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Beijing reaches out to Delhi to safeguard its interests

@scorpionx What border issues ? We just issue few statements every now and then when we see development near to each other by the other nation.

But both countries know that these few issues are not the major concern, we have to find common grounds, and boost trade. We show conern over Gwadar, P-o-K , AP, SCS, military pact with SCS nations etc. but that doesn't mean we start kicking each other and let other nations make use of our rivalry.

Whatever issues India and China have will be solved bilaterally. But both have agreed without saying that its put the differences for future but now focus on common grounds. Without cooperation on common grounds, and trust building, we can't solve all these disputes

China has bigger aim, we have our own bigger aim. We should learn from how Rajput kingdoms in a region fought against each other because of foreigners and got eventually defeated by Britishers.

After all its matter of life of 2.5 billion people out of 7 billion people in entire world.
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Don't you think its time for both countries to come to a common platform on Arunachal? Chinese stance on staple visa issues don't put a friendly impression on average indian's mind. You know it very well how our media and some hardcore nationalistic groups uses these issues to create hatred among us. Growing assistance on development issues will continue but if we remove these small issues the journey will be smoother and nicer.
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Don't you think its time for both countries to come to a common platform on Arunachal? Chinese stance on staple visa issues don't put a friendly impression on average indian's mind. You know it very well how our media and some hardcore nationalistic groups uses these issues to create hatred among us. Growing assistance on development issues will continue but if we remove these small issues the journey will be smoother and nicer.

will you accept Chinese claim on the territory?

the question remains that will India do away with China centric approach?

the next question is will there be India-China alliance if YES what will be Indian equation with US viz a viz its newly developed relations with America based on their mutal interests against CHINA.

Just imagine for a second that there is Iran-Russia-China-India block viz a viz Afghanistan :)

what will be American strategy then? in my personal opinion America will love to foment trouble in all these regions using Pakistan.

so back to square one
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Don't you think its time for both countries to come to a common platform on Arunachal? Chinese stance on staple visa issues don't put a friendly impression on average indian's mind. You know it very well how our media and some hardcore nationalistic groups uses these issues to create hatred among us. Growing assistance on development issues will continue but if we remove these small issues the journey will be smoother and nicer.
Like our ties with japan and SK and presence in SCS gives a friendly message. Similarly their construction and Gwadar move.

Its diplomatic maneuvers to keep each other on toes. But if you focus closely, both are trying to cooperate on trade, Afghanistan and Africa. This is more important and crucial for both of us.

India and China are not small nations. And to cooperate in one continent and others, with such a huge population is a mammoth task. I would rather like gradual development and let hostilities die down to smaller intensity.

@Spring Onion That's the whole point. Pakistan has to and should come in Iran-Russia-China-India equation w.r.t Afghanistan and Central Asia.
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will you accept Chinese claim on the territory?

the question remains that will India do away with China centric approach?

the next question is will there be India-China alliance if YES what will be Indian equation with US viz a viz its newly developed relations with America based on their mutal interests against CHINA.

Just imagine for a second that there is Iran-Russia-China-India block viz a viz Afghanistan :)

what will be American strategy then? in my personal opinion America will love to foment trouble in all these regions using Pakistan.

so back to square one

India is in no club and has refused to join american camp i.e go independent. But this does not mean that we will join chinese camp and china have been behaving soft coz

-to avoid encirclement from all side

-Indian policy of be neutral.

India cant afford to join U.S coz after 20-30 years,india will bypass china then every american or western gun will be pointed at india like china now..so U.S is not our friend.

Regarding policy related pakistan by U.S
They have policy to balkanize pakistan so that to secure uninterrupted line to central asia and pakistan will surely join china if U.S departs.So lets wait for next 5-6 years,if pakistan survives these years then future is bright.

Pakistan is going same way like iraq was going on and you have just started.
India and China have agreed to start a dialogue on Afghanistan, lending an interesting twist to hedging among regional powers ahead of the planned withdrawal of NATO troops in 2014.

An in-principle agreement on official-level dialogue has been reached, sources said, and dates for the first meeting are being worked out. Already, the two countries have dialogue on Central Asia, West Asia and Africa.

Earlier this week, National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon travelled to Moscow for the first three-way dialogue between India, Russia and China on Afghanistan in an effort to build on common security concerns.

What is notable about the planned bilateral conversation is that it grew out of a Chinese proposal for a dialogue on South Asia, much on the lines of what the two had initiated on other regions.

However, India was not too keen on opening up conversation about its own neighbourhood with China, a key security factor in many of the South Asian countries, apart from the fact that New Delhi felt that there was not much in common to discuss in the region. Delhi was also apprehensive about, say, the Tibetan question coming up. India therefore made a counter proposal to hold a dialogue on Afghanistan.

