Again, understand what I am saying. Sonar can provide Bearing. Bearing means horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object. If you have a compass, then you can you can change your relative bearing to absolute bearing. When you are using bearing data to use for passive targeting, what you are doing is estimating trajectory and firing your munition.
What you are saying is utilization of this mechanism for targeting with multiple sonar source emitters, which is absolutely foolish Idea given a single feedback Fourier transform has significant markup error, multi source waterfall will have an exponential error ratio. Next conversion of that relative data to absolute and calculating relative GPS will just give you inaccurate information and absolutely useless for terminal targeting a high speed Asbm which was the original contention. So yes i do agree with
@randomradio that sonar tracking and targeting would be absolutely useless for targeting. What you need is a SAR radar right above the theater of conflict.
The issues with triangulation and relative motion between sonar sources and target is the reason that newer generation fire and forget have sonic homing onboard the device itself, even if you have 10 sonars and with their individual bearing you are not going to get any useful GPS targeting data for hypersonic AsBM.