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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

[QUOTE="haviZsultan, post: 7657526, member: 136430"]India must realize that muslims are already on the verge of rebellion[/QUOTE]

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When India was partitioned in 1947, about 500,000 people died in communal rioting, mainly along the borders with Pakistan. But a year later another massacre occurred in central India, which until now has remained clouded in secrecy.

In September and October 1948, soon after independence from the British Empire, tens of thousands of people were brutally slaughtered in central India.

Some were lined up and shot by Indian Army soldiers. Yet a government-commissioned report into what happened was never published and few in India know about the massacre. Critics have accused successive Indian governments of continuing a cover-up.

The massacres took place a year after the violence of partition in what was then Hyderabad state, in the heart of India. It was one of 500 princely states that had enjoyed autonomy under British colonial rule.

When independence came in 1947 nearly all of these states agreed to become part of India.


But Hyderabad's Muslim Nizam, or prince, insisted on remaining independent. This refusal to surrender sovereignty to the new democratic India outraged the country's leaders in New Delhi.

After an acrimonious stand-off between Delhi and Hyderabad, the government finally lost patience.

Document, The Hyderabad Massacre

Historians say their desire to prevent an independent Muslim-led state taking root in the heart of predominantly Hindu India was another worry.

Members of the powerful Razakar militia, the armed wing of Hyderabad's most powerful Muslim political party, were terrorising many Hindu villagers.

This gave the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, the pretext he needed. In September 1948 the Indian Army invaded Hyderabad.

In what was rather misleadingly known as a "police action", the Nizam's forces were defeated after just a few days without any significant loss of civilian lives. But word then reached Delhi that arson, looting and the mass murder and rape of Muslims had followed the invasion.

Determined to get to the bottom of what was happening, an alarmed Nehru commissioned a small mixed-faith team to go to Hyderabad to investigate.

It was led by a Hindu congressman, Pandit Sunderlal. But the resulting report that bore his name was never published.

Historian Sunil Purushotham from the University of Cambridge has now obtained a copy of the report as part of his research in this field.


Image captionPandit Sunderlal's team concluded that between 27,000 and 40,000 died
The Sunderlal team visited dozens of villages throughout the state.

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in New Delhi.

There has been a call recently in the Indian press for it to be made more widely available, so the entire nation can learn what happened.

It could be argued this might risk igniting continuing tensions between Muslims and Hindus.

"Living as we are in this country with all our conflicts and problems, I wouldn't make a big fuss over it," says Burgula Narasingh Rao, a Hindu who lived through those times in Hyderabad and is now in his 80s.

"What happens, reaction and counter-reaction and various things will go on and on, but at the academic level, at the research level, at your broadcasting level, let these things come out. I have no problem with that."
Which is why I find your obvious dislike illuminating.
I do not dislike Parsi people i have a very dear friend of mine since my childhood. But yes i disagree with you only on your posts.
I do not dislike Parsi people i have a very dear friend of mine since my childhood. But yes i disagree with you only on your posts.

Your disagreement is welcome. And will be responded to.

But when you go off into white bull piss, vultures, etc., I see something I am not overly excited about engaging.

Trying to tread selectively in my interactions on PDF this time around. You are free to go through my post history to know the other vsdoc .....
I've discussed this with old timers here in the past. Let me repeat my thoughts.

We Indians live together, Hindus and Muslims. We adjust. And its ingrained into us from when we are very small what is offensive to the other. And we do not cross those lines.

I am a Parsi. I know I enjoy liberties which neither my Hindu or Muslim brothers enjoy, because everyone takes us to be a bit eccentric, weird, lovable, harmless, wicked sarcasm and wit, and very mooh fatt. Plus Hindi is not our strongest suites. So when we say tu, tere ko, etc. no one really takes offense.

But even I would not chomp down on my favorites salami sandwich or drunken pork or bbq pork ribs sitting on the same table as my Muslim friends. In fact once when we were on a ride to Goa, my Muslim friend realizing how much I loved pork (and Goa being Pork Central) actually told me to order the dish he knows I like and eat it. I did, but I was really in spite of that conscious about the sight, and smell etc.

Now think about Hindus and Muslims.

Here on this thread, and most other beef ones, regardless of sensible and sensitive guys like Irfan and Oscar, who understand Indians, the others from their side would mouth off. Partly of course to finger us (this is PDF after all .... it goes with the territory), but equally because they do not get it.

The Christians in their country are mainly the low class sweeper, bootlegger, dalit types. Dark, dirty, looked down upon socially.

The Hindus and Sikhs need no explanation.

Parsis I agree they do have some fondness for. But only the urban educated among them. Not the fundos, who would still see us as atash parast.

Its not their fault. How many Hindus and Muslims do we know in our daily lives? Sit with work with study with play with eat with?

