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Beautiful Bangladesh

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আমাদের সুন্দরবন !


- MHJ ...
চিংড়ি মাছ ...







I just love to eat shrimp-fry ... :cheesy:

Agriculture is the essential part of Bangladeshi People. Rice and Fish is the main agricultural Commodity of Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh are commonly referred to as ‘Macche-Bhate Bangali’(i.e., the people made of fish and rice). Approximately 75 percent of the workforce is involved in agriculture in Bangladesh and an annual production of over 29 million tons per annum for rice(2010), while annual fish production is 2.70 million tons (2010) except Sundarban.

2.2 Million people are involved directly with fishing and another 11 million people are involved indirectly with this. Bangladesh have 580 Kilo Meters (362 Miles) cost line, total off shore area is 1,25000 Sqr K.M where occupying 70,000 square Kilo Meters for fishing. And 10,000 square Kilo Meters inland area is covered with water like River (Mainly 54 long rivers Shared with India with huge sub cannels), Floodplains (act as nutrient-rich nurseries for a large number of larva and juvenile fish species) and Water Bodies (Ponds , Beels and Oxbow lakes).

Except this, Sundarban locate in southern part of Bangladesh the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest and where about 20 species Shrimp, 8 species Lobster, 7 species Crabs, several species gastropods and 6 species Pelecypods are founded.

Most of the product are organic and natural, Wild Catching. Harvest method is mainly Purse-Seining. Bangladeshi people as well as others continents people also enjoy this, because Bangladesh supply and export huge Seafood & Fresh water fish all over the world and for the reason many factories are built in Bangladesh for supplying Seafood & Fresh water fish worldwide.

Shrimp and Fish contributing 5.5% GDP of Bangladesh and 7% of Total Export Income. Bangladesh Earn $437.40(Million) for 2009-2010 fiscal year.

Other side exporting the others agro based product(Crops, grain, vegetables, species etc) is not till comparable with fish but it is growing high and high day by day. It’s a huge equable sector considering in time in Bangladesh. Have a great demand all over the world because most of the product is cultivating and farming with organic and natural way. Organic production limits toxic and long-lasting chemicals in our environment.

- MHJ ...
I have seen BD (AKA East Paksitan) as a 4 year old child.....attended Cantt Modern School , Dhaka. Drove through most of BD by road , still remember the Rocket Steamer and Karnaphulli Paper Mill (which India took with them in 1971 after war ended)
A beautiful country indeed
I have seen BD (AKA East Paksitan) as a 4 year old child.....attended Cantt Modern School , Dhaka. Drove through most of BD by road , still remember the Rocket Steamer and Karnaphulli Paper Mill (which India took with them in 1971 after war ended)
A beautiful country indeed

still operational and attracts a lot of tourists




Ulli Maier one of my coolest ship journeys.............!!!!!

Michael O'Shea Our trip on the "Rocket" was the hi-lite of our time in Bangladesh. We were lucky enough to get one of the rooms on the upper deck. Fantastic journey through the small villages
Do you have any company that does river cruise package in bd?

গাছ লাগান ,পরিবেশ বাচাঁন ।প্রতিনিয়ত দূষিত হয়ে যাওয়া আমাদের পরিবেশকে বাসযোগ্য করে তুলতে গাছ লাগানোর বিকল্প কোন কিছু নাই ,ডিজিটাল ,ডিজিটাল করতে করতে আমরা ভূলেই গেছি নিজেদের কথা ,আগামী প্রজন্মের কথা ,কলকারখানার বর্জ্য ,গাড়ির ধোয়া আরো কত উপায়ে দূষিত হচ্ছে আমাদেল পরিবেশ ,যান্ত্রিক এ জগতে বেচেঁ থাকার জন্য ,সুস্থভাবে বেচেঁ থাকার জন্য ,আগামী প্রজন্মকে একটি বাসযোগ্য পরিবেশ দিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য বেশি করে গাছ লাগান ।

- MHJ ...
Do you have any company that does river cruise package in bd?

yes there is, but for river cruise rocket is best, food is also good! They will take you through Burigonga, Padma, Meghna, Kirtonkhola, Gabkhan & Sondha river !
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