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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

I dont get it man..why the hell does BD protest all the time when India and Myanmmar erect barb wire???
Wats their problem???
Do They want that they keep on sending their people to us and we should not do anything about it?
Its our land ,its our money.who the hell are they to protest?

Anyways myanmmar will hammer them if they enter into a war with them.

u made me laugh..hahahhaha thats the funniest joke i hav heard in a very long time,.,...

it doesnt matter hw many soldier they have...its that r they properly trained..i even bet our bdr soldiers can handle them
Bangladesh has reinforced its troops along the border with Myanmar as tension went high following repeated provocative acts by the latter's military forces including violation of international border and illegal construction of barbed-wire fences along the frontier.

Highly-placed sources in the government said the reinforcement was required as the Myanmar military junta deployed huge troops with heavy weapons within five kilometres of the border and many of them frequently intruded into Bangladesh territory, added the sources.

Bangladesh in the past always resolved all disputes with its neighbours through bilateral discussion but this time the authorities had taken it seriously and they are taking steps accordingly, said the sources.

The tension ran high as Myanmar troops fired several shots towards Bangladesh territory, witnesses said.

Paramilitary Bangladesh Rifles were kept on high alert yesterday along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

"Myanmar troops intruded into Bangladesh territory several times which is a serious threat to country's security," said an armed forces division report submitted to the government with its recommendations.

A group of Myanmar troops from engineering corps of its Medaik camp trespassed into Bangladesh territory to gather information about Bangladesh on September 29, the report said, adding that after the intrusion Bangladesh army was put on high alert there.

In recent years and months, Myanmar authorities have constructed new roads, military war obstacles including bunkers along the borders, renovated a nearby airport and started fencing the border as part of its provocative activities.

Myanmar has already constructed 42-kilometre long road and 9-kilometre war obstacles for its troops and set up concrete pillars on a 10-kilometre area along the border.

Bangladesh has protested Myanmar's such provocative acts time and again but the military junta did not pay any heed, sources in the foreign ministry told The Daily Star.

Sources said the Myanmar junta had renovated and expanded Sittwe Airport known as Arakan Airport and started flying aircraft for military exercise from there two to three days back which also increased tension on the Bangladesh side.

They added that the airport had remained abandoned for military aircrafts since the Second World War and a few small civil aircrafts used to fly from it.

"Myanmar has been making all-out preparations keeping in view Bangladesh," said a senior government official not authorised to talk to media.

Foreign ministry officials said Bangladesh has repeatedly requested Myanmar authorities to stop such provocations but they showed no restraint.

Following fresh tension, an army brigade has been moved to Fashiakhali of Ramu to closely monitor the activities of Myanmar troops. Police, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and Ansar members were also increased in the bordering region over the past few days.

"Extra soldiers were also deployed in some bordering upazilas of Khagrachhari, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts," Home Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder told The Daily Star yesterday, adding that the government is seriously concerned over the recent events on the border.

Our Bandarban correspondent Monirul Islam Monu adds: Bangladesh troops have been kept on high alert at Naikhhongchhari upazila in Bandarban and Hnila and Damdamia in Cox's Bazar district bordering Myanmar after the fresh tension.

Different unconfirmed sources said, in recent times 13 fighter planes were positioned at Sittwe Airport and 12 war ships anchored in the two rivers of Myanmar.

In November last year, Myanmar warships entered into Bangladesh maritime boundary to guard its exploration vessels, fomenting enormous tension between the two countries as both the countries mobilised their troops on the borders.

Myanmar had to withdraw the warships and the oil and gas exploration rigs as Bangladesh initiated both bilateral and international negotiations to resolve the crisis peacefully.

bangladesh putting heavy weapons in the border nw
Originally Posted by kidoman View Post
I dont get it man..why the hell does BD protest all the time when India and Myanmmar erect barb wire???
Wats their problem???
Do They want that they keep on sending their people to us and we should not do anything about it?
Its our land ,its our money.who the hell are they to protest?

Anyways myanmmar will hammer them if they enter into a war with them.
Hypocrisy at its best or should I say at its worst.

BTW how can Burmese engineers get in BD?what were the BDR doing?

personal view:All those saying BD going to get whipped could be right.Never underestimate your enemies.

Let them build their fences.It's time we built ours.
Bangla-Myanmar Border
Situation still tense
Hasan Jahid Tusher

Tense situation prevails along Bangladesh-Myanmar border as the latter's military forces continue building up its troops with heavy weapons on the frontiers.