How many Hindus would a normal Pakistani here know?

Its different for them. And I get it. Accept it.

Does not mean we should change. This is our land, our culture, and its been here for thousands of years. We stay true to it. Proudly.

Very well said sir, the concept of secularism eludes pakistan which Unlike india has forgotten its rich cultural heritage of past. Lahore, my grand father used to tell me me, was one of the most liberal and neo-ethinic cities of the undivided India. He graduated as a lawyer from there in the early 1930's. Ever since independence, islam has been radicalised and its essence of peace, hospitality and Grandeur is now but a sad relic due to the deliberate decimation of its leadership to suit the interest of the few influential ones.. its sad that tey fail to see how Saffron and Green can look soo beautiful together.. that urdu and hindi can be spoken freely long with punjabi, tamil, bengali, gujrati, marathi, etc etc,.. That all these cultures when mixed together, carelessly and freely gives a new colour, a new flavour.. the one which is Unique to non but India..
With soo many cultures, come soo many belief systems that contradict one another, like was so beautifully captured in the Bollywood movie. P.K.. like White is the garb of a newly married woman and black for a widow in Christianity. Whereas its the opposite in Hinduism. .. in India we all live and respect such subtle variations.. not differences.. but variations.. for they keep us closely knit together.. as a family called INDIA
Supreme Court refuses to quash Bombay HC order lifting ban on sale of meat - The Times of India

Meat ban can't be forced down people's throat, SC says

NEW DELHI: The Supreme court on Thursday refused to interfere in Bombay HC order lifting ban on sale of meat during Jain festival season Paryushan.

A bench of justifies TS Thakur and Kurian Joseph objected over the manner in which the ban was being enforced saying that it can't be forced down people's throats.

The bench said that the authority should be tolerant towards people opposing the ban.

The bench was hearing a petition filed by a religious body challenging HC order on lifting the ban.

Join TOI campaign: Ban the bans

In pics: Banned in India

The petitioner contended that non-violence is the cherished dream of our constitution and it also includes towards treatment to animals.

It contended that animals should also be treated with compassion and most of the countries believe in such philosophy.

The bench then remarked "Why compassion only during festival and why not all the time".

The bench agreed that compassion towards animals is growing across the world but any ban on sale can't be forced on people.

"It is happening throughout the country and world. Spirit of tolerance is very important and it has to be inculcated in society through reform and in a subtle way" the bench said

"Compassion should not be there only during festival. It has to be shown throughout the year", the SC bench said.
Where are you getting your inputs form ?

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The Council for Deccan Independence is now operating in Hyderabad and Saudi Arabia. This will be register soon.

We will notify our members of expansion in other Countries. We acknoledge the support in Pakistan especially from Karachi where large number of migrants from Hyderabad fled after the 1948 Indian invasion but will give only observor positions for people who identify themself as Pakistani Nationals but not Deccan Nationals.

Membership is open for Deccan people who support our rightous cause for seeking liberation from the Indian forces who seek to destroy the Islamic Identity and are mismanaging the country and its resources and mistreating innocent muslims and poor in the areas of what they now call Andhra Pradesh.

Members of the Azad Deccan Movement have already started signing forms for the Council for Deccan Independence. Primary membership will be available to people who have worked hard for the movement and have significant achievement for it through volunteering, aid or donations. The rest will be given Secondary membership.

Observer status can also be granted to guest expectaters and people who want to look at the workings of our organization and support or have a sympathy for the Azad Deccan Movement. Pakistanis, Khalistanis can join the Council for Deccan Independence as observers.

It is wise to join this movement because the Council of Deccan Independence plans to get the information about missing people in Hyderabad kidnapped by police or intelligence agencies and information about riot victims. This will be more organized and managed well with big investment by us and manager, information person and spokesman than the Azad Deccan Movement which still exist. Azad Deccan Movement still exist.

Council for Deccan Independence | Azad Deccan Movement
Your disagreement is welcome. And will be responded to.

But when you go off into white bull piss, vultures, etc., I see something I am not overly excited about engaging.

Trying to tread selectively in my interactions on PDF this time around. You are free to go through my post history to know the other vsdoc .....
I just asked you about taru and vulture post if you prove i post i will quite this forum
What about your signatures is that a well mannered thing.
Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin
In this thread u post without tagging me but i can feel it is for me you refer on your signatures which i tagged mods.

islam has been radicalised and its essence of peace
I just asked you about taru and vulture post if you prove i post i will quite this forum
What about your signatures is that a well mannered thing.
Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin
In this thread u post without tagging me but i can feel it is for me you refer on your signatures which i tagged mods.

My signature is for all bigots, of any hue.


Bigotry is ugly. I have nothing against ugly people personally. I just wish they would not wave it into my face.
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