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Beijing, New Delhi poised for closer ties - China daily

The biggest promble of India is: too close to China, and too far away from the US, as well as Vietnam.
it won't work for these indians. China's case is different set in different time. Every country knows it now so countries are not so stupid to transfer the tech and put their own people out of work anymore.

Indians are just dreaming trying to emulate China. The question is why? I thought indians say Chinese are inferior to them, lol. :lol:

I agree with you. I think it's rather stupid and too materialistic, short sighted for the Chinese leaders to help India build up modern infrastructure before settling any disputes. Look what Vietnam is doing to China now. China helped Vietnam gain independence from France, and helped them during the U.S. Vietnam war. Of course, the Viets are now denying that and only crying about how China occupied Vietnam in history. I think India will act similar to Vietnam and worse still, will laugh at the stupidity of the Chinese.

I fully expect the Indians to take hostile stance on border issues when they have much better infrastructure, linking their mainland with the northern borders. Helping Indians on infrastructure is suicidal in long term. But I believe the Chinese leaders will go ahead because they are mostly merchants and only think in monetary terms. The CCP's diplomacy in past 60 years was a disaster.

Chinese should hand over Kailash and other parts of Tibet to India for religious reasons :enjoy:

Look at the mentality of the Indians here and the Chinese are thinking of modernizing Indian infrastructure so Indians can easily move their land forces to the border? gee, dimwits will probably prevail.

The biggest promble of India is: too close to China, and too far away from the US, as well as Vietnam.
Yep, I still believe in Art of War, making enemy of your land neighbors but making friends with countries far away. Russia and India will eventually turn against China and the U.S. can be good friend.
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Russia and India will eventually turn against China and the U.S. can be good friend.

US can be a good friend? :rofl:

Let me see, you love America and hate the CCP. How long have you been living in America?

How many American military bases are surrounding China, and how many Chinese military bases are surrounding America?

America is the global hegemon, they are the only ones with the capability and intention to contain us, and they have been actively doing so. America's desire to hold on to their global hegemony is the exact opposite of China's stated goal to have a multipolar world.
I agree with you. I think it's rather stupid and too materialistic, short sighted for the Chinese leaders to help India build up modern infrastructure before settling any disputes. Look what Vietnam is doing to China now. China helped Vietnam gain independence from France, and helped them during the U.S. Vietnam war. Of course, the Viets are now denying that and only crying about how China occupied Vietnam in history. I think India will act similar to Vietnam and worse still, will laugh at the stupidity of the Chinese.

I fully expect the Indians to take hostile stance on border issues when they have much better infrastructure, linking their mainland with the northern borders. Helping Indians on infrastructure is suicidal in long term. But I believe the Chinese leaders will go ahead because they are mostly merchants and only think in monetary terms. The CCP's diplomacy in past 60 years was a disaster.

Look at the mentality of the Indians here and the Chinese are thinking of modernizing Indian infrastructure so Indians can easily move their land forces to the border? gee, dimwits will probably prevail.

Yep, I still believe in Art of War, making enemy of your land neighbors but making friends with countries far away. Russia and India will eventually turn against China and the U.S. can be good friend.

Wrong.China wants to invest in India for the same reason that US and Japan invested in China in 80s.
The world knows that India's rise can not be stopped.
European countries tried to do this with Germany after first world war and the result was a great war that set Europe back by 50 years.

So excluding all out war, the your leaders have two choices- watch silently as India slowly but surely builds up its infrastructure itself or accelerate the process a little and make huge profits.
Wrong.China wants to invest in India for the same reason that US and Japan invested in China in 80s.
The world knows that India's rise can not be stopped.
European countries tried to do this with Germany after first world war and the result was a great war that set Europe back by 50 years.

So excluding all out war, the your leaders have two choices- watch silently as India slowly but surely builds up its infrastructure itself or accelerate the process a little and make huge profits.
Huawei tried to do business in India , your gov banned it
I agree with you. I think it's rather stupid and too materialistic, short sighted for the Chinese leaders to help India build up modern infrastructure before settling any disputes. Look what Vietnam is doing to China now. China helped Vietnam gain independence from France, and helped them during the U.S. Vietnam war. Of course, the Viets are now denying that and only crying about how China occupied Vietnam in history. I think India will act similar to Vietnam and worse still, will laugh at the stupidity of the Chinese.

I fully expect the Indians to take hostile stance on border issues when they have much better infrastructure, linking their mainland with the northern borders. Helping Indians on infrastructure is suicidal in long term. But I believe the Chinese leaders will go ahead because they are mostly merchants and only think in monetary terms. The CCP's diplomacy in past 60 years was a disaster.

Look at the mentality of the Indians here and the Chinese are thinking of modernizing Indian infrastructure so Indians can easily move their land forces to the border? gee, dimwits will probably prevail.