Bangladesh security forces have been kept on high alert along the border, home ministry sources said.

"We are alert to the developments and will take steps accordingly through discussion," Home Minister Sahara Khatun told The Daily Star yesterday. She said the government is seriously looking into the situation.

Security and international affairs expert have suggested that the government prepares for both military and diplomatic measurers to face the situation.

"We should not sit idle and take all necessary measurers immediately," said Prof Imtiaz Ahmed of Dhaka University. Talking to The Daily Star he said the government would have to address the issue with utmost importance in regional and international forums immediately.

Highly placed sources in the government said the foreign minister is trying to trim down the tension between the two next-door neighbours through bilateral talks.

The tension grew as the Myanmar military junta deployed huge troops with heavy weapons within five kilometres of the border and many of them frequently intruded into Bangladesh territory.

Sources from borders said this week the Myanmar's military junta had deployed at least five light infantry battalions within five kilometres of border on their side. Bangladesh considers about 50 km land border from 31 to 56 international border pillars as most threatened by the Myanmar forces.

Myanmar troops also fired several shots towards Bangladesh territory on Wednesday, sources said.

Bangladesh reinforced its troops along the border with Myanmar as tension went high following repeated provocative acts by the latter's military forces including violation of international border law and illegal construction of barbed-wire fences along the frontier.

In recent years and months, Myanmar authorities have constructed new roads, bunkers along the borders, renovated a nearby airport and started fencing the border as part of its provocative activities.

Prof Imtiaz opined that it would be tough for Bangladesh to push-back huge number of unregistered Rohingyas to Myanmar if its troops complete constructing barbed wire fence through the two country's border and increases its troops there.

The Daily Star - Details News

Okay,this is getting tense.They are gearing for another stand off.Any activity in the waters?
a war would be good.Break down the fences and obstacles and push back the rohingyas.
I read in a Burmese news source that BD is building a naval base adjacent to Naf river which is the main reason of the tension to start with. Anybody knows anything about that naval base?
not a naval base but an Air Force base.In Cox's Bazaar.Still doesn't give right to them to intrude into BD territory.How come their engineers were not caught by BDR?or is that a really difficult terrain to work in?
They did not cross the border when BDR was on sight. They sneaked through, but BD civilians are always in high alert and everything is reported immediately.
They should be always on guard.BPs should be increased.BTW,do the Burmese have tanks?Can tanks be operated in the BD-Burma border terrain?
Are you Indian?

I dont know if Kidman is Indian or not? I am, so you can talk to me. Yes India has a fenced border with BD. India also has a fenced border with Pakistan which has been in existance for many years now. India does not have a fenced border with china because, firstly, fencing the most rugged and inhospitable mountain ranges in the world is not viable and secondly, there is no infiltration into India from China so how the hell needs a fence?

Every nation has the right to build a fence to safeguard its interests. It is no big deal. BD has as much right to fence its borders with Myanmar or India for that matter. You may not be aware, but many Pakistanis feel they need a fence along the Durand Line to keep the mischief makers out.

By the way, whether Kidman is Indian or not, what are you? Are you a white (British ancestry or Dutch-Africaaner) or Black? Or a migrant from Asia. From the interest you take in Asian affairs, you may be an Asian migrant or descendant. From the depth of your ignorance you might as well be from the Moon. From your demonstrated anti-Indian sentiments, I classify you as part of a breed that is to be ignored as it is totally ineffective and incompetent, worthy only of contempt.

For an avowed South African, arent you on very thin ice preaching "Inter regional cross border movement". Do you think we are unaware of the quality and nature of the cross border movement happening between SA and Zimbabwe or Namibia or Mozambique? Do you think we dont know the kind of interference and manipulations that SA conducts in the entire central and southern Africa?

Dont worry about the unemployed in India first feed the millions of your starving blacks.

Whether you are white or black or some shade in between, one thing is for sure, you are a rabid racist. You thought that your slur about Gandhi (first class travel) would go unnoticed and unchallenged? Maybe, you liked it when the whole world sanctioned your nation because of your racism. South Africans were treated with contempt and even your cricket and rugby teams denied visas. Are you aware that some Americans till today keep two passports? Because one group has one of their passports identifying them as Israelis while the others are South Africans and so are not permitted to enter many countries. May be we should petition the government to ban South Africans again as they continue to be the racists their fore fathers were.

May be you are white after all, that too the Dutch/Africaaner variety.

