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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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and this forced change has started showing its repercussions..yesterday I saw so many bulls roaming around in the city...had never seen them before..they must be abandoned animals...now its time for our govt to spend its energy, time and money in handling these animals(to save their face post this law) than people who are dying due to swine flu....pathetic! end of BJP is for sure, good for our rival countries as we have started kind of war within our nation!
i actually am against quota system for muslims... i myself have generally not specially suffered for being muslim but my sufferings were like of others, result of present india's capitalist nature.

you know, muslims in india had 67 years to convince the indian establishment of adopting helpful islami principles like ban on interest-upon-loans... yet what did our so-called community leaders ( mullahs ) do... they constructed 300,000+ mosques, the highest number in the world... if there is oppression by money in india, part of that should be blamed on the majority of muslims of india.

this historical non-action by muslims of india actually helps crooks like subramanian swamy.

what do you say, @The_Showstopper and @takeiteasy ??

@Aamna Ali ^^^... though i am hesitant to tag razia sultana.
Even I am against reservation based on religion/caste. If reservation is to be given, it should be based on economic backwardness but when other hindus can get reservation then why this hypocrisy against muslims....
arey wah...u r familier with Indian daru.. :-) indeep BagPiper or BP commonly called is one of the sasti whiskeys in India..I used to drink it long back when I was dependent on my pocket money for my daru :-) ...woh din kya din the..Aaj JD and Chivas mein bhi woh maja nahi aata :-(
bhai hum ghareeb nhi dil ke ameer hain we never change colors friends and attitudes no matter we got billions of rupees punjabi ishtyle hai apna :happy:
and this forced change has started showing its repercussions..yesterday I saw so many bulls roaming around in the city...had never seen them before..they must be abandoned animals...now its time for our govt to spend its energy, time and money in handling these animals(to save their face post this law) than people who are dying due to swine flu....pathetic! end of BJP is for sure, good for our rival countries as we have started kind of war within our nation!
Even if this ban is enforced strictly, you are sure to find these animals smuggled outside the state where they can be sold....
The Indian reservation system is for only only Hindu Dalits, Then also end the Hindu only reservation system. Muslim and Christians who are poorer than them are excluded. Why not make all poor people have reservations.

reservation system in india is based on social status and is not on economic status.. those castes which were oppressed by higher caste people were given reservations in order to improve their status in the society...initially it was intended for a period of 10 yrs after wch all the reservations have to be scrapped, but our politicians for there votebank politics never intended to remove this reservation system. many muslims in India fall under obc statuus, while dalit christians njy sc/st quota.. It is completely a fcked up system here.. every sane indian wants reservations on basis of caste to be scrapped and be replaced with reservations on the basis of economic conditions... but then, this is a far away dream and will never materialize in foreseeable future..
it is sad to note that the only mature and pragmatic posters on this thread are @isupportaap and @SpArK. The rest of the posters are all going on about how great this is. They are too childish to look at things critically and will support whatever evil measure their government takes. We muslims eat beef and we will break the law. Is there any point to have this law therefore?

Religious laws never work. No one should impose on another what to eat and what not to eat. Its like saying blasphemy law is very good just because it is a religious mullah law. I wanted to learn secularism from Indians but its pretty clear that Indians themselves believe in a Hindu Rashtra rather than secularism. There is no place, I repeat no place for a law that imposes religion and targets muslims in a secular nation.

Bhai why should muslims not eat beef. It is in their religion.
reservation system in india is based on social status and is not on economic status..initially it was intended for a period of 10 yrs

Muslim social status have been lowered to poverty now in India. if it was for ten years then end it now. The lower caste Hindus are now just taking advantage of the system.

Bhai why should muslims not eat beef. It is in their religion.

There are dietary laws in Islam defining what can be consumed. As far as I know, here is no specific mention that cows must eaten.
Even if this ban is enforced strictly, you are sure to find these animals smuggled outside the state where they can be sold....
no..its as risky as smuggling heroine or other narcotics..the law is so stringent even the possession of meat for personal use can lead u to jail and its a non bailable crime as per law! transportation of this animals too require permission to ensure they are not sold to slaughter houses..