Yep, I still believe in Art of War, making enemy of your land neighbors but making friends with countries far away. Russia and India will eventually turn against China and the U.S. can be good friend.
Attitude is the point.Whatever India is more strong or nothing it is the only enemy of China that Chinese should keep in their mind.And enemies could talk to each other and even doing something.
I am afraid the spirit of high nationalism is overrunning this thread.
I agree with you. I think it's rather stupid and too materialistic, short sighted for the Chinese leaders to help India build up modern infrastructure before settling any disputes. Look what Vietnam is doing to China now. China helped Vietnam gain independence from France, and helped them during the U.S. Vietnam war. Of course, the Viets are now denying that and only crying about how China occupied Vietnam in history. I think India will act similar to Vietnam and worse still, will laugh at the stupidity of the Chinese.

I fully expect the Indians to take hostile stance on border issues when they have much better infrastructure, linking their mainland with the northern borders. Helping Indians on infrastructure is suicidal in long term. But I believe the Chinese leaders will go ahead because they are mostly merchants and only think in monetary terms. The CCP's diplomacy in past 60 years was a disaster.

Look at the mentality of the Indians here and the Chinese are thinking of modernizing Indian infrastructure so Indians can easily move their land forces to the border? gee, dimwits will probably prevail.

Yep, I still believe in Art of War, making enemy of your land neighbors but making friends with countries far away. Russia and India will eventually turn against China and the U.S. can be good friend.
being friendly with America is more better than with India and russia in the long term. Chinese have a history of giving tech and knowledge so others can conquer them. Remember 永乐大典? This almost allowed eurotrash to rule them. :lol:
@bolo @Okemos, the thing is, if the Chinese Government wants to invest in the infrastructure in India, it needs to look at their corruption level. We will only end up hurting ourselves by investing more but nothing being built.
@bolo @Okemos, the thing is, if the Chinese Government wants to invest in the infrastructure in India, it needs to look at their corruption level. We will only end up hurting ourselves by investing more but nothing being built.
It looks like hindus are serious about infrastructure. Chinese are too greedy in this case. Many countries need infrastructures, not just india.
Building up africa is better than building for an enemy. Some may disagree but history suggests otherwise.
It looks like hindus are serious about infrastructure. Chinese are too greedy in this case. Many countries need infrastructures, not just india.
Building up africa is better than building for an enemy. Some may disagree but history suggests otherwise.
The Indians are serious. I am not sure about the Government. The previous Government of India ended up with only scams. It will eventually be built, but when will be the big question.
The Indians are serious. I am not sure about the Government. The previous Government of India ended up with only scams. It will eventually be built, but when will be the big question.
Let them spend more using western companies. They fxxking hate us, and are a real threat 20 years down the road. Did Rome build up Carthage before sacking them? NO.
We can't speculate whether the corruption will impede building or not, but China and other more China friendly places are better use for the engineers.
It looks like hindus are serious about infrastructure.

LOL what, did you mean to say Indians? From what I know, India has the second largest Muslim population on the planet.

Chinese are too greedy in this case. Many countries need infrastructures, not just india.
Building up africa is better than building for an enemy. Some may disagree but history suggests otherwise.

We do so much business with America (our major rival) as well as Japan (our historic enemy).

Yet investing in India is the problem? :lol: I am glad Chinese leaders don't listen to this sort of pro-American BS.

being friendly with America is more better than with India and russia in the long term.

What a joke, I don't think even Americans believe this kind of crap.

Though I understand American apprehension at the idea of BRICS, and specifically the Russia-China part of it.
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Let them spend more using western companies. They fxxking hate us, and are a real threat 20 years down the road. Did Rome build up Carthage before sacking them? NO.
We can't speculate whether the corruption will impede building or not, but China and other more China friendly places are better use for the engineers.
China should set a substantial amount of investment and not trying to over invest. With the experience of the past Indian Government, China should tread carefully. We do not know the present Indian Government on corruption. If I were the Government of China, I would investigate further before putting my hard earned money.

LOL what, did you mean to say Indians? From what I know, India has the second largest Muslim population on the planet.

We do so much business with America (our major rival) as well as Japan (our historic enemy).

Yet investing in India is the problem? :lol: I am glad Chinese leaders don't listen to this sort of pro-American BS.

What a joke, I don't think even Americans believe this kind of crap.

Though I understand American apprehension at the idea of BRICS, and specifically the Russia-China part of it.
No sire, India isn't America or Japan. Their corruption is on a different level. Every Indian know about their past Government.
LOL what, did you mean to say Indians? From what I know, India has the second largest Muslim population on the planet.

We do so much business with America (our major rival) as well as Japan (our historic enemy).

Yet investing in India is the problem? :lol: I am glad Chinese leaders don't listen to this sort of pro-American BS.

What a joke, I don't think even Americans believe this kind of crap.

Though I understand American apprehension at the idea of BRICS, and specifically the Russia-China part of it.
I knew I will draw you in this discussion. I guess we will see in twenty years who will be right. You are pro business, i get it. You are also the epitome of what is wrong with Chinese thinking.
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