Yes, certain parts of Kidman's comments were intemperate, (I dont think BD will be a walk over for Myanmar, even with Chinese support) but boy, you went way off the mark.
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In a hypothetical situation, if a war breaks out between BD and Burma and USA finds an excuse to side with BD, and BD keeps on taking Burmese territories, it is highly possible that the Chinese will side with Burma to safeguard its vital interest in that country.

If, by any chance in a worst case scenerio, China moves its troops to south in Burma, then by the law of war Indian forces in the NE will move to Burmese north to block Chinese troop movement. When India does this, BD will certainly open its borders for the transit of Indian troops and arms over its land and to Indian NE.

I am not an war expert, but I think it may happen, although I do not like this prospect. In that case, there will be a regional war. We are a very small country, but when we had been fighting Pakistan in 1971 and India intervened with its troops, USA asked the Chinese to attack Indian NE. USA promised China that it will keep USSR at bay with its NUCLEAR option. What a dangerous situation it could have been!

Only because of heavy snowfall in the Himalayas in the December cold of 1971, a regional war was avoided. International politics is very dangerous. Every country shows its ego. I hope, the Burmese Junta will come to its sense and remove its troops from the BD border. I also wish a heavy snowfall (?) in the BD-Burma border, hoping this on the changes of weather pattern in recent years.

Someone in this forum posted the movement of US Pacific fleet about 10 days ago. It is now in the Bay of Bengal. Who knows for what purpose they are here. Even in last year's showdown with Burma, there was a sudden (?) arrival of an US naval ship in Chittagong. Are there mutual relationships among these events?


As per info available from open sources, known location of CVN-68 Nimitz is:-

"13Sep-15Sep2009, Indian Ocean
16Sep-18Sep2009, North Arabian Sea
Nimitz CSG relieved Ronald Reagan CSG as CTF-50
and launched the first sorties
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan
18Sep-06Oct2009, North Arabian Sea
-------[ Schedule to the decommission ]-----------
FY2024, decommission,
will be replaced by 3rd ship in the CVN-78 class

None of the operational US carrier groups (their main stay for power projection) appears to be in the Indian Ocean at this moment, however they have a presence in Diego Garcia, mostly logistics and communication but also long range bombers (B-52, B-1B/B-2) and P-3 Orions, supporting Iraq and Afghanistan. This does not rule out presence of lesser warships in the vicinity ofcourse.
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I dont know if Kidman is Indian or not? I am, so you can talk to me. Yes India has a fenced border with BD. India also has a fenced border with Pakistan which has been in existance for many years now. India does not have a fenced border with china because, firstly, fencing the most rugged and inhospitable mountain ranges in the world is not viable and secondly, there is no infiltration into India from China so how the hell needs a fence?

Every nation has the right to build a fence to safeguard its interests. It is no big deal. BD has as much right to fence its borders with Myanmar or India for that matter. You may not be aware, but many Pakistanis feel they need a fence along the Durand Line to keep the mischief makers out.

By the way, whether Kidman is Indian or not, what are you? Are you a white (British ancestry or Dutch-Africaaner) or Black? Or a migrant from Asia. From the interest you take in Asian affairs, you may be an Asian migrant or descendant. From the depth of your ignorance you might as well be from the Moon. From your demonstrated anti-Indian sentiments, I classify you as part of a breed that is to be ignored as it is totally ineffective and incompetent, worthy only of contempt.

For an avowed South African, arent you on very thin ice preaching "Inter regional cross border movement". Do you think we are unaware of the quality and nature of the cross border movement happening between SA and Zimbabwe or Namibia or Mozambique? Do you think we dont know the kind of interference and manipulations that SA conducts in the entire central and southern Africa?

Dont worry about the unemployed in India first feed the millions of your starving blacks.

Whether you are white or black or some shade in between, one thing is for sure, you are a rabid racist. You thought that your slur about Gandhi (first class travel) would go unnoticed and unchallenged? Maybe, you liked it when the whole world sanctioned your nation because of your racism. South Africans were treated with contempt and even your cricket and rugby teams denied visas. Are you aware that some Americans till today keep two passports? Because one group has one of their passports identifying them as Israelis while the others are South Africans and so are not permitted to enter many countries. May be we should petition the government to ban South Africans again as they continue to be the racists their fore fathers were.

May be you are white after all, that too the Dutch/Africaaner variety.