I must say now, in my country bulls are more important than women and poor hungry people or people dying due to swine flu! and law can be passed to control the way of living of minority people! I still believe I am living in India which is a democratic country and constitution is the base for everything..!
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Even I am against reservation based on religion/caste. If reservation is to be given, it should be based on economic backwardness but when other hindus can get reservation then why this hypocrisy against muslims....

tell me sincerely... were you ever overtly discriminated because you were muslim?? there has been of course certain modern trends like notaries rebuking hindu ladies who marry muslims ( court marriage )... but were you discriminated generally?? :-)

reservation for religion denominations is a very indian thing... it has created unnecessary bureaucracy to what is already the tradition indian complications... what really had to be was socialist system where religious belief wouldn't matter for employment, education and getting government services.

why do indians complicate things unnecessarily?? :sad:

edit : socialism ( like from libyan jamahiriya ) will also remove economic inequalities and will provide every citizen with first-world comforts and facilities.
generally, the modern bistros do get halal meat, i always ask before i order... but some local ones called "hindu military canteen" don't seem to bring halal, though i have never been to such places... also, i have never been to dominos and mcdonalds.

beef is available, i suppose buffalo... it is cheaper than mutton, though the shops ( for raw ) or push-carts ( for kababs ) are at greater distances than mutton/chicken/fish.

there are some big companies like godrej which sell meat in packets, and they are halal... you would be interested in this particular product... ( Lucknowi Chicken Seekh Kabab ). :D

the turkey usmaniya empire was a monarchist empire and not really the leader of a real islami ummah... its breaking up was a conspiracy between britain and france and more to do with the modern successor of the crusades... besides, usmaniya empire had become weakened i think by the mullahs, just like with al andalus.

this is a major issue, the disposal of human dead, every religion having its rituals, mostly either eating up space ( burial grounds ) or consuming resources and polluting rivers.

i would say a modern common scientific method must be promoted to dispose the passed away... something that will contribute to society and the wider ecology even after the death of a person.

there is of course organ donation but what if more efficient contributory method is found?? humanity has to get more scientific.

You do not even see a problem. I think the problem is accentuated by the fact that Muslims there have not lived in other countries. My cousins and people who want independence also do not see a problem with halal food being unavailable. The question is why? The answer is that Muslims of Lucknow have lived in this environment since their birth and do not know how much easier life is in muslim countries where everything is halal.

I lived more in Dubai than anywhere else with some years in toronto. Only some year I spent in Lucknow. So when I went to Lucknow, each trip made me feel that there was something lacking on the table. I will never say this to my anyone but it is a reality. I am also fond of eating outside so I couldn't find places that were halal which was a problem. Dominos, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds, for all of them we had to go for vegetarian choices. Even the Mc Donalds in the airport of New Delhi was not halal.

Compare this with Kenya which is a non muslim country but everything is halal despite having 11% muslim population while India has 14%. I think you guys should vouch for a law where food served in whatsoever restaurant is served halal.
no..its as risky as smuggling heroine or other narcotics..the law is so stringent even the possession of meat for personal use can lead u to jail and its a non bailable crime as per law! transportation of this animals too require permission to ensure they are not sold to slaughter houses..

I must say now, in my country bulls are more important than women and poor hungry people or people dying due to swine flu! and law can be passed to control the way of living of minority people! I still believe I am living in India which is a democratic country and constitution is the base of everything..!
If its the Hindu traders/smugglers doing it, then would the Police be vigilant on them? I don't think so and this kind of things happened and still continue to happen in Gujarat where the law is strictly in force...

The second part of your post doesn't concern the Government, they are only here to rile up the emotions...
I am against any kind of quota. We are capable enough to stand on our own. Rural Muslims like most of rural Indians are definitely disadvantaged because of their backward thinking..Hindu and Muslim alike. Quota's encourage mediocrity. If there was state discrimination on the basis of religion, quotas would make sense. The worst affected due to quotas in India are actually the general class..mostly Hindu upper castes while iv seen many super rich but low caste hindus get through in exams just because of their surnames.

I for one have never made use of quotas. Some of my relatives too have cracked UPSC exams and working in various Government sectors simply based on their merit. I admit these equations change in states like UP,Bihar where caste and religion is as important as your merit but hindus as well as Muslims suffer the same way in these areas.

Muslims had a lot of opportunities to modernise themselves especially after the radicals left for Pakistan. We could have established a powerful lobby after modernising and contributed towards reforms and democracy. But most of us were busy lobbying for quotas and building mosques so that Islam does not die out. Some Islami principles are indeed good but i dont consider ban on interest upon loans as one of them.