As of now, India has an institutionalised dialogue on Afghanistan only with the US.

While Pakistan is not officially part of the dialogue with China, it's likely to be discussed. India expects that China, just like any growing regional power, will seek to re-define its role in Afghanistan after the US and its allies reduce their military presence. Already, China has invested in the mining sector and, through Pakistan, aims to corner infrastructure projects.

From a security standpoint, China is focused on its western borders to quell any problems from Islamic fundamentalist groups in Xinjiang. To that extent, engagement with Afghanistan is a logical extension of its Pakistan policy.

However, sources pointed out that Beijing recognises India's stabilising influence in Afghanistan and would be keen not to project any of this as an anti-India venture.

Ahead of 2014 pullout, India, China plan Afghan dialogue - Indian Express
@Spring Onion That's the whole point. Pakistan has to and should come in Iran-Russia-China-India equation w.r.t Afghanistan and Central Asia.

The redline is the factor that is hell bent on throwingout Pakistan of the equation.

we will look forward to any block that protects our interests just like all of you do.

with India in any equation there is no gurantee of our interests simple as that
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The redline is the factor that is hell bent on throwingout Pakistan of the equation.

we will look forward to any block that protects our interests just like all of you do.

with India in any equation there is no gurantee of our interests simple as that

I agree Indians cannot be trusted.
The redline is the factor that is hell bent on throwingout Pakistan of the equation.
we will look forward to any block that protects our interests just like all of you do.with India in any equation there is no gurantee of our interests simple as that
Its you who are keeping yourself out. You won't curb anti-India terrorism, nor you kick out Afghan Taliban.

How do you expect China, Russia and Iran to work with you if you allow these terrorists on your soil ?

I agree Indians cannot be trusted.
Who can you trust ? US ?
Just imagine for a second that there is Iran-Russia-China-India block viz a viz Afghanistan :)

what will be American strategy then? in my personal opinion America will love to foment trouble in all these regions using Pakistan.

so back to square one

Honestly speaking US will never give you the support you enjoy from China.If China backs out only God save your country.But it is just an If.The Chinese are not going to throw away their alliance with Pakistan so easily.
Its you who are keeping yourself out. You won't curb anti-India terrorism, nor you kick out Afghan Taliban.

How do you expect China, Russia and Iran to work with you if you allow these terrorists on your soil ?

Who can you trust ? US ?

We trust ourselves and our Army.

India and America are players on the same side now. All the Americans have to do is say a few kind words about your demokrazy, and your leaders start getting wet in the pants.

Even though Chinese Dragon and A1kaid are fighting like little sissy girls, doesn't change the ground realities of Sino-Pak relations.

If China and India were to talk, Pakistan would be major factor of the equation.

That's the bottom line.
@RazPaK Yeah right, India who gives middle finger to US over Iran oil import issue. Check news channels of other countries which clearly state India's move against US wishes.

Do you even know India voted against US in UN more than any country ? Want me to point the link ?

I can go on and on about it.

We are not a nation which can be dictated by any country. We don't give a flying fck about some other nation, if our interests are compromised.

On the other hand, Pakistan Foreign Policy has failed over and over again.
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@RazPaK Yeah right, India who gives middle finger to US over Iran oil import issue. Check new channel of other countries which clearly state India's move against US wishes.

Do you even know India voted against US in UN more than any country ? Want me to point the link ?

We are not a nation which can be dictated by any country. We don't give a flying fck about some other nation, if our interests are compromised.

On the other hand, Pakistan Foreign Policy has failed over and over again.

What foreign policy are you referring to?
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Honestly speaking US will never give you the support you enjoy from China.If China backs out only God save your country.But it is just an If.The Chinese are not going to throw away their alliance with Pakistan so easily.

for the time being the reality is the last line in your post.

China is also not going to put its eggs in Indian basket thats for sure neither India is going to support any move that is going to promote CHINESE interests at large even if it means India is going to have some benefit too.

Its you who are keeping yourself out. You won't curb anti-India terrorism, nor you kick out Afghan Taliban.

How do you expect China, Russia and Iran to work with you if you allow these terrorists on your soil ?

Please remove China from your imginative collective claim.

as far as the Taliban is concerned the entire powerful world is talking to them.

Just wait and see India will also come to the table with them.

Who can you trust ? US ?

Honestly speaking we Pakistanis can trust US than trusting India.

US-Pak have always been having such troubled relations but both do come together for mutual interests.

We can not put any faith in India
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