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Because of Explosive Population Growth Pakistan surpasses Brazil

If that is what you understand then I cannot help. It is not the question of India good, Pakistan bad or India bad, Pakistan good
Read the post #86 by Silverblaze

From your post, that is really all that can be discerned.
Silverblaze's post talks about socioeconomics while yours ends up with usual "****** bogeyman".
India and China are only what they are thanks to their giant populations.

india and china got stable govts and took the apt decisions at the apt time to use the demography.but if u fail to use this demography fail to provide them with basic health care and education.its going to be a huge liability.unfortunately pakistan did not have enough reserves or political will to do it..lets hope situation gets better after the elections.but an advantage of india or china or u.s is their area is larger so can manage the resources.in case of pakistan more the increase in population more will be the population density. so things may get worse..its for pakistan to decide how to exploit this advantage
Now this is serious issue for Pakistan. Pakistan surely is lagging on key factors and I would like to highlight the same through comparison with India and BD. People are talking about demographic divident but for that countries need to form a base otherwise like many Sub Saharan countries it can lead to the opposite of Demographic Curse. Why these 2 countries because all 3 were part of British India so basically a comparison will have context
Country 1951 Pop 2011 Pop Growth
Pak 37M 193M 5.22 Times
Ind 370M 1210M 3.27 Times
BD 44M 142M 3.22 Times

TOTAL FERTILITY RATE (Total Children a Woman has in her life)
Pak:- 3.3
Ind:- 2.55
BD:- 2.2

Annual Population Growth Rate
Pak:- 2.71% (Taken as per this report, some reports show as low as 2.1%)
Ind:- 1.58%
BD:- 1.67%

Population Density based on Arable Area
Arable Area is the area in the country which can be productively used for Agriculture and other activities. For Eg area of Baluchistan or Rajasthan cannot be used in general besides few areas.
Pak:- 962
Ind:- 833
BD:- 1946 (But BD has one of the most fertile areas which gives 2.5 Crops per year as compared to 1.5 Crops in Ind and Pak, so the in equivalent terms this reduces to 1167 )

Median Age

Literacy Rate
Pak:- 57%
(Pakistan has not switched to international definition of a person being literate if he can read and write a short para to be literate while both Ind and BD have. In Pak if a person can sign his name he is considered as literate. Hence the real literacy rates are though to be even lower but a certain number cannot be given)

School Enrollment Rate
Pak:- 72%
Ind:- 99%
BD:- 96%

Education as % of GDP
Pak:- 1.8%
Ind:- 3.1%
BD:- 2.4%

Defense as % of GDP
Ind:- 2.5%
BD:- 1.0%

Per Capita GDP (PPP)
Ind:- 3876$

GDP Growth Rate (2009-13, CAGR)
Ind:- 7.0%
BD:- 6.2%

Poverty 1992 2010
Pak 30.6% 28.0% (WB estimates this as Govt has not released fig since 2002)
Ind 45.0% 29.2%
BD 56.6% 31.0%
There are many definitions. I am taking as per World Bank Site 1.25$ PPP Definition

So as seen from these pts
1. Pakistan's population is growing at an Alarming pace much faster than Ind or BD (SL etc are even slower)
2. Pakistan is not sending it's children to school while both Ind and BD are doing a good job. This means though population is growing faster many more illiterates are being added in Pak which is not the case in Ind.
3. Pakistan is not spending enough on education rather spending on Defense.
4. The GDP growth rates have not been growing to keep pace with population growth
5. Due to good GDP growth rates Ind and BD have been able to lift huge population out of poverty while Pakistan has been quite slow in the process
6. Pakistan has the youngest population which is least literate and hence in the worse position as compared to Ind and Pak to take advantage of the demographic dividend.
7. If population grows at the same pace it will put pressure on the land and it may surpass BD in the density/arable land (In equivalent terms)

I am an neutral here but work closely on the topic. I had to post this as I see many Pakistani's friends mentioning demographic dividend or comparing with India. My personal view is Pakistan is in a very critical situation and if something is not done it will be too late. Another worrying point is that if I compare Afghanistan with Pak on same numbers Afg is worse off. So Pak itself is in a crisis situation and it may have to bear Afghanistan which can increase load on it even earlier.

For the numbers I have tried to use many sources to come on the least controversial numbers. These include WB site, UNICEF site, Wikipedia.
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Is it such a perfect post that nobody has any questions on the same. I am amazed with myself :P
Depends on how you look at the glass ?

Half Empty or Half Full ?

Population comprises of Human beings and any nations Population is its HUMAN RESOURCE.

We know the value of our Human Resource. Our overseas Pakistanis are a good example of our human resource. They send $ 15 Billion a year to Pakistan.

Our challenge is to EDUCATE and TRAIN and DEVELOP our Human Resource to the optimum and turn this liability into an ASSET.
so true.. a well trained human resource especially the youth is certainly an asset while constant efforts must be made to reach such goals.but unoccupied youth may turn not just liability but dangerous to the nation especially in volatile places.lets hope your govt makes sufficient effort in this direction.
All these points apply to India as well.

its funny that Indian population is already a ticking bomb but Indians would come up with such concernes about others and ignore their own case.
well as of today the unemployment rate is about 4% and population growth is with in limits fertility rate is decreasing by year.as for food is concerned we sure used to have problems earlier decades but after taking aid from americans with the "leash" through PL-480 program we strated green revolution and now pretty much self sufficient.we have surplus food.india is one of the global leaders in agriculture but we sure needed to rectify our pdf.have you heard about adhar??it helps in neutralizing middle men. and a legislation called food security bill was formulated inorder to feed maximum population with least prices.

but its high time now for your govt to do something.these problems wont be visible till u have food sufficient.but once it is not enough and people are jobless then starts all kinds of troubles.i dnt know govt schemes in this regard.are there any?? 
Dude your average children per family is 4 to 5 where as ours is around 2 and we are implementing family planning. The same cannot be said about Pakistan.

Human resources has to be developed over the years.
its a dudette..look at her signature :pop:
This is just plain Propaganda from NWO and Enemies of Islam, Muslims and Pakistan
In fact Pakistan Population is decreasing with every passing Decade because of Jobless rate and also every thing is going up and Pakistani Currency losing it's value and it is all planned by World Bank, IMF, UNO and NWO so this is all just Lies and misguiding propaganda from the people who like the World Population to be down to just 500 Million
This is just plain Propaganda from NWO and Enemies of Islam, Muslims and Pakistan
In fact Pakistan Population is decreasing with every passing Decade because of Jobless rate and also every thing is going up and Pakistani Currency losing it's value and it is all planned by World Bank, IMF, UNO and NWO so this is all just Lies and misguiding propaganda from the people who like the World Population to be down to just 500 Million


Ofcourse we know all this is work of CIA,Mossad,RAW,Rupa Underwear
This is just plain Propaganda from NWO and Enemies of Islam, Muslims and Pakistan
In fact Pakistan Population is decreasing with every passing Decade because of Jobless rate and also every thing is going up and Pakistani Currency losing it's value and it is all planned by World Bank, IMF, UNO and NWO so this is all just Lies and misguiding propaganda from the people who like the World Population to be down to just 500 Million
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