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The rest of the posters are all going on about how great this is.
These are petty Sanghi apologists. they are brainwashed robots. They are happy to see Muslims, Christians and others suffer under fascist rule. Corporate Hindus and RSS won this election electing Bharat Jalao party.
Indians themselves believe in a Hindu Rashtra rather than secularism.
It's more like Hindus are represented by the RSS everywhere. RSS and sanghparivar takes over temples and recruits followers as well as false-represent Hindus. Inherently, Hindus are good people; but, the terror groups are now controlling them.
Bhai why should muslims not eat beef. It is in their religion.
Muslims are eating beef like it is before in most states. Even Hindus also. this Go-mata propaganda is made by Golwalkar to polarize Hindus to spread his agenda of fascist nation.
(Quoted below): Kurien and Golwalkar’s Friendship and RSS Supremo’s real reason for cow protection movement | The Art of Returning to India...and Staying Put...
However, one rather unusual and unexpected development during our regular committee meetings was that during that time, Golwalkar and I became close friends. People were absolutely amazed to see that we had become so close that whenever he saw me walk into the room he would rush to embrace me. He would take me aside and try to pacify me after our meetings, ‘Why do you keep losing your temper with the Shankaracharya? I agree with you about him. But don’t let the man rile you. Just ignore him.’

Golwalkar was a very small man — barely five feet — but when he got angry fire spewed out of his eyes. What impressed me most about him was that he was an intensely patriotic Indian. You could argue that he was going about preaching his brand of nationalism in a totally wrong way but nobody could question his sincerity. One day after one of our meetings when he had argued passionately for banning cow slaughter, he came to me and asked, ‘Kurien, shall I tell you why I’m making an issue of this cow slaughter business?’

I said to him, ‘Yes, please explain to me because otherwise you are a very intelligent man. Why are you doing this?’

‘I started a petition to ban cow slaughter actually to embarrass the government,’ he began explaining to me in private. ‘I decided to collect a million signatures for this to submit to the Rashtrapati. In connection with this work I travelled across the country to see how the campaign was progressing. My travels once took me to a village in UP. There I saw in one house, a woman, who having fed and sent off her husband to work and her two children to school, took this petition and went from house to house to collect signatures in that blazing summer sun. I wondered to myself why this woman should take such pains. She was not crazy to be doing this. This is when I realized that the woman was actually doing it for her cow, which was her bread and butter, and I realized how much potential the cow has.

‘Look at what our country has become. What is good is foreign: what is bad is Indian. Who is a good Indian? It’s the fellow who wears a suit and a tie and puts on a hat. Who is a bad Indian? The fellow who wears a dhoti. If this nation does not take pride in what it is and merely imitates other nations, how can it amount to anything? Then I saw that the cow has potential to unify the country – she symbolizes the culture of Bharat. So I tell you what, Kurien, you agree with me to ban cow slaughter on this committee and I promise you, five years from that date, I will have united the country. What I’m trying to tell you is that I’m not a fool, I’m not a fanatic. I’m just cold-blooded about this. I want to use the cow to bring out our Indianness, So please cooperate with me on this.’
tell me sincerely... were you ever overtly discriminated because you were muslim?? there has been of course certain modern trends like notaries rebuking hindu ladies who marry muslims ( court marriage )... but were you discriminated generally?? :-)

reservation for religion denominations is a very indian thing... it has created unnecessary bureaucracy to what is already the tradition indian complications... what really had to be was socialist system where religious belief wouldn't matter for employment, education and getting government services.

why do indians complicate things unnecessarily?? :sad:

edit : socialism ( like from libyan jamahiriya ) will also remove economic inequalities and will provide every citizen with first-world comforts and facilities.
I don't think I ever experienced it mostly because I never required much help from the Government thanks to my parents but there are many who had faced some kind of discrimination.... And I do agree with rest of your post barring the edit section.
If its the Hindu traders/smugglers doing it, then would the Police be vigilant on them? I don't think so and this kind of things happened and still continue to happen in Gujarat where the law is strictly in force...

The second part of your post doesn't concern the Government, they are only here to rile up the emotions...
dear, people who bring their cows and bulls to slaughter house are mostly Hindus...its not that Muslims are involved in end to end thing..they are not into that business and its a well known thing... so, for enforcement group the focus will be on what is being transported than who is in the truck!

and yes, law can be compromised but beef meat is not that expensive that people can afford to pay huge bribes considering the severity of the crime as per law..
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