blame Islam for what is happening in our country.
As Rape is illegal in Pakistan too and is condemnable and is considered a punishable act according to the teachings of Islam/Quran. So in the end that is what should matter. Isn't it?

What people follow and do its another thing.
So the problem lies with the culture not the religion.
Zofeen Ebrahim
Inter Press Service English News Wire
KARACHI, Pakistan, Apr. 11, 2009 (IPS/GIN) -- Pakistan's
Mukhtaran Mai, who gained global acclaim for daring to take her
rapists to court, announced her marriage last month to an already
married police constable.
Mai said she was left with no choice after Nasir Abbas Gabol,
30, her former bodyguard, threatened to kill himself, and his
parents and first wife, Shahla, begged her to agree to the marriage
The announcement sent shockwaves through women's and rights
circles in the country. Mai, who has fought a valiant, 7-year
battle against tradition and patriarchy.

Now theres a guy that know the way to a gals heart.
If a women was allowed to have 4 husbands I would say you are right. If they are not allowed to have 4 husbands I would say you are wrong.. thats what they call logic.

I think you should watch those videos posted to you. They have the answers. Just bother please.

The problem with 4 husbands in logical terms will be who is the father of the child. Whose name will he/she carry? Ofcourse DNA tests will solve the mystery but that raises a very important question, why are the religion for then?
We muslims take it as a way/guidance of life.

Another reason given in the video is that the population of women is more than men.
Why? i will not go there, but it is a fact.
If there are no men left to marry what will the women do.

P.S i think i should clear it before any one ask. Islam does not allow to have sex with all of 4 wives altogether, if you know what i mean :smokin: and it is allowed to have 4 wives only when you can financially support them and do jistice with each of them.
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Zofeen Ebrahim
Inter Press Service English News Wire
KARACHI, Pakistan, Apr. 11, 2009 (IPS/GIN) -- Pakistan's
Mukhtaran Mai, who gained global acclaim for daring to take her
rapists to court, announced her marriage last month to an already
married police constable.
Mai said she was left with no choice after Nasir Abbas Gabol,
30, her former bodyguard, threatened to kill himself, and his
parents and first wife, Shahla, begged her to agree to the marriage
The announcement sent shockwaves through women's and rights
circles in the country. Mai, who has fought a valiant, 7-year
battle against tradition and patriarchy.

Now theres a guy that know the way to a gals heart.


where is the facepalm i need it badly.

This is and will be considered as a forcefull marriage and is condemnable act in Islam..
Totally not allowed.
My intentions were not to slam or bash Christianity...
Do not care.

...it was just to put the point across, we dont hv to blame Islam for what is happening in our country.

As Rape is illegal in Pakistan too and is condemnable and is considered a punishable act according to the teachings of Islam/Quran. So in the end that is what should matter. Isn't it?

What people follow and do its another thing.
So the problem lies with the culture not the religion.
Of the Abrahamic religions, none can truly be 'blamed', as in sole or main cause, of any ills in any society.

But for the sake of being intellectually honest...


The greater the legal sanctions placed upon the women of any society, the greater the difficulties those women will have in meeting their potentials and contribute to the advancement of that society. We know of Lt. Col. Eileen Collins above...

Astronaut Bio: Eileen Collins (5/2006)
She has logged over 6,751 hours in 30 different types of aircraft. Collins retired from the Air Force in January 2005.

STS -93 Columbia (July 23-27, 1999) was the first Shuttle mission to be commanded by a woman.
But it was only recently that Saudi Arabia had its first woman airliner pilot...

Saudi Arabia?s First Woman Pilot Hanadi Zakaria Al-Hindi | Arab Girls, Arabic Girls Blog
Captain Hanadi Zakaria al-Hindi is the first Saudi woman to become a commercial airline pilot.
The point here is that the greater the level of influence of any factor, be it religious values or secular ideas, that is present in any particular legislation aimed at any sex, the greater the attention that factor will attract. Is it any wonder that where the burqa, the chador or the jihab is legally sanctioned for women, that society (not country) has problems at competing against the society that has no such legal sanctions? Rape may be illegal, but if women is considered chattel by men and has greater legal sanctions placed upon them, then it is pointless to focus upon the 'good' that rape is illegal while the woman is supposed to cover up else she can be beaten, either by the man of the house or by government agents tasked specifically for that. Why is it that we can have an Eileen Collins and plenty of 'Hanadi Zakaria al-Hindis' in our society?
I think you should watch those videos posted to you. They have the answers. Just bother please.

The problem with 4 husbands in logical terms will be who is the father of the child. Whose name will he/she carry? Ofcourse DNA tests will solve the mystery but that raises a very important question, why are the religion for then?
We muslims take it as a way/guidance of life.

P.S i think i should clear it before any one ask. Islam does not allow to have sex with all of 4 wives altogether, if you know what i mean :smokin: and it is allowed to have 4 wives only when you can financially support them and do jistice with each of them.

You fellows are more fun then a barrel of Monkeys. I have already been married twice, my definition of hell would be being married to four at the same time.
Yes, it is illegal. When it does occur in a certain religious sect, the subsequent marriages in a polygynous marriage are always presented as 'spiritual' ones to evade legal punishments. That mean Americans do not believe in polygynous or polyandrous marriages.

Polygyny = wives
Polyandry = husbands



Fine...But we are talking about practice, not merely in theory.

man gambit ,,,,,,, america is worst in treatment to women .... you have shows for who your daddy? , birth controal, rape, women seen as posessions and its reality there sum times called B****CHES, date rapes , druged and drunked rapes it a huge reality in your country please dont talk when you have to fix your self
man gambit ,,,,,,, america is worst in treatment to women .... you have shows for who your daddy? , birth controal, rape, women seen as posessions and its reality there sum times called B****CHES, date rapes , druged and drunked rapes it a huge reality in your country please dont talk when you have to fix your self
I have the perfect woman for you, pal...


She will make YOU her woman...:lol:
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