Yes, certain parts of Kidman's comments were intemperate, (I dont think BD will be a walk over for Myanmar, even with Chinese support) but boy, you went way off the mark.

Firstly, check on the UNO provisions on fencing a border before making that statement. The UN Charter is quite clear in its approach on that issue. It is nothing short of a human rights issue and to pre-empt a reply to your further statement, human rights is a global issue. Your current Gandhi government would agree with that since they so strongly opposed South Africa in every forum when we had an apartheid government.

Secondly you may classify me as white muslim. My interest in Asian affairs and my reasons for posting on this forum is academical. On that note, why do so many Indians take the trouble to post on a PDF forum. Note that I do not question it but purely muse over it as I defended the right of your countrymen to do so earlier in another thread.

Cross border manipulations? To call for restrictions on Indian and Chinese business is purely to protect our continent. You complain about Bangladesh nationals flooding your country and economy and hence your right to erect a fence yet cry foul when we call for restrictions on your trade in our continent??? Should we then erect a fence around our continent?

South Africa and the remaining sub saharan countries have an open border policy with each other. Apart from the usual customs and crime check security agents posted at the borders, there is no restrictions on civilian inter movement. India should perhaps study our approach towards our poorer neighbours and take a leaf from our book.

Your remaining comments about my so called racism and anti Indianism shall be ignored with the contempt it deserves. My remarks about Mahatma Gandhi was said in light humour. Years later we learnt to laugh at our errors. Perhaps if you did so there would be less conflict in your continent?

As for your remaining attacks on SA, I will simply tell you wot I told some other person who tried to level attacks on my country..we are at peace with ourselves and our neighbours. Our so called millions of starving Blacks do not exist and is a figment of your imagination. You are perhaps referring to Zimbabwe which is a sovereign nation independent of SA. Since this is not an African forum but an Asian forum, I shall not elaborate further. As for our sporting restrictions in the past, one wonders about Indian and Australian intent on those fronts since we so often whip them at their national games, namely cricket and rugby respectively now that we are back in the fold :pop:
DR thats how typical indians response, they will tell anything to cover indian wrongdoing that goes against int'l norm.
DR thats how typical indians response, they will tell anything to cover indian wrongdoing that goes against int'l norm.

Please refrain from sweeping comments about how Indians respond. Every one is an individual and thinks on his own. It is not that their brains are interlinked DIGITALLY (not by telepathy?). Many would appreciate if you give a point by point answer to pmukherjee, so that we can enjoy and learn. It is a discussion forum.
Are you Indian? You must be to post such a ridiculous reply. No wonder the moghuls ruled you for a thousand years :hitwall: The Bangladesh people have the right to protest when you put up barbed wire fences. Would you put up barbed wire fences on the border with China? :no: Why? Because they would whip your butt. Would you put up barbed wire fences on the border with Pakistan ? :no: Why? Because they would whip your butt. But poor little weak Bangladesh is the only nation you can push around :what: Inter region freedom to cross borders creates healthier economies. If Pakistani trained terrorists did not cross into Kashmir , your country would not require such a large military in Kashmir and many more of your billions of people would be unemployed due to the army not recruiting. Now get together a petition and demand of your government to remove those barbed wires and to stop pushing Bangladesh around :pop: Oh and whilst you are at it, also sign a petition to ask your government to stop exporting Indians to South Africa. We have enough of the 1860s settlers here. Or else we maybe forced to prevent them from travelling on 1st class carriages again :rofl:

Racist like you are a shame to that wonderful country you represent
Racist like you are a shame to that wonderful country you represent

Would you mind telling us exactly which part of the statement made by DbnReaper proves that he is a racist. He claimed himself to be a white South African, but Muslim. But, he was telling about the way you have erected barbed wire fences along the border with only BD in order to humiliate it.

You have been doing all these nasty things after knowing that BD response would be meek only because of its weak state of economy and military. But, do not worry, we are keeping all the records very carefully. A time will surely come when we will be repaying all your favours. Perhaps, you are getting the return already. BD will not give you gas transit from Burma, and land transit to your NE.

BD-Burma problem is different. They do not want the dark skinned Rohingya refugees to go back from BD to their motherland in Arakan. So, Burma is erecting fence. A million refugee is too much and these Rohingyas are prone to committing crimes. They take BD Passports and go to the middle-east, where they commit various crimes. They have become quite a liability to BD.

But, the latest problem is the distance from the border the Burmese are erecting fence. It should be 150m away, but they are erecting at 150 ft away.
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