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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

^third eye, Leon is right.we faced such situations before so this time we were right to be worried.
^third eye, Leon is right.we faced such situations before so this time we were right to be worried.

Next time they poke our A$$, we better get prepared to take back our Arakan. :smokin:
^third eye, Leon is right.we faced such situations before so this time we were right to be worried.

Its always better to be prepared.

But, the days of altering international boundaries by force are over. It does not happen anymore - & cannot happen.

Also, contrary to what we may feel, nations do not go to war so easily.It is after all too ' serious a thing to be left to the Generals".

What I was commenting on was the paranoia I noticed here in this thread. We had whipped ourselves into cream in ' anticipation' for something that possibly was not meant to be & was only Saber rattling by a Military Regime.
Its always better to be prepared.

But, the days of altering international boundaries by force are over. It does not happen anymore - & cannot happen.

Also, contrary to what we may feel, nations do not go to war so easily.It is after all too ' serious a thing to be left to the Generals".

What I was commenting on was the paranoia I noticed here in this thread. We had whipped ourselves into cream in ' anticipation' for something that possibly was not meant to be & was only Saber rattling by a Military Regime.

Does not happen, can not happen is just too much of a wishfull thinking. Its not even a year Russia taken back 1/3 rd of Georgias teritorry. Its all depend on the economic value of the conflict.
Well, Chinese has sent clear message to Myanmar. And those from south block who using Myanmar as bait will try different tricks for their scheme. All in all its just clam before another episode.

Hope people has seen and learned what we are up against.

Can you please give any reference to the above news ?
this recent stand off with myanmar shows us that we must have a strong navy with sufficient fire power to hald any kind off such incedent again and secure our interest in sea and keeep the see line free from any trouble along with a coast gurd with sufficient vessel to petrol shore area.for this reason how can we improbe our navy urgently with our limited buget in short term and long term can any senior member suggest ? in adition to that insted of having brown water navy is it possible to become a blue water navy by ourself as most of the trade are conducted with see route with minimum required equipment ?
is it possible to lease some warship from any frendly country ?
Government is already in process of buying 3 frigates. USA also gave us 21 boat (we dont know their class yet). There is also plan to acquire some sub marines. Khulna ship yeard is building missile boats. They will build frigates once they acquire land down the poshur river near mongla channel. Because of the bridge on the river they can not move bigger ship to sea. Once we get all those hardware we should be able to feel safer from myanmar.
I think our navy is stronger then Myanmar's navy. That the hardware which is using by BAF and BM that's same as Myanmar.And also the quantity of those are more than Us. So how we'll feel secure?

So we also need to improve our military and air force equipment.
I think our navy is stronger then Myanmar's navy. That the hardware which is using by BAF and BM that's same as Myanmar.And also the quantity of those are more than Us. So how we'll feel secure?

So we also need to improve our military and air force equipment.
Khulna ship yeard is building missile boats. They will build frigates once they acquire land down the poshur river near mongla channel. Because of the bridge on the river they can not move bigger ship to sea. Once we get all those hardware we should be able to feel safer from myanmar.

We must build our stuff in BD soil otherwise not worth it. How long will take before we seeing some frigates build in BD? :smokin:
Well I saw that in a interview with the Managing Director of KSY in TV. He said, they are looking for the land near mongla channel. Currently they cant get the bigger ship to enter sea because of the bridge on the river. Also there is issue with the depth of the river. Once they get the land they will be able to build war ship down there.
I also agree about the locally made hardware and why not. We got the expertise and we got all the infrastructure to build them.
Government is already in process of buying 3 frigates. USA also gave us 21 boat (we dont know their class yet). There is also plan to acquire some sub marines. Khulna ship yeard is building missile boats. They will build frigates once they acquire land down the poshur river near mongla channel. Because of the bridge on the river they can not move bigger ship to sea. Once we get all those hardware we should be able to feel safer from myanmar.

There is a news that in KSY,with Turkish cooperation Milgem class corvettes will be built.I didn't get any solid back up on this news.You know anything about it?
There is a news that in KSY,with Turkish cooperation Milgem class corvettes will be built.I didn't get any solid back up on this news.You know anything about it?

No I dont have any update on that. But India wants to help Bangladesh to build warship. :lol:
this recent stand off with myanmar shows us that we must have a strong navy with sufficient fire power to hald any kind off such incedent again and secure our interest in sea and keeep the see line free from any trouble along with a coast gurd with sufficient vessel to petrol shore area.for this reason how can we improbe our navy urgently with our limited buget in short term and long term can any senior member suggest ? in adition to that insted of having brown water navy is it possible to become a blue water navy by ourself as most of the trade are conducted with see route with minimum required equipment ?
is it possible to lease some warship from any frendly country ?

In this year's defence budget,priority was given to Navy.Actually,it started from last year,when Navy went under some upgrades,like equipping the frigates with C-802 missiles.
Now plan has been laid to acquire 3 frigates,so there is no need for leasing or using 2nd hand ships.Besides,our navy is going 3D with the addition of maritime patrol air crafts.As far as I know,they are going to enter service soon.
If the plans are fulfilled,then we are on the right track.Things to consider is which frigates and submarines we are buying and when will they enter our service.We can not afford to be late.
We are most likely to go for Type-209 sub